I think the boards are being invaded by n00bs.


New Member
bgraham34 said:
See sometimes you just gotta relax. There is no reason to be grammatically correct on a board. I am not writing a thesis or writing a card to my parents. Relax and eat some pop corn.
Minor goofs are not a problem. bt whn i C psts lke thiz iitz 2 much tbl 2 reed so i dont.

Thanks for the offer of popcorn, but it's too high-carb ;)


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
mkt said:
thank goodness I drive Japanese.

No troll in my driving experience.

Just reliability, efficiency, and vanilla.

i drive the same vehicle you do................ agree completely, except when those damn "electrical" problems take over my montero and by the time i get it to the dealer, it quits.

i have done reasearch on exorcistism. i think that there is a demon trapped in the electrical system.


Well-Known Member
I still don't see the difference between a n00b and troll.

And also, what's the point in writing with numbers instead of letters. It is more difficult to type, more difficult to read and frustrates others. If you want to type in code, by all means do it where others understand. Like Hennie said, talking about people or things in a way no one else understands is just gutless silliness.

How about we just call everyone a P.i.ss-ant, or P!$$@^+ for you 1337 people. It's a replacement for the word noob(!!!), or troll or whatever.

Replacing letters with numbers...WHY?...STELLA! :lol:


Well-Known Member
I find it strangely ironic that practically every person that complains about someone elses spelling, punctuation or grammar has made at least one such mistake in their own complaining post.

The absolute best one being when they suggest you use a spell check and obviously have not followed their own advise... :brick:

Mr Bill

Well-Known Member
DarkMeasures said:
I know the exact board pwn came from. Life, the Universe, and Everything on Gamfaqs. It is also known as board 402 and it has started so many internet fads. But anyway PWN is just supposed to mean a greater form of own. I guess it was first done as misspellings.
You know of LUE? Who told you about us?


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
DarkMeasures said:
A n00b is a board member who usually is new but does not need to be who usually engages in trollish activity and has yet to be accepted by the rest of the board members. They usually use bad grammer, never capitalize, and never punctuate. but that is for some. Most of them insult the older members and act like they are superior to everyone else when they arive and other stuff like that. And they tend to be really annoying.

oh, i think if you are going to throw down some dirt like this, then you need to compile a list of the subjects you are refering too................... i think it is only fare. :lol:


New Member
Catch 22 I find it strangely ironic that practically every person that complains about someone elses spelling, punctuation or grammar has made at least one such mistake in their own complaining post.

The absolute best one being when they suggest you use a spell check and obviously have not followed their own advise...
:lol: I think they should have a spell check on the boards!! Lol they have everything else! :hammer:


New Member
Catch 22 said:
I find it strangely ironic that practically every person that complains about someone elses spelling, punctuation or grammar has made at least one such mistake in their own complaining post.

The absolute best one being when they suggest you use a spell check and obviously have not followed their own advise... :brick:

Heh... obviously you weren't paying attention to what I've been saying. I think I said in at least one of my posts (if not in this thread, maybe it was the "Spelling" one) that I don't have a problem with occasional typos or grammar problems. Everyone does that. What I hate is the people who write entire posts in text mesesage shorthand and use little to no punctuation and such. Basically, they write so poorly/lazily that their posts become difficult to read. That is the point and which I get mad.



I just h8 it when ppl abbrevi8 words 2 much. Especially when they use symbols and #s as words. Don't you just h8 that? 1 or 2 uses of that is ok but 2 much is just annoying.



New Member
Some past girlfriends consider me a 'n00b' man, but I don't fully aggree.

It's all about the personality and smile. Sure the 'bits and pieces' are a selling point, kinda like the nice rims on my Stang. Sure they are nice to look at, but they do not impact the performance of the vehicle.

So am I a 'n00b' man ? ? ?

Yep :kiss:


New Member
You say Potato, I say Poe-tot-toe!
You say tomato, I say Toe-mot-toe

Potatoe! Poe-tot-toe!
Tomato! Toe-mot-toe!

LET's Call the whole thing off!

Everybody sing! :cool:

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