I successfully stoped a group of line cutters!!!


Well-Known Member
I don't care if it's 3 people or 50 people, behavior that detracts from nearly everyone around them....including line cutting....is unacceptable. Period. And if I have the opportunity to thwart such behavior I will in a heartbeat. It's called standing up for myself. I don't look to Disney to do that for me.

To the OP, I remain happy for your victory. :wave: Good on you. We've put the stop to line-cutters at WDW & beyond, too.

Not WDW, but the creepiest I ever came across was at a water park in Texas where a single guy came thru the line behind us cutting his way to the front. He thought I'd move if he stood riiiight up against me in the line. My sons, niece, & nephew were in front of me. I wasn't budging. I got the hubby's attention & he came to my rescue. Was quite a strange 5 minutes or so...being in a bathing suit and all. :lookaroun

Grizzly Hall 71

New Member
Hit the nail on the head, exactly what i was insinuating.

I don't understand why everyone is getting so upset about it. Regular people do it all the time but it's okay right? So why can't tour groups do it?

They are people like you and I. If you cut them they'll still bleed red. They're people that want to have fun. Yeah they clap and sing loud but they're having fun and that's what WDW is about having fun with friends and family. TOGETHER.

Grizzly Hall 71

New Member
Wrong. The OP said it was fine if they wanted to ride with their friends and invited the friends to come join them...behind him where they should've been. Missed that part, huh? :D

Well when regular non tour group people do the same thing I bet the people in line would probally let them pass right? Because they weren't tour group people.

I don't call it line jumping if your party is already ahead waiting on line and your trying to get up with them because you were enjoying something else in the park. I call it being smart.


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
You make it sound as if there is a stampede of these guys roaming through the line, which is untrue. Again ill say it, at most its usually two people trying to catch up to the group, maybe three. They have become smart, they now buy fastpasses as a group and all together go in the line. And to avoid line cutting, just follow what our friend the OP had stated he did. If you must.

I have seen literally 15-18 of them at one time cutting in line (several times.) And when they all have on the same color shirt as the front half of the line and are chanting the same mantras over and over, it would lead me to believe that they are indeed an ill-mannered, rude, obnoxious Brazilian Tour Group.

Letting a mother and her child regain access to the line because Junior had to tinkle is COMPLETELY different than allowing a dozen teenagers access to the line to join their friends because they just got off the Haunted Mansion for the 5th time and couldn't get in line when their friends did.


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
Well when regular non tour group people do the same thing I bet the people in line would probally let them pass right? Because they weren't tour group people.

I don't call it line jumping if your party is already ahead waiting on line and your trying to get up with them because you were enjoying something else in the park. I call it being smart.

That is exactly what line jumping is.


Well-Known Member
Well when regular non tour group people do the same thing I bet the people in line would probally let them pass right? Because they weren't tour group people.

I don't call it line jumping if your party is already ahead waiting on line and your trying to get up with them because you were enjoying something else in the park. I call it being smart.
I call it being rude. When we used to go as a family, if anyone stopped to look in a shop, buy a drink, use the bathroom, or whatever, we didn't race ahead and save them a place in line. Usually we'd head to our ride and wait to get in line until everyone was with us. My kids didn't always appreciate having to wait, but they learned manners.

Grizzly Hall 71

New Member
I have seen literally 15-18 of them at one time cutting in line (several times.) And when they all have on the same color shirt as the front half of the line and are chanting the same mantras over and over, it would lead me to believe that they are indeed an ill-mannered, rude, obnoxious Brazilian Tour Group.

Letting a mother and her child regain access to the line because Junior had to tinkle is COMPLETELY different than allowing a dozen teenagers access to the line to join their friends because they just got off the Haunted Mansion for the 5th time and couldn't get in line when their friends did.

How is it different?

Grizzly Hall 71

New Member
That is exactly what line jumping is.

I always thought it was just going ahead of someone to get to the ride faster.

So your saying this isn't line jumping:
A family of 4 in line for Soarin'.
The 2 little ones need to go to the bathroom.
The mom takes them while the husband waits.
The mom comes to get back with her husband in line with the kids.

But this is line jumping?:
Teens have friends in line for Soarin'.
They are just getting off Captain EO.
They get in line with their friends at Soarin


Well-Known Member
Well when regular non tour group people do the same thing I bet the people in line would probally let them pass right? Because they weren't tour group people.

