I think the boards are being invaded by n00bs.


barnum42 said:
So is there a term for a fake newbie? An individual who is already known as a pain in the nethers and has either been banned or personally blocked by so many members that they have to resort to faking a new ID in the hope they can continue to annoy folk.
Look in the Benclopedia under AS.


Naturally Grumpy

mkt said:
If you buy a Saab you support trolls.

Just say no to Saabs.

Buy German.

Everytime you drive a Saab, god puts another troll on WDWMagic. You don't like trolls, do you?

But Rob, I thought the trolls were in Norway? What is the merchandising going to do? :animwink:


Account Suspended
Okay. In examining some of the posts on this thread, I've noticed a peculiar trend. The people who claim that others are "trolls" and "noobs", are actually the people making pointless comments on this thread. They refer in things, comments, and statements that have nothing to do with the thread topic.

So, if you're going to make statements, trying to be funny, which have nothing to do with the thread subject, then please allow me to refer you to aol's teenager hot line chat rooms. Most of us on these boards like to discuss topics that are Disney-related.

This has been a public service announcement for the ethical treatment of ignorant, stupid people.


New Member
Newbie Sherry reporting. Not even in my 1+ years of hanging in cyberspace here did I realize that there are such strict guidelines to posting on the boards. I just came to live the Disney lifestyle and possibly make friends. That's why I've avoided chats like the plague, I prefer not to have complete strangers rate my intelligence. I have enough of that in my real life :p

Is there any chance that if we new people make a "boo boo" someone could kindly point it out? :kiss:

*trying to figure this all out before I get a bad rep*



Well-Known Member
RnRJoe6114 said:
not using punctuatoin and bad grammer and not capitalizing make the typing go faster
If what someone has to say is important they should take the extra 4 seconds to type it out completely, curteously (sp?), and correctly. That way, everyone can read it without a problem which will gain them respect and they will not get little red or gray rectangles, but green rectangles inder their location on the user panel thingie. Thank you.



New Member
HennieBogan1966 said:
Okay. In examining some of the posts on this thread, I've noticed a peculiar trend. The people who claim that others are "trolls" and "noobs", are actually the people making pointless comments on this thread. They refer in things, comments, and statements that have nothing to do with the thread topic.

So, if you're going to make statements, trying to be funny, which have nothing to do with the thread subject, then please allow me to refer you to aol's teenager hot line chat rooms. Most of us on these boards like to discuss topics that are Disney-related.

This has been a public service announcement for the ethical treatment of ignorant, stupid people.

Well, if this thread were in chit-chat, as it should have been in the first place and still should be now, who cares if they go off-topic? That's what a chit-chat thread is for. Now, if this had been a thread about a WDW topic, I would agree with you. However, since it was never Disney-related in the first place.. who cares? If you don't wanna read stuff that isn't Disney-related, don't read chit-chat threads.



New Member
Original Poster
PhotoDave219 said:
Stay away from the Kool-Aid or you'll be pwn3d! :D

I know the exact board pwn came from. Life, the Universe, and Everything on Gamfaqs. It is also known as board 402 and it has started so many internet fads. But anyway PWN is just supposed to mean a greater form of own. I guess it was first done as misspellings.


New Member
Well put Kirsten...!!!! :sohappy: Some people take EVERYTHING on these boards way to seriously! As you said... this thread wasnt even disney related!?! :veryconfu Lol... :lol:


New Member
TnkrBelPixiDust said:
Well put Kirsten...!!!! :sohappy: Some people not mentioning names take EVERYTHING on these boards way to seriously! As you said... this thread wasnt even disney related!?! :veryconfu Lol... :lol:
*Puts on best Monty Pyton British Military Office accent*
Stop it now. This is silly. It started out as a perfectly serious thread and then it just got plain silly.



New Member
barnum42 said:
*Puts on best Monty Pyton British Military Office accent*
Stop it now. This is silly. It started out as a perfectly serious thread and then it just got plain silly.


Us? Turn something serious in to something silly? Never!! :lookaroun




Account Suspended
If I might say, I'm not taking this too seriously. That's the point. People using code to hide what they are saying is cowardly. It isn't funny and it isn't creative. And if that's chit chat, I'll stick to the english language, Thank You. Hey, if you want to chit chat, be my guest. But the thread topic was "noobs" invading the boards. Speaking about people who "seem" annoying to others because they ask supposed "silly" questions, and the like. However, I would submit, that the really annoying people are people who write in code. I'm sorry, how is that amusing?

Believe me, I don't take much in life very seriously. On the contrary, people who tend to take things too seriously are those who can't handle constructive criticism. See I may not like chit-chatting in code, and that's okay. Different strokes for different folks. But don't get defensive because someone finds fault with it. Everyone has a right to their INDIVIDUAL opinion.

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