I will never go back!

(Ok, just kidding...haha)

Ok, so let me start with introductions.
1st is me...Britteny. 27 year old SAHM to 3 gorgeous boys. We homeschool and love it (most of the time...hehe)

Then there is my hard working husband, turned 29 on the trip. : ) Full time student and worker and father!
(My 2 year old has AMAZING aim o_O)

And last but not least, my 3 gorgeous boys. Brendan (7), Logan (6) and Dylan (2)
Brendan is a HUGE fan of Tinkerbell, the colors pink, purple and green. He's my little free spirit. He doesn't care what you think about him, he does what he wants and likes what he likes.

Logan loves McQueen, loves Spiderman and colors are green, blue and orange. He couldn't be more "typical boy" if he tried...LOL

And my "baby". Dylan. My last little guy. He was supposed to be my "girl", but now I can't imagine life without him being a boy. He was born at 28 weeks and is my little "miracle". He has no physical, mental, or speech delays. Besides his size at 2 (18 lbs and 28 inches) you'd never know!

Then there is my mother in law Carolyn who did surprisingly well on this trip. She had knee replacement surgery a couple years ago and has a metal rod in her back from a car accident several years ago (needless to say, she has to go to the xray scanner thing at the airport...hahaha).

Annnnnnnd then my Father in law Tim. Who I will NEVER travel with again.

Alright, getting started with Day 1 in replies!


Active Member
I KNOOOOOW! I still giggle at those pics. I can't wait to show him when he's older!! hahaha

Our daughter had the same type experience with Dino on her first WDW trip and she was 11. I guess no one is immune. She has rode it every trip since without a problem though.


Well-Known Member
I am so sorry your FIL was such a grump on your vacation! Some people are never ever happy, and it's good you didn't do backflips to try and accommodate him, b/c it never works with people like that. Glad you're not totally turned off to WDW!

On another note...Your pictures are beautiful! I am in the market for a good camera, but I can't spend a ton of money. Might I ask what kind of camera you have?


Active Member
Let me start off by saying, your kids are adorable!!! I'm sorry your FIL ruined your trip, next trip it will be better!! When I was down in August with my WHOLE family, a few members ruined the trip but I still managed to have a good time!!!


Well-Known Member
Nothing worse than saving up for a trip of a lifetime then having to deal with a "ding dong downer" lol You did what you could to keep your chin up so kudos to you for that! Honestly based on your photos...I don't think the boys even know how frustrated and upset you were and when it's all said and done...it's about them pretty much right? Yep I know you wanted to be in your happy place with no crap - unfortunately life springs a leak every once in awhile.

I thoroughly enjoyed your monologue, your photos are precious and hopefully you come back to the World in 2014 ready to rock and roll with NO B.S. :D


Well-Known Member
First off- your boys are adorable :) My girls were all curious- wanting to know who they are and if they're coming over to play.

Secondly- WOW you flew threw Gainesville!?!!??! I only say that b/c I lived there for 7 years and flew through that little airport many times...well, at least when it was cheap enough to justify it...i.e. I went through Jacksonville and Orlando quite a bit as well b/c of price.

I'm so sorry your FIL was such a mood killer on the trip. We visited w/my family back in 2010 and I'm so thankful we all opted to split up when our interests (and moods) varied. At least you know you can go back and have a better trip when it's just the 5 of you. We really prefer traveling to WDW w/o anyone else. I still think you can find some love for DHS down the road. Muppets, BatB, Little Mermaid, Disney Jr, TSMM, and Star Tours usually make up the bulk of our day.

What kind of camera were you using? I recall reading that you bought a new one for the trip, but now I can't remember what it was. I usually travel with my DSLR and video camera that also takes snapshots, but I'm having a great debate...new lens vs. small point and shoot. Of course, if I upgrade my phone before the trip, I might be able to just use that and that makes the lens the only choice. Either way-your pics turned out nicely. :)


Well-Known Member
I just finished reading your TR. As I said in another thread, you are a saint for staying with your FIL! I would have given him money for a taxi or taken one yourself. People like that make me so angry!!! :mad: That being said, your boys are all adorable! And their eyes! Well, my brown eyes are jealous! I showed my fiance the pictures of before and after at Dinosaur and we both got a good laugh out of it. ;) I hope you go back soon and enjoy it!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I am so sorry your FIL was such a grump on your vacation! Some people are never ever happy, and it's good you didn't do backflips to try and accommodate him, b/c it never works with people like that. Glad you're not totally turned off to WDW!

On another note...Your pictures are beautiful! I am in the market for a good camera, but I can't spend a ton of money. Might I ask what kind of camera you have?
I have a Canon Rebel T3i! Thank you so much!

The other camera I used a lot was a Canon Powershot ELPH 100 (much easier on the wallet) and it takes pretty decent pics if you time it right!