I don't call it line jumping if your party is already ahead waiting on line and your trying to get up with them because you were enjoying something else in the park. I call it being smart.

I don't discriminate against tour groups. I could care less how big their group is as long as they aren't adversely impacting my day. What the fixation with you thinking everyone generalizes tour groups in some negative way without merit, I don't see the reasoning. If you've not had the misfortune of experiencing what others have then consider yourself blessed.

If a person wants to enjoy an attraction with his/her group, would it not make sense that they get into the line as a group? Imagine if everyone did this sort of thing. Why bother with even having queues at that point? Let's just have an entrance to the ride & whoever is fittest will shove their way in. There's a line for a reason. There's not a "catch up with your group because you were busy doing something else" line. I'm courteous of others and don't think it's that much to ask for others to be courteous as well. That has nothing to do with being smart.

I have seen literally 15-18 of them at one time cutting in line (several times.) And when they all have on the same color shirt as the front half of the line and are chanting the same mantras over and over, it would lead me to believe that they are indeed an ill-mannered, rude, obnoxious Brazilian Tour Group.

Letting a mother and her child regain access to the line because Junior had to tinkle is COMPLETELY different than allowing a dozen teenagers access to the line to join their friends because they just got off the Haunted Mansion for the 5th time and couldn't get in line when their friends did.

This is very true particularly with the longer lines. Little kids can't hold it that long. Helping parents with little ones is one thing. Allowing self-absorbed people with a sense of entitlement to rudely take over wherever/whenever they please is another.


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
I always thought it was just going ahead of someone to get to the ride faster.

So your saying this isn't line jumping:
A family of 4 in line for Soarin'.
The 2 little ones need to go to the bathroom.
The mom takes them while the husband waits.
The mom comes to get back with her husband in line with the kids.

But this is line jumping?:
Teens have friends in line for Soarin'.
They are just getting off Captain EO.
They get in line with their friends at Soarin

Ding ding ding...we have a winner.

Notice how in the second example is "just going ahead of someone to get to the ride faster?" They should have been with their friends when their friends got in line.


Well-Known Member
I always thought it was just going ahead of someone to get to the ride faster.

So your saying this isn't line jumping:
A family of 4 in line for Soarin'.
The 2 little ones need to go to the bathroom.
The mom takes them while the husband waits.
The mom comes to get back with her husband in line with the kids.

But this is line jumping?:
Teens have friends in line for Soarin'.
They are just getting off Captain EO.
They get in line with their friends at Soarin

The difference is intent.

Believe me, Mom & Dad would much rather the little ones go potty at convenient times but particularly in longer lines that just doesn't always work out. Can't be avoided sometimes. It's unintentional.

Teens just getting out of Captain EO should meet their friends at the end of the line for Soarin'. In this case it's about getting in front of people by sending your friends on into the line for you.

Big, big difference.

Grizzly Hall 71

New Member
Ding ding ding...we have a winner.

Notice how in the second example is "just going ahead of someone to get to the ride faster?" They should have been with their friends when their friends got in line.

Ok ok

Is this line jumping or not?

The kids have to go the bathroom before they get in line for Soarin and the mom sends the dad ahead. The mom gets in line with the dad after the kids are finished.
Good god man...do I really need to explain this to you? Go ask your mother.

No i have to agree with grizzly, these 15 teenagers as youve said, might all have stopped at the bathroom. Being a tour group I assume they only have scheduled bathroom stops. So they are doing nothing different. Its either allow it or dont allow it. No difference whatsoever.

Ageism at its finest folks!


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
Ok ok

Is this line jumping or not?

The kids have to go the bathroom before they get in line for Soarin and the mom sends the dad ahead. The mom gets in line with the dad after the kids are finished.

It depends upon intent. If the dad did this just to save time and get the family in ahead of others, then yes it is line cutting. The dad should wait for the family to join the line as a group.

Grizzly Hall 71

New Member
No i have to agree with grizzly, these 15 teenagers as youve said, might all have stopped at the bathroom. Being a tour group I assume they only have scheduled bathroom stops. So they are doing nothing different. Its either allow it or dont allow it. No difference whatsoever.

Ageism at its finest folks!

Yup you are so right Innoventions. You are so right.

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