I will never go back!

(Ok, just kidding...haha)

Ok, so let me start with introductions.
1st is me...Britteny. 27 year old SAHM to 3 gorgeous boys. We homeschool and love it (most of the time...hehe)

Then there is my hard working husband, turned 29 on the trip. : ) Full time student and worker and father!
(My 2 year old has AMAZING aim o_O)

And last but not least, my 3 gorgeous boys. Brendan (7), Logan (6) and Dylan (2)
Brendan is a HUGE fan of Tinkerbell, the colors pink, purple and green. He's my little free spirit. He doesn't care what you think about him, he does what he wants and likes what he likes.

Logan loves McQueen, loves Spiderman and colors are green, blue and orange. He couldn't be more "typical boy" if he tried...LOL

And my "baby". Dylan. My last little guy. He was supposed to be my "girl", but now I can't imagine life without him being a boy. He was born at 28 weeks and is my little "miracle". He has no physical, mental, or speech delays. Besides his size at 2 (18 lbs and 28 inches) you'd never know!

Then there is my mother in law Carolyn who did surprisingly well on this trip. She had knee replacement surgery a couple years ago and has a metal rod in her back from a car accident several years ago (needless to say, she has to go to the xray scanner thing at the airport...hahaha).

Annnnnnnd then my Father in law Tim. Who I will NEVER travel with again.

Alright, getting started with Day 1 in replies!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
That really sucks. It's true, you don't know people until you travel with them. I've learned there are certain people that I will never travel with. I'd rather go alone.

That being said, it looks like your kids had an awesome time, and that's what they'll remember. Your photos are just gorgeous too, btw!
Thanks so much!! I really tried to get good pics! I was bummed at some, but, what can ya do! :D

I totally agree, he's that 1 person that I just can not travel with!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Your boys are adorable!!! And you totally scared me with your thread title, LOL. Can't wait to read more!
heheheeh I had to post an attention getter! The first few days we got back, I vowed to Josh that I would not be back for several more years, that it'd lost all it's appeal. He said "I give it 2 weeks"....LMAO


We need time for things to happen.
Oh my gosh, frozen Butterbeer was amazing! I got a text the morning I was going that said "Get it frozen" and I had no idea what they met. I bought 1 frozen and 1 regular for the kids and sipped both and went "OOOOOOOOOO This is what she means" HAHA. That "froth" they put on top? YUM!!!

Thanks so much!! :D

That's the most informative text you've ever received..the regular stuff is ok but the difference between that and the frozen? .myyyyy Goooooooooooooooooooooooooooood...We couldn't stop downing those things.
Tina and I actually snuck off while the kids went on Dueling Dragons (for the 50th time) got one (our 2nd in 15 min) and shared it in a quiet corner like a couple of teenagers doing something wrong.

I realized that those things are the Universal 'food\beverage' equivalent of what Ohana' is to my WDW vacations.
It just won't be a Uni vacation without having a frozen butterbeer to compliment the rides, atmosphere etc and make the whole thing complete.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
That's the most informative text you've ever received..the regular stuff is ok but the difference between that and the frozen? .myyyyy Goooooooooooooooooooooooooooood...We couldn't stop downing those things.
Tina and I actually snuck off while the kids went on Dueling Dragons (for the 50th time) got one (our 2nd in 15 min) and shared it in a quiet corner like a couple of teenagers doing something wrong.

I realized that those things are the Universal 'food\beverage' equivalent of what Ohana' is to my WDW vacations.
It just won't be a Uni vacation without having a frozen butterbeer to compliment the rides, atmosphere etc and make the whole thing complete.
SERIOUSLY!!!! Im not kidding, we got the Butterbeer and made our way back to the castle and I realized thats where the rides are and I had this HORRIBLE internal conflict of "I can't bring the drink on the ride, but if I ride it, my drink will either A. Melt. B. be sucked down by a couple of Muggle children!!!" I almost didn't go on the rides just because I'd have to lose my drink. Josh seemed to realize my conflict and said he'd buy me a new one if the Muggle Kids drank my drink...ROFL


