I took my kids to WDW by myself...and survived!

Well, my husband is in Afghanistan sniping terrorists right now, but I wasn't about to let that stop me from another visit with Mickey Mouse. :D Though I've gone to Disney a zillion times without him, I've always been accompanied by my parents or some friends or random relatives, and I've never been outnumbered by my children at a theme park before. I was very, very nervous about taking this trip. It meant driving a 4 and 6 year old 11 hours south, and navigating through 8 theme parks with them in the 95 degree weather, singlehandedly, without losing either of them. :lookaroun

But surprisingly, this ended up being one of the most fun, relaxing, stress-free trips I've ever taken. I enjoyed all the perks of taking a solo trip...I got to choose everything we did, never had to wait for anyone to look through the gift shops or go potty or make pressed pennies or wait in line for a soda every hour or anything like that, and never had to debate what to do next. See, the best thing about little kids is they just happily follow you around without their own agenda and think all the decisions you make are wonderful. So not only did I have a nearly equal amount of freedom as someone traveling solo, but I also had the company of my kids to fill in all the down time with magic and hilarity. I mean I had to skip Space Mountain, Everest, Tower of Terror, and all of that because they were with me, but it was so worth it.


As usual, this trip had to start off with some obstacles. I guess Mickey really needs me to prove my love for him before he'll accept me into his kingdom. In the last couple years I've had my van quit on me on the way to Florida TWO TIMES leaving us with an unexpected rental car. I was determined to make it to Florida this time without any van issues, so I actually bought a newer, much nicer van before the trip LOL. Well of course, 2 days before we left my new van broke down! But thank the Lord Almighty it only ended up needing a new battery. So I got my battery replaced, got an oil change, had the tires rotated, and had a mechanic look over the van and confirm that it was in good, working condition so that I wouldn't have to stress over it at all.

So Thursday at 5:30 PM, 13 hours before we were due to leave, I took my dog to the kennel thinking everything was fine because the van was running great. I chose a different kennel this time than I normally use because this one was much more convenient. Well I got the dog there a couple minutes before they closed and they informed me that her shot record was not good enough! Apparently she was supposed to get one of her vaccines when she was 14 weeks old and instead had it when she was 13.5 weeks old. So they refused to board the dog unless I got her that shot again! Thankfully there was an emergency vet around the corner and I was able to run her over there and get her the shot without much of a wait ($60 - cha ching) and run her back to the kennel just as they were closing. I was really unhappy that the start of her stay at a new place had to be so stressful and scary for her, but I was even more unhappy that this messing around caused us to miss 95% of my son's t-ball game. GRRRR.

Anyway, I couldn't believe it but we finally made it out the door at 6:30 the next morning and headed to Florida. The drive down was flawless, the kids behaved, and we made great time. We exchanged our time share and stayed at Silver Lake Resort, which is literally right next to Animal Kingdom. I timed the drive to Animal Kingdom Lodge one night and we were there in under 2 minutes, most of which was a stop light. The condo was really nice and the perfect size for the 3 of us, with a big old plasma TV on the wall and a jacuzzi tub in the bathroom.


By the time I finished unpacking everything I had reached that point of hunger where I could not think of anything to feel satisfied. So the kids and I drove up and down 192 for about 15 minutes, and even got on the list at Red Lobster for a while before I changed my mind and decided I didn't feel like eating out. :lol: So we went to Publix and bought a bunch of groceries and I ate a sub from the deli for dinner while the kids had lunchables at about 9:00 at night. Good enough! :lol:


Well-Known Member
Great TR and pics, as usual. :)

Glad things went well and that you came home with the same number of kids that you left with. :lookaroun


Well-Known Member
There was definitely not any air conditioning there. It was miserable. :lol:

That picture was 'specially for Monty. :D

Maybe Steve got some better angles. :lookaroun

Yes, it was hot. Maybe she got splashed at some point, as the water is always cold.:shrug:

I will have to check for angles, I know I took a similar picture, but never looked at it in any detail:lookaroun

Great trip report as usual, and great pictures as well. I am glad your trip went well. I thought the day at SeaWorld was a lot fun, and I know Abby and Anna had a blast. I loved listening to Dylan's stories :), and it was great to have someone else do the planning, and all I had to do was nagivation:D

Your parade story reminded me of what happened when we were waiting for Believe. I should have just let YOU handle the group that squeezed in at the last minute.:lol:

I have some pictures of the kids together, and one day I will get around to posting them:shrug: I am only home one night between now and July 8th due to work and other travel.:lookaroun


New Member
Sounds like your trip was amazing. My mother used to take my sister and I when we were very young to Disney every year by herself because my Dad just doesn't like the place, I don't understand it because I love it! My mother and I still go together every year, and I am 21 now and she is 54. Your pictures are beautiful it looks like you had a wonderful vacation with your children. My prayers are with you and all of the families with soldiers away from home. Take care :)


Well-Known Member
I started reading last night, but I couldn't keep up because you kept posting. :lol:

Sounds like you guys had another fun trip despite the problems at the start.
I love Abby's haircut, makes her look so grown up.

MKCP 1985

Well-Known Member
Thanks, BJ, for reposting that picture of the nice pair - I knew I could count on you. Laura, you have such an eye for detail! :king:

And thanks for the photo of Br'er Rabbit, Laura. I don't think I've ever seen him out before. :wave:

Great photos, and thanks for the report. It is always fun reading about your adventures at Disney.

Oh, on Universal - I think the first trip to Universal and Islands of Adventure in particular is a "wow" moment for many Disney people because the expectations are kind of low. . . the test is whether you still feel that way when you go back for the third or fourth trip. Some do . . . but my family has had too many negative experiences with cast members who couldn't give a care and with park guests who take too much advantage of the alcohol policy and ruin things for people around them. I'm specifically thinking of being in the 45 minute queue for Dueling Dragons in front of a group of men who'd already had too much to drink and weren't slowing down. Each of them had a large beer in each hand, and were prone to leaks of both gas and foul language. We let them go ahead when it came time to choose fire or ice and whichever way they went, we went the other. :p


Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks
There was definitely not any air conditioning there. It was miserable. :lol:

That picture was 'specially for Monty. :D

Maybe Steve got some better angles. :lookaroun

I <3 Laura! :sohappy:


Best trip report I've read in my short time on the site

Glad you had a good time
You should follow her link in her sig to her trip reports, they're all really great! :sohappy:


New Member
I love the trip report. Very well written! Lots of details and just makes me want to go to WDW right now :(. I am glad you guys had fun!



Well-Known Member
Loved reading your report! I have had many parade issues too, I really don't even bother to watch them anymore (if I had little ones I would still fight the good fight to keep my place). For MNNSHP parade two years ago I made room for a little guy who got completely cut off from his Mom and Dad, who were orginally right behind him, but got squeezed out by a bunch of teenagers. He was okay thru it all until the gravediggers came by and then his Mom forced her way to him and the teens backed off.

Glad you all had a good trip! Great pictures by the way and I love your little guy being so protective of his Mom, so sweet.


Well-Known Member
Loved your trip report! :sohappy:

You are so brave. I don't think I could attempt to take my kids by myself, but that's probably because even with the hubby we're still outnumbered 2:1. :lol:

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