We used an Olympus Stylus Tough 6020 for the water pics : )


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
First off- your boys are adorable :) My girls were all curious- wanting to know who they are and if they're coming over to play.

Secondly- WOW you flew threw Gainesville!?!!??! I only say that b/c I lived there for 7 years and flew through that little airport many times...well, at least when it was cheap enough to justify it...i.e. I went through Jacksonville and Orlando quite a bit as well b/c of price.

I'm so sorry your FIL was such a mood killer on the trip. We visited w/my family back in 2010 and I'm so thankful we all opted to split up when our interests (and moods) varied. At least you know you can go back and have a better trip when it's just the 5 of you. We really prefer traveling to WDW w/o anyone else. I still think you can find some love for DHS down the road. Muppets, BatB, Little Mermaid, Disney Jr, TSMM, and Star Tours usually make up the bulk of our day.

What kind of camera were you using? I recall reading that you bought a new one for the trip, but now I can't remember what it was. I usually travel with my DSLR and video camera that also takes snapshots, but I'm having a great debate...new lens vs. small point and shoot. Of course, if I upgrade my phone before the trip, I might be able to just use that and that makes the lens the only choice. Either way-your pics turned out nicely. :)

OH MY GOSH, I know. It was so dumb flying through there. It was sooooo teeny. LOL Once we were in the terminal, we couldn't leave it without going back through security, so we had to eat at their snack bar. We spend $21 on 2 cold turkey sandwiches! LMAO

I used my Canon Rebel T3i and you know, it wasn't as much of a pain as I thought it would be! I just wrapped the strap around my wrist a few times and held onto the hand hold and it was ready to go! I could take several pics in succession, so pics on rides weren't a big deal! I made sure to wrap it in a plastic bag when we had to leave it in the stroller for things like Splash Mountain and Kali River Rapids. My MIL was mostly able to baby sit it, but in case it rained, but also so someone didn't see it sitting there and decide to escape with it (who would do that at WDW though? Universal maybe, but not WDW ; ) lol My P&S was great for the plane and at places to eat, or when I'd put the big camera away to just snag it quick, but the less blurry pics were taken with the big camera...haha

(What kind of lens are you looking at?? Im wanting a telephoto zoom lens for Christmas sooooo bad. We live in CO at the base of the mountains and Im always seeing awesome things to take pics of. Its a fun "hobby" for me. Im a "mom with a camera" though.....LOL)


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I just finished reading your TR. As I said in another thread, you are a saint for staying with your FIL! I would have given him money for a taxi or taken one yourself. People like that make me so angry!!! :mad: That being said, your boys are all adorable! And their eyes! Well, my brown eyes are jealous! I showed my fiance the pictures of before and after at Dinosaur and we both got a good laugh out of it. ;) I hope you go back soon and enjoy it!
OOOO Thank you, they are my favorite features on them! I also looooove brown eyes so much, when I was a kid, I seriously wanted brown eyes so bad! haha


Well-Known Member
Sorry you had a bad time. You all will make up for it the next time you go. Your sons are so cute. And the first picture of your littlest is just so adorable. I'm not trying to sound creepy or anything(:p) , but i just love the freckles on your face. I always wanted face freckles. My daughter had a few on her nose when she was little but they faded the older she got. Enjoyed the report and loved the pictures. Thanks for sharing!!


Well-Known Member
I have a Canon Rebel T3i! Thank you so much!

The other camera I used a lot was a Canon Powershot ELPH 100 (much easier on the wallet) and it takes pretty decent pics if you time it right!

We used an Olympus Stylus Tough 6020 for the water pics : )



Well-Known Member
I will echo everyone else's sentiments and say....PRECIOUS BOYS!! Just too durn cute!

So sorry the FIL was a grouch...definitely not invited next trip! But glad you realized it was FIL that was ruining the trip and didn't think WDW just didn't live up to expectations.

We meet my dad and step-mom at WDW for a few days during our trips. Since it's MY dad (not FIL) I tell him ahead of time that he is to show up, shut up and have fun. I pick all the restaurants and plan the day and he is to follow along happily! :D This works out well and we have four days to ourselves and four days with my dad and step-mom. If they want to leave the park early, they head back on the bus and we stay.

Here's hoping your next trip is much better! My recommendation is that you stay onsite and ditch the in-laws!!


Well-Known Member
I will echo everyone else's sentiments and say....PRECIOUS BOYS!! Just too durn cute!

Seriously cute!