We need time for things to happen.
SERIOUSLY!!!! Im not kidding, we got the Butterbeer and made our way back to the castle and I realized thats where the rides are and I had this HORRIBLE internal conflict of "I can't bring the drink on the ride, but if I ride it, my drink will either A. Melt. B. be sucked down by a couple of Muggle children!!!" I almost didn't go on the rides just because I'd have to lose my drink. Josh seemed to realize my conflict and said he'd buy me a new one if the Muggle Kids drank my drink...ROFL
Haha..I'm chuckling alone in my living room right now...Tina's going to wake up - see the glowing screen and go "WDWmagic nerd talk again"...but although she may not get the Muggle references she will at least totally understand your horrible butterbeer dilemma.

Gojira ゴジラ

Well-Known Member
My MIL says at check in "Now, I will be writing a review of your resort and this is my first time staying here. I'm hoping you make it memorable". What does the guy do? Bump us up to a personal villa near the gates!!!!! :D

This is way too cool. Maybe I should approach it the same way when I'm checking-in :)


Well-Known Member
WDW can be a pain even with your own kids, let alone inlaws. Sorry to hear you had a bad time in the most magical place on earth. Being one with 4 kids, we just go by ourselves sometimes to balance it out. All trips are an adventure!!

real mad hatter

Well-Known Member
Loved your report.Yeh,My FIL would also be a nightmare on a WDW vacation,hence would never ask him tho I've just found out that a gathering of the family clans is being planned for 2016. Sister in law with hubby and 2 boys from L.A. And brother in law from Dubai with wife and 1 boy & 1 girl and mother & father in law are all going to WDW. How the heck can I dodge this one.


Active Member
Sounds like a terrible FIL!!! Gosh i just feel bad for you. I think it's so sad that you where so fustrated. It should'nt be that way. Next time maybe just you, husband and the kids! Never can go wrong i think.

Victor Kelly

Well-Known Member
First you have great kids, and they looked like they were having fun. The family thing, yeah been through it as well. Late risers, then get in at 11am and by 11:45 they want to leave. Hello, almost $100 a day and not leaving anytime soon

You could have fed the gators at gatorland...............if you get what I mean (just joking.............ish).

But this is what lies ahead for you, planning your next trip with just yourselves and the kids.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
First you have great kids, and they looked like they were having fun. The family thing, yeah been through it as well. Late risers, then get in at 11am and by 11:45 they want to leave. Hello, almost $100 a day and not leaving anytime soon

You could have fed the gators at gatorland...............if you get what I mean (just joking.............ish).

But this is what lies ahead for you, planning your next trip with just yourselves and the kids.
RIGHT??? I feel like FIL owes me a refund. ROFL I paid a lot of money for this dang trip and he screwed it up!!! I WANT A DO OVER ;)


Active Member
Loved the trip report- thanks for sharing! I agree with the previous posters- your family is beautiful :-)

I'm sorry you had such a rough time. I can relate a bit- except my trip wrecker was not a family member but Mother Nature. Our last trip it was SO darn cold, that I was miserable. I wore 6 layers of clothes and still couldn't feel my hands/feet/face, etc. It really put a huge damper on things for me and when we left (and for a while after) I thought that I was done with Disney for years to come. But now we're going back in February and I can't wait. I was reassured by people on the boards at the time, that a tainted trip doesn't mean that all future trips can't be magical! ;)


Well-Known Member
Oh my Gosh, your boys are ridiculously cute.

That's rough about your FiL - so hard when family dynamics come into play. On your next trip, hopefully it will just be your immediate family and then you can do it up right :)


Well-Known Member
I'm so glad you wrote this all out, Britt. I hope it helped get some of your rage out.
What did your husband have to say about all of this. I can't imagine that he was ok with his Dad's behavior. Hopefully he never invited him again.
Your children are gorgeous. I know how much thought and money went into your trip and I know that someday I will be commenting on your 'best trip to WDW ever' trip report.


Well-Known Member
Traveling with in laws can be trying. I've known my MIL since I was 16 (I'm now 40). To say we don't get along is an understatement..

We took her to wdw in April during the week after Easter.......never again!

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