I will never go back!

(Ok, just kidding...haha)

Ok, so let me start with introductions.
1st is me...Britteny. 27 year old SAHM to 3 gorgeous boys. We homeschool and love it (most of the time...hehe)

Then there is my hard working husband, turned 29 on the trip. : ) Full time student and worker and father!
(My 2 year old has AMAZING aim o_O)

And last but not least, my 3 gorgeous boys. Brendan (7), Logan (6) and Dylan (2)
Brendan is a HUGE fan of Tinkerbell, the colors pink, purple and green. He's my little free spirit. He doesn't care what you think about him, he does what he wants and likes what he likes.

Logan loves McQueen, loves Spiderman and colors are green, blue and orange. He couldn't be more "typical boy" if he tried...LOL

And my "baby". Dylan. My last little guy. He was supposed to be my "girl", but now I can't imagine life without him being a boy. He was born at 28 weeks and is my little "miracle". He has no physical, mental, or speech delays. Besides his size at 2 (18 lbs and 28 inches) you'd never know!

Then there is my mother in law Carolyn who did surprisingly well on this trip. She had knee replacement surgery a couple years ago and has a metal rod in her back from a car accident several years ago (needless to say, she has to go to the xray scanner thing at the airport...hahaha).

Annnnnnnd then my Father in law Tim. Who I will NEVER travel with again.

Alright, getting started with Day 1 in replies!


Resident Redhead
Premium Member
I lived your vacation except we were at least on property when Dad "Mom" decided we had to go and then swayed and tricked my kids nieces to go back with him her to the pool, "we like the pool better, right grandkids?" We don't want to eat there, we like the hotel food better, right grandkids?"


Oh, no! FLASHBACK!!! ARGH!!! :eek: :D


Well-Known Member
Yikes! I'm sorry, Britt! Family members who try to make the trip about them are no fun. I'm glad you had fun when you could though! I love the Wizarding World! And everything else needs a do-over. :)

Patricia Melton

Well-Known Member
I just wanted to say a few words about your Father-in-Law...what a jerk!

I wish I could tell you he's going to get better and realize what a jerk he is, but that's not going to happen. My Mother-in-Law was even worse than your FIL, if you can believe it. She's passed on now and I pray for her soul and all that but I can't say I've ever missed the woman. She's been gone for about 7 years now and I can almost not believe it's Christmas without stress and nasty phone calls and someone screaming at me about plans for the holidays. That woman ruined just about every special day of my life for 30 years, since I started dating her son. She was just a foul and unhappy person who would complain about EVERYTHING.

Once, very early in our marriage I allowed my MIL and FIL to take my husband and our kids out to dinner. It was a bigger production than it needed to be. My in-laws had a fair amount of money and weren't hurting, but at dinner she decided she needed to manage what everyone was ordering so it was not "too expensive". What a horrible feeling, to be sitting at a table and having someone else decide for you what you can order. I told my MIL that we'd be happy to pay our own way so we can have what we wanted, but she said "this is our treat". And then she proceeded to treat us all like garbage. That was the last time I ever allowed her to "treat us" to anything.

I don't think your FIL had a right to limit the time your family spent in the parks since he was not paying for the trip for everyone. If you paid your family's share, then your FIL should not have been the decider for when it was time to leave. Next time see if you can have separate cars if you ever travel with him again. This way, he and your MIL can leave when they want and not force their will on you.

That is something it took me about 5 years of marriage to perfect with my MIL...taking away her power by not ever allowing myself into a situation where she would hold any cards over me. I never, ever rode in the same car with her unless I was the one holding the keys. I got to decide when it was time to leave, not her. My FIL was a very nice man who probably said about 10 sentences to me in 30 years (not much of a talker, but he smiled a lot and never made trouble). I can't remember my MIL saying even three nice things to me. She was a vile woman who is now remembered for her nastiness.

My children never talk about or even seem to think about her. It was a chore to get them to come to her funeral. Their other grandmother (my mom) was sweet and kind and very loving...and their father's mother was a porcupine. It really is as if they had one grandmother and one emotional terrorist to contend with in their lives.

