I have a Bone to pick

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Well-Known Member


Wishes 1971

Here's my two cents......

We have taken our three kids since our youngest two were 6 months old. We stopped renting strollers when they were 5. For those of you that say Disney should do something to deter the stroller usage.....I thought they had.....I was motivated to get my kids walking so I didn't have to pay the outlandish prices they charge to rent strollers!

Also, in defense of SOME stroller drivers.....courtesy goes both ways. While stroller "drivers" should watch others around them, walkers should do the same. I can't tell you how many times I stopped to let the people crossing in front of me pass, and then everyone crossed in droves. It wasn't until you "pushed" your stroller back into the crossing traffic that you could start moving again. Trust me, there were many times if I hadn't, it felt like I would be in the same spot all day.

You also have the walkers that are hurdling the front of your stroller so they don't have to stop, and then give YOU that look lie ethey can't believe you almost hit them.

I know there are many that use their stroller as a projectile, and launch their way through the park.....

All I'm trying to say is courtesy does go both ways.....don't be so quick to place the blame on those with the strollers....you don't know what kind of day they've had.......That was the other big reason I was ready to be done with strollers.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
Except for the fact that I, along with a few other people, asked questions about if I needed to bring a stroller for my 2-3 year old child, and folks have been very kind enough to answer my question.
Im glad you got your questioned answered in the massive thread drift. :lol:


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
Here's my two cents......

We have taken our three kids since our youngest two were 6 months old. We stopped renting strollers when they were 5. For those of you that say Disney should do something to deter the stroller usage.....I thought they had.....I was motivated to get my kids walking so I didn't have to pay the outlandish prices they charge to rent strollers!

Also, in defense of SOME stroller drivers.....courtesy goes both ways. While stroller "drivers" should watch others around them, walkers should do the same. I can't tell you how many times I stopped to let the people crossing in front of me pass, and then everyone crossed in droves. It wasn't until you "pushed" your stroller back into the crossing traffic that you could start moving again. Trust me, there were many times if I hadn't, it felt like I would be in the same spot all day.

You also have the walkers that are hurdling the front of your stroller so they don't have to stop, and then give YOU that look lie ethey can't believe you almost hit them.

I know there are many that use their stroller as a projectile, and launch their way through the park.....

All I'm trying to say is courtesy does go both ways.....don't be so quick to place the blame on those with the strollers....you don't know what kind of day they've had.......That was the other big reason I was ready to be done with strollers.
A great outlook that would make everyone's day better.


it is true...genetics..other medical problems...I know of an 8 year old lil boy who plays football, soccer and is nonstop...eats healthy ..rarely eats junk..no soft drinks...whose overweight parents take him to practices all the time and are always on the go with him..yet the father and his whole family is overweight...and the Dr.said it is genetic...:shrug:

so laugh your @ss off all you want..it is true!:wave:

You can't go a full day as adults without a rest somewhere along the way, so have a slow down somewhere along the way with your kids, and go at the pace of the slowest person in the group, don't put the kids in a stroller.

If your child has good cause to be in a stroller at that age, please engage with me, because i'll explain to my daughter how lucky she is to be fit and healthy. As for babies in strollers. Yep appreciate that, and they are damn useful for the baggage that comes with toddlers, who lets face it are still developing their leg muscles to enable them to walk properly.
As for kids of 5 and upwards, they should be on foot.

Some people are more efficient at extracting energy from their food, and therefore need to eat less to do the same. Look at the alaskan dogs, they can run for days on little food, where other breeds simply are not as efficient. Being overweight is caused by eating too much and not doing enough excercise or work to compensate. That in children is caused by parental mis managment. I used to have a physical job and was slim, now I make a living sitting on my backside pressing buttons, I'm a bit rounder.

If you're putting any child over 4-5 in a stroller and you're there 6-20th september, be prepared for the cute little, not even 4yr old, English girl to possibly be calling your kids lazy. As for the excuse of the stroller stopping them getting lost on main street, if it's that packed she'll be on my shoulders, she gets a rest and a nice view. I get tired, but that's what I decided to take on when we decided to try for kids.


Well-Known Member
You can't go a full day as adults without a rest somewhere along the way, so have a slow down somewhere along the way with your kids, and go at the pace of the slowest person in the group, don't put the kids in a stroller.