Well-Known Member
OH MY GOSH, I know. It was so dumb flying through there. It was sooooo teeny. LOL Once we were in the terminal, we couldn't leave it without going back through security, so we had to eat at their snack bar. We spend $21 on 2 cold turkey sandwiches! LMAO

I used my Canon Rebel T3i and you know, it wasn't as much of a pain as I thought it would be! I just wrapped the strap around my wrist a few times and held onto the hand hold and it was ready to go! I could take several pics in succession, so pics on rides weren't a big deal! I made sure to wrap it in a plastic bag when we had to leave it in the stroller for things like Splash Mountain and Kali River Rapids. My MIL was mostly able to baby sit it, but in case it rained, but also so someone didn't see it sitting there and decide to escape with it (who would do that at WDW though? Universal maybe, but not WDW ; ) lol My P&S was great for the plane and at places to eat, or when I'd put the big camera away to just snag it quick, but the less blurry pics were taken with the big camera...haha

(What kind of lens are you looking at?? Im wanting a telephoto zoom lens for Christmas sooooo bad. We live in CO at the base of the mountains and Im always seeing awesome things to take pics of. Its a fun "hobby" for me. Im a "mom with a camera" though.....LOL)

I remember flying into Jackson Hole, WY back in 2005 and everyone was amazed at how tiny the place was...all I could think was that it was still bigger than Gainesville. :D Gville used to see more volume when Delta and USAir had jet service through there, but as service was limited and pulled in some cases- prices went from high to through the roof. Yea- they've never had the best food selection in there. I'm sure I've had the 90s version of that sandwich you guys had...yum. o_O

Well that explains a lot with the camera...and why I'm seeing more depth in the night shots. I have the most basic Canon Rebel XS. When I got it they said that people used to the film Canon Rebel 2000 would find it at the very least adequate...and it is, but the lower MPs and limited ISO are becoming a bother. Still, I don't do enough photography to justify an upgrade right now + some of it is likely user error :p so I just try and be satisfied with it. So, I guess lenses are my "focus" LOL to try and improve things a bit. I use a 22-80mm that I retained from my film Rebel SLR, I have the EFS 55-250mm f/4.0-5.6 IS II telephoto zoom Lens, but I'd really like a faster lens. I think it would help with photos of the kids as well as dark/night photos. I really don't see myself spending the $ on the Canon EF 50mm f/1.4 USM, but I've heard the Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 II is a good value addition to the lens collection and Amazon has it for $104...so I might spring for it. I mean- I'm done buying things for the girls- minus a few cute travel outfits, I've got the $ set aside for the bday cake and BBB, and DH is supposed to be covering the rest of the expenses like gas and boarding for the dog, so we'll see. I guess at least you had someone to watch your camera. My biggest issue is just usually carrying all of the gear around and bonking my girls in the head with it. :D

If it's your main hobby- I say go for it. My primary hobby is custom cakes and demand is pushing it into a possible small business on the side- so I can only justify it with that if I use said lens to improve the cake photos for my cake gallery. Snow pictures sound GREAT though- oh how I miss living in cold areas. I used to have 8 months with potential snow and now - zilch.


Well-Known Member
Your boys are adorable! Love their shirts, too. I'm so, so sorry that your FIL was such a pain. I can't imagine having to deal with that - I probably would've thrown a temper tantrum and refused to leave the parks! :rolleyes: I'm glad you had such a great time at WWoHP! I love that place, and I loooooove butter beer! Never tried the frozen, but I am going to give it a go - will be there briefly next weekend!

I totally related to your parade story, too - we had the same thing happen last month, after we waited over an hour, and waited through the rain on top of it. The kids were stepping on us and I had to make several comments. I definitely lost the magic for a few minutes there! :oops:

I hope that you are able to plan a trip back soon (minus the in-laws!). I loved your pics, too! Thanks for sharing!!


Well-Known Member
I'm so sorry that your FIL put a damper on your trip. On the bright side, you have an absolutely beautiful family, and I hope that your next trip -- FIL free -- will be all you dreamed of!


Resident Redhead
Premium Member
Enjoyed your report. Gorgeous boys, outstanding pics. Your FIL and my MIL are clearly related. I feel your pain on that one.


Well-Known Member
I did not see that coming! I figured this was going to be another magical TR. Sorry to hear things took a bad turn at the end there. But I will say it made for interesting reading. Read enough TRs and they start getting predictable. Yours was not. Kudos for that and for your good attitude in a bad situation.

I have learned that cabs are a wonderful thing in WDW. You don't immediately think about them, but they can "fix" so many situations.

Anyway, very cute kids. And I'm sure the next trip will be better.


Well-Known Member
1) Your boys are unbelivably adorable!
2) Atreyu!! (your falcor refernence - yes I got it)
3) FIL = Ughhhhh girl I am so sorry! I've been there and y'know what... sometimes you have to make a decision for the best interest of your kids and tell family to f'off. Sad but true. I also totally get your comments about how after his golf epiphany you couldn't care less that he was doing something good for the special olympics. People like him have to make any trip only about them. You have a choice... next time either they don't come or next time you agree that you'll split up and each do what you'd prefer as individual families. Don't let people like that ruin your trip!
4) The picture of your youngest with the Mickey butt hat (yes that's what I call it - I have one too lol) is absolutely precious!

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