It's a shame that your FIL is a grown man who ruined a family trip to WDW. He should be ashamed of himself. If I was you, I would send him a link to this trip report so that he can read what others have said about his behavior.

From personal experience, my MIL would ignore anything I'd ever say to her in the way of scolding her for bad behavior but she would be HORRIFIED if total strangers saw her as a bad person for the way she carried on. The only way to get her to change her behavior was if people she'd never see again in her life had a bad impression of her...but the people who were actually family didn't count in terms of deciding what behavior from her was terrible.

I really hope you never, ever have to go through something like this again with your FIL...but the only way to guarantee that is for you to always have your own car so he can't hold you hostage again.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Patricia, that is so awful!! I can't even imagine that level of cruelness and yet I can see my FIL doing exactly that with dinner! I know it's awful, but I'm glad you don't have to deal with that level of disrespect any longer <3


Well-Known Member
I say, tell your FIL the deal is this... "You can come back with us, but every time you complain, your son gets a hard-as-he-can free kick to your nuts, 'cause that's how bad you jerked-up our last trip. You game?" ;)


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I say, tell your FIL the deal is this... "You can come back with us, but every time you complain, your son gets a hard-as-he-can free kick to your nuts, 'cause that's how bad you jerked-up our last trip. You game?" ;)
Hahahaha!!!! Can it be ME instead of josh??? I would kick way harder ;)


Active Member
how did i miss this TR? it was an interesting read, seeing someone's less than pleasant experience. Your kiddos are cute as hell. I don't see how anyone would wanna take them away from the fun in the parks :/ Hopefully your 2014 trip will be much more enjoyable.


Active Member
wow! been there, done that! My nephew has a cousin on his dad's side of the family that "invited herself" as well as her daughter and a friend of the daughter, along on a trip with us years ago...it turned out to be the trip from HELL! His parents were no longer together so when he saw these cousins, they asked what he had been up to and such...he said we were getting ready to go to WDW.....they asked a couple of questions about it and he said "ya'll should go one day!"( his mom and I were standing there when he said it...not an invite by any means)....

well, on this trip, already going was me, my sister and nephew, our father, my aunt and Uncle and a 2 year old neice. So it was already going to be a group trip! well, we had a couple of weeks until our trip and one night, my sister gets a phone call, from the "mother" cousin asking how much she would need...my sister asked her what she meant and cousin said, "for us to go on the trip with you!" Now, at the time, we were actually OK with them going, cause they were my nephew's family on his dad's side and we thought were "OK"....WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG!~ SINGLE WORST EXPERIENCE OF OUR TRIPS TO WDW!! I had purchased a brand new mini van and had not had it a couple of weeks....we had told them we were pulling out of our driveway at about 5am...they show up at our front door at 3am!!!!!!!!! we were still in bed!!!! we get up and start getting ready (we loaded up van night before)..I walk out to put something else in the car and about had a heart attack! they had used window chalk ALL OVER MY VAN! I WAS MAD AS H$!! I was out washing my van at 4am to get all of this window chalk off of my BRAND NEW vehicle! "mother cousin" comes up and asks what is wrong! I knew from this point on this trip would be DISASTER!~!!!

We stopped in Pensacola Beach for the night and were planning to pull out the next morning around midnight to get us to Orlando around noon~! we get up ready to go and are in our van waiting,...nothing! I go into the hotel and knock on their door, and they are STILL IN BED ASLEEP!!!!!!!!!!!!! UGH! FINALLY GET THEM UP AND OUT AND SHE CAN'T FIND HER CAR KEYS! I ask her what did the key ring looked like, she goes< "oh, it is just a key..no ring!" we tear apart the luggage and dirty clothes she was wearing, go back in and search the room, 2 hours later, still no key! finally she turns to us and says,.."ya'll just go on and go and we'll catch up with you, I will call the dealership and get another key made"! well, you don't have to tell me twice, we cranked up and took off!!!!!!!!!!!!! about 4 hours later, she calls asking where we were and I told her what mile marker we had just passed.....she was only 2 mile markers BEHIND us! she had done nearly 100 mph to catch up with us!~..then she passed us! had to call her and tell her to slow down cause she just zipped past us! anyhoo....