If your child has good cause to be in a stroller at that age, please engage with me, because i'll explain to my daughter how lucky she is to be fit and healthy. As for babies in strollers. Yep appreciate that, and they are damn useful for the baggage that comes with toddlers, who lets face it are still developing their leg muscles to enable them to walk properly.
As for kids of 5 and upwards, they should be on foot.

Some people are more efficient at extracting energy from their food, and therefore need to eat less to do the same. Look at the alaskan dogs, they can run for days on little food, where other breeds simply are not as efficient. Being overweight is caused by eating too much and not doing enough excercise or work to compensate. That in children is caused by parental mis managment. I used to have a physical job and was slim, now I make a living sitting on my backside pressing buttons, I'm a bit rounder.

If you're putting any child over 4-5 in a stroller and you're there 6-20th september, be prepared for the cute little, not even 4yr old, English girl to possibly be calling your kids lazy. As for the excuse of the stroller stopping them getting lost on main street, if it's that packed she'll be on my shoulders, she gets a rest and a nice view. I get tired, but that's what I decided to take on when we decided to try for kids.



Well-Known Member
You can't go a full day as adults without a rest somewhere along the way, so have a slow down somewhere along the way with your kids, and go at the pace of the slowest person in the group, don't put the kids in a stroller.

If your child has good cause to be in a stroller at that age, please engage with me, because i'll explain to my daughter how lucky she is to be fit and healthy. As for babies in strollers. Yep appreciate that, and they are damn useful for the baggage that comes with toddlers, who lets face it are still developing their leg muscles to enable them to walk properly.
As for kids of 5 and upwards, they should be on foot.

Some people are more efficient at extracting energy from their food, and therefore need to eat less to do the same. Look at the alaskan dogs, they can run for days on little food, where other breeds simply are not as efficient. Being overweight is caused by eating too much and not doing enough excercise or work to compensate. That in children is caused by parental mis managment. I used to have a physical job and was slim, now I make a living sitting on my backside pressing buttons, I'm a bit rounder.

If you're putting any child over 4-5 in a stroller and you're there 6-20th september, be prepared for the cute little, not even 4yr old, English girl to possibly be calling your kids lazy. As for the excuse of the stroller stopping them getting lost on main street, if it's that packed she'll be on my shoulders, she gets a rest and a nice view. I get tired, but that's what I decided to take on when we decided to try for kids.
We do rest and we do take breaks..many of them..yet my 5 year old daughter gets very tired walking easily and she is far from overweight..26lbs and we will not carry her through the whole park..though we do carry her often.

She was born 25 weeks weighing 15 ounces and is very small in height and weight for her age and has come very far in her 5 years...she does get tired easily when going distances though.

None of us ..my husband,myself or my daughter are lazy..but my child does need and want a stroller while in the parks and so for her..we will use one...and I do not need anyone to tell it is right or wrong.

As for your 4 year old calling my 5 year old lazy..well..she will probably not even think she is 5 as many think she is only 3 and if she would..I would let my daughter know that the little girls parents have not taught her manners because it is rude to call people names...cute or not...:wave:

Wishes 1971

You can't go a full day as adults without a rest somewhere along the way, so have a slow down somewhere along the way with your kids, and go at the pace of the slowest person in the group, don't put the kids in a stroller.

If your child has good cause to be in a stroller at that age, please engage with me, because i'll explain to my daughter how lucky she is to be fit and healthy. As for babies in strollers. Yep appreciate that, and they are damn useful for the baggage that comes with toddlers, who lets face it are still developing their leg muscles to enable them to walk properly.
As for kids of 5 and upwards, they should be on foot.

Some people are more efficient at extracting energy from their food, and therefore need to eat less to do the same. Look at the alaskan dogs, they can run for days on little food, where other breeds simply are not as efficient. Being overweight is caused by eating too much and not doing enough excercise or work to compensate. That in children is caused by parental mis managment. I used to have a physical job and was slim, now I make a living sitting on my backside pressing buttons, I'm a bit rounder.

If you're putting any child over 4-5 in a stroller and you're there 6-20th september, be prepared for the cute little, not even 4yr old, English girl to possibly be calling your kids lazy. As for the excuse of the stroller stopping them getting lost on main street, if it's that packed she'll be on my shoulders, she gets a rest and a nice view. I get tired, but that's what I decided to take on when we decided to try for kids.

