Iasw Song!


New Member
Originally posted by darthdarrel
Well I`m sorry,but Evil don`t destroy evil,Evil destoys only good so if your premise is true then they will not destroy the dolls but instead turn on you!:D

OK, where the heck did you get your info bud, Evil overpowers evil all the time, and Good destroys Evil, but never, Eeeeever... has evil destroyed good.


New Member
Originally posted by darthdarrel
I think not! So you guys are breaking the treaty eh?
We`ll see when Spidey turns them evil gremlins loose, if they destoy some of the dolls then that means the dolls were good,but if the gremlins turn on you guys then that means the dolls were evil!:D

Hey, i said I would put a Mogwi in there anyway, pay more attention, you have this all screwed up. :lol: The Gremlins will happen on your turf bud.


Active Member
Oh spider-man!

I just LOVE your avatar!!!! He's so precious!!!! :sohappy:

Mogwi are good! :)

Dolls are evil....:fork:

We must take whatever measures necessary to protect our society from the evil dolls!


New Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by spider-man
OK, where the heck did you get your info bud, Evil overpowers evil all the time, and Good destroys Evil, but never, Eeeeever... has evil destroyed good.
WRONG! Ever here of CAINE and ABLE?:D

Dawn S

New Member
OK, I have a confession to make...

I have now worked Pooh, Peter pan, Dumbo, Ariel's Grotto, Carrousel & IASW. I have found that the only time I literally skip & whistle to my post is when I'm assigned to IASW. Ummm... this is BAD, VERY VERY BAD! :cry: I even talked a scared little boy into going on it today!! EEK! It's just so happy & pretty & fun! The guests LOVE me there, much moreso than any other role I play in Fantasyland. Oh dear, this is sooooo not good. Tomorrow, on an off day, I'm even going back just to ride IASW myself. SAVE ME PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!! :hammer:

On another note, VERY funny comment from a young kid... He couldn't have been more than 7. His family was waiting a few minutes for their Fastpass time at Pooh & I was talking to them as they waited. When their time came, I looked at him & said "I bet you're excited to finally get in there, right?" His response? "No, I just wanna get this over with". LMAO!!!!!!!! I was so sppechless. I couldn't stop laughing for a while over that one.


New Member
Originally posted by MerHearted
Bah! I can't wait this long. *swims into IASW to wreak havok*

*fires up the barbecue*

Now - where did I leave my big de-scaling knife? :confused:

Vincent you have to honor the terms of the treaty regardless of what side you are on - or else!


Trophy Husband
Originally posted by Dawn S
Ummm... this is BAD, VERY VERY BAD! :cry: I even talked a scared little boy into going on it today!!

:eek: :eek: :eek:

(Did you notice if he came out on the other side?)

Freak!!!! Are you there yet? Dawn's being seduced by the dark side!

Help us WDWFreak53. . . you're our only hope.


New Member
Originally posted by darthdarrel
WRONG! Ever here of CAINE and ABLE?:D

OH BOY... your line of reality is skewed bud.... :lol: (You're comparing fiction to biblical truth)

Besides, Caine got his in the end if you are going that route. Trust me, Good always triumphs in the end. Whether it's before or after death. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by garyhoov
:eek: :eek: :eek:

(Did you notice if he came out on the other side?)

Freak!!!! Are you there yet? Dawn's being seduced by the dark side!

Help us WDWFreak53. . . you're our only hope.

:lol: NOT YET GARY...

There's no need to fear...UnderFreak is here!

(oh...and who is the NEW ONELITTLESPARK???? Sorry bud...there's only room for ONE OneLilSpark around here :) (umm...too many "one's" )


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by spider-man
ok, If Brian is Obi-Freak Kanobi,

then I guess Gary is Princess Hoov now. :lol:

And WDWMagic is R2-D2 :lol:

(Nice Cinnamon Buns pasted to the side of your head Gary)

Well, DMC is Yoda
J-rash is Mace
Spidey, if you are Han...Gary is gonna call you a scruffy looking nerfherder :lol:


New Member
Originally posted by WDWFREAK53
And WDWMagic is R2-D2 :lol:

(Nice Cinnamon Buns pasted to the side of your head Gary)

Well, DMC is Yoda
J-rash is Mace
Spidey, if you are Han...Gary is gonna call you a scruffy looking nerfherder :lol:

I'm Han Solo... Yeee Ha!

That's a good one, cause I kinda got thrown into this whole resistance thing and although I don't want to get involved, I sorta do anyhow... Only I get stuck in carbonite.... brrrrrr, and I marry Gary. :eek:

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