we stopped to gas up before hitting Orlando and she said she needed to stop at a store and get a camera battery before we head in...we said Ok, that seemed safe enough...WRONG YET AGAIN! she gets out and tells both of the girls to stay in the car and she'll be right back....well, they both jump out and take off after her after a couple of minutes, they finally come out and guess what!!!? THEY LOCKED THE KEY IN THE CAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can literally see TOT from where we were sitting, but get this close and this happens!!!! finally a nice man pulls up to go in and sees her, he has the "jimmy bar" to unlock it.

We FINALLY get to the CSR and before she can get out of her car, I made her give me her car key!!!! that night, she finds the ORIGINAL KEY IN HER PANTS FROM THE VERY FIRST DAY! We ditched them the ENTIRE trip! we told them we were doing this park this day and go to another one! I had had enough!! they slept in every morning and didnt want to do what we had planned, so I said the hell with her, she is here and could do what she wanted to do! so we left em and made our own fun! to make matters worse, my father got sick on this trip and found he had suffered a minor stroke! (he's fine now) in fact, we leave Feb 2 for a week at Poly! just me, my sister and nephew and father!~ lesson learned!!!!!!!!!! lol


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
wow! been there, done that! My nephew has a cousin on his dad's side of the family that "invited herself" as well as her daughter and a friend of the daughter, along on a trip with us years ago...it turned out to be the trip from HELL! His parents were no longer together so when he saw these cousins, they asked what he had been up to and such...he said we were getting ready to go to WDW.....they asked a couple of questions about it and he said "ya'll should go one day!"( his mom and I were standing there when he said it...not an invite by any means)....

well, on this trip, already going was me, my sister and nephew, our father, my aunt and Uncle and a 2 year old neice. So it was already going to be a group trip! well, we had a couple of weeks until our trip and one night, my sister gets a phone call, from the "mother" cousin asking how much she would need...my sister asked her what she meant and cousin said, "for us to go on the trip with you!" Now, at the time, we were actually OK with them going, cause they were my nephew's family on his dad's side and we thought were "OK"....WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG!~ SINGLE WORST EXPERIENCE OF OUR TRIPS TO WDW!! I had purchased a brand new mini van and had not had it a couple of weeks....we had told them we were pulling out of our driveway at about 5am...they show up at our front door at 3am!!!!!!!!! we were still in bed!!!! we get up and start getting ready (we loaded up van night before)..I walk out to put something else in the car and about had a heart attack! they had used window chalk ALL OVER MY VAN! I WAS MAD AS H$!! I was out washing my van at 4am to get all of this window chalk off of my BRAND NEW vehicle! "mother cousin" comes up and asks what is wrong! I knew from this point on this trip would be DISASTER!~!!!

We stopped in Pensacola Beach for the night and were planning to pull out the next morning around midnight to get us to Orlando around noon~! we get up ready to go and are in our van waiting,...nothing! I go into the hotel and knock on their door, and they are STILL IN BED ASLEEP!!!!!!!!!!!!! UGH! FINALLY GET THEM UP AND OUT AND SHE CAN'T FIND HER CAR KEYS! I ask her what did the key ring looked like, she goes< "oh, it is just a key..no ring!" we tear apart the luggage and dirty clothes she was wearing, go back in and search the room, 2 hours later, still no key! finally she turns to us and says,.."ya'll just go on and go and we'll catch up with you, I will call the dealership and get another key made"! well, you don't have to tell me twice, we cranked up and took off!!!!!!!!!!!!! about 4 hours later, she calls asking where we were and I told her what mile marker we had just passed.....she was only 2 mile markers BEHIND us! she had done nearly 100 mph to catch up with us!~..then she passed us! had to call her and tell her to slow down cause she just zipped past us! anyhoo....

we stopped to gas up before hitting Orlando and she said she needed to stop at a store and get a camera battery before we head in...we said Ok, that seemed safe enough...WRONG YET AGAIN! she gets out and tells both of the girls to stay in the car and she'll be right back....well, they both jump out and take off after her after a couple of minutes, they finally come out and guess what!!!? THEY LOCKED THE KEY IN THE CAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can literally see TOT from where we were sitting, but get this close and this happens!!!! finally a nice man pulls up to go in and sees her, he has the "jimmy bar" to unlock it.