....that's what we opted to do. Once our boys starting walking, we slowed our visits down.....and ironically, ENJOYED Disney more! We found our experience much more enjoyable once we stopped racing from place to place.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
We do rest and we do take breaks..many of them..yet my 5 year old daughter gets very tired walking easily and she is far from overweight..26lbs and we will not carry her through the whole park..though we do carry her often.

She was born 25 weeks weighing 15 ounces and is very small in height and weight for her age and has come very far in her 5 years...she does get tired easily when going distances though.

None of us ..my husband,myself or my daughter are lazy..but my child does need and want a stroller while in the parks and so for her..we will use one...and I do not need anyone to tell it is right or wrong.
I have no problem with you using a stroller whatsoever. But when I see a child who can barely fit in the stroller or even 2 big kids in a double stroller, it just p......... me off.


Well-Known Member

There are many parents out there who might recognize themselves in this post and change their ways. If your kids don't need a stroller, dont use one.

Now can we talk about adults who don't need motorized wheelchairs clogging Disney Worlds arteries?


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
Nothing better than rampant sanctimony running through the interwebs.....


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
There are many parents out there who might recognize themselves in this post and change their ways. If your kids don't need a stroller, dont use one.

Now can we talk about adults who don't need motorized wheelchairs clogging Disney Worlds arteries?

This time I didn't have any problems with wheelchair users who didn't need them (although I have in the past). The one man I had to wait for obviously needed the wheelchair and thanked me for being patient. Maybe people are getting the hint, but I doubt it.


Well-Known Member
I have been teaching first and second graders for 16 years. I cannot imagine any of my students having to be pushed in a stroller, although I know that some of the parents would insist that their child couldn't possibly make it without one. Naturally, you slow down the pace and take breaks when necessary. We take the kids on field trips where they walk all day long, and I haven't had to rent a stoller yet!! Also haven't lost one, because they know what the rules are and know I expect them to be followed.

As far as "Backpack Buddies" go, or whatever they're called . . . I have a harness for my dogs. I would never put one on my child. Again, teach them limits. They stay with you and have a good time. They run off and they don't ride rides. Period. Just my personal opinion.

As far as wheelchairs go, that's a tough call. You can't possibly judge by looking at someone whether they need a wheelchair or not. And, Disney themselves encourage anyone that wonders whether or not they have the stamina to walk the parks to rent a wheelchair. We just took my 21 year old daughter to WDW to celebrate her birthday. Right before our trip she developed severe lower back issues. She was only able to walk a few yards without pain. We used a wheelchair for her during our trip. But, because she was able to transfer out of her chair to ride rides or walk into restaurants, there were times we felt like we were getting dirty looks from people. There was no way she could have walked the park. And, just in case anyone is thinking that people use wheelchairs just to get to the front of the lines, think again - there are only a handful of rides where the queue cannot handle wheelchairs.


Active Member
My Mom had to show a letter from her Doctor before she got one of those Handicap signs you hang on your rear view mirror.

Should we go to a system where you need confirmation by state / federal means to rent the scooters per Doctor note etc. But how would you do it with strollers? If there is a physical need then use same system. If child is less than I don't know 6 then OK for stroller if more then need the special needs confirmation?

Don't know if there is a way other than getting our kids in better shape (and our selves).
Sorry but my parents would have made me walk.

I have 1 bad leg and bad knees and I have done well. Need to know yourself and sit once and a while.

We need to all be PARENTS NOT FRIEND if you know what I mean.


Well-Known Member
I personally do not care what u choose to do with your child, just please do not hit me with a stroller and if you do by accident an apology would be nice. On the other hand we just returned from a two week trip and the one thing that really ticked me off was people who rode the bus with a stroller that could not be broken down to a size where people could get around it. We stayed at Kidani and three times (not too bad for two weeks) people brought on a stroller that broke down to the size of a large box and they had to keep it in the aisle. The problem here was that it took up the ENTIRE aisle and when us and others needed to exit at Kidani they did not exit the bus with the stroller to let everyone pass, instead they left it there for everyone to either jump over or try to fight to the back to exit the back door....man that irritated me but alas it happens.......as far as ECV's go, my DH (who at the time was my BF) broke his ankle and we rented one at AK....his leg was clearly in a cast but people would not yield to us or be considerate. Instead we dealt with dirty looks and looks from people who clearly were not raised with manners or a sense of humanity. we got a wheelchair in Epcot hoping for easier manuvering but it was more of the same shenanigans. Bottom line people do crazy things that we will not understand and cannot change...but venting it sure feels great :)


Well-Known