We FINALLY get to the CSR and before she can get out of her car, I made her give me her car key!!!! that night, she finds the ORIGINAL KEY IN HER PANTS FROM THE VERY FIRST DAY! We ditched them the ENTIRE trip! we told them we were doing this park this day and go to another one! I had had enough!! they slept in every morning and didnt want to do what we had planned, so I said the hell with her, she is here and could do what she wanted to do! so we left em and made our own fun! to make matters worse, my father got sick on this trip and found he had suffered a minor stroke! (he's fine now) in fact, we leave Feb 2 for a week at Poly! just me, my sister and nephew and father!~ lesson learned!!!!!!!!!! lol
Ooooooomg!!!! That sounds AWFUL!! And Id have lost it if someone wrote on my car too!! UGH!!


Well-Known Member
Such a beautiful family! Sorry that your trip was impacted by your FIL though. Me and my son went one year with my best friend and her two boys. We rode down in my car, stayed in the same room at Port Orleans Riverside, and were together every second of the trip. I like to get up and get going and they would sleep until noon. One of her kids has very bad behavior problems and was in constant trantrum mode. She always blamed it on the heat or him being tired so we were always back at the resort pretty early also. The whole trip was a chore. The next year she wanted all of us to go again. *sigh* I refused to let anyone steal my Disney spirit again though, so we had to figure out new arrangments. We did it, but this time got adjoining rooms at Pop and worked out where they would just use the Disney transportation to meet up or leave us when they were ready. We barely saw them, which was fantastic!


(Also to add, I made most of the kiddos shirts. The Mickey and Stitch, I had a friend do for me) I think they came out great!!

Sept 1 was travel day!!
We spent the Aug 31st at a hotel in Denver so we could fly out bright and early at 6. It seemed like the morning was meant for us. We got checked in flawlessly and went to security. It was only..maybe 10 people deep? Super quick. About 2 minutes after we get in line there is a HUGE rush. I mean, they almost filled the turnstyles!!!! We had plenty of time to get through, get breakfast and get to our gate a couple minutes before loading :D

By the way....we were pricing out tickets in March and could not BELIEVE how much airline tickets were. We thought we'd be SOOOOOOO smart and fly into Gainesville instead and drive the 2 hours to Kissimmie. We high fived ourselves for MONTHS thinking how smart we were. That was until around Aug when I got the tingle to check flight costs. Yeah, we overspent by over $600 o.O There is nothing like that slap in the face. ROFL. We learned a huge lesson there.

Sleeping at the hotel!


We hadn't even taken off!! 2 seconds after he started driving the plane towards the runway!! "But mommy, Im not tired!"

And now awake...lol


My son got to meet the pilots and all 3 boys were given their wings!




So we made the 2 hour drive with the help of the GPS. My father complaining about FL drivers (forgetting CO is worse...lol) complaining about the trees in front of the swamps. YES. Complaining about trees in front of the swaps. *sigh* He kept making this teeth sucking noise that I've never noticed before. The hairs were sticking up on my neck and Im trying not to tell him to STFU and stop sucking his teeth. lol Plus, nothing like feeling like a kid again then having your FIL driving you all over the place. LOL.

We stayed at the Orange Lake Resort at Holiday Inn and let me tell you....that place was AMAZING. It was gorgeous. My MIL says at check in "Now, I will be writing a review of your resort and this is my first time staying here. I'm hoping you make it memorable". What does the guy do? Bump us up to a personal villa near the gates!!!!! :D 2 Bedroom, 2 bathrooms, full kitchen/washer dryer, living and dining room. Personal space in the back and personal parking spot. They had the most awesome pools and lazy river.

First night there was BLAH. Lol. We went to Dennys for dinner and then the store for groceries, then BED.

Onto Chef Mickeys and Animal Kingdom!!!
Your boys are adorable.cant wait to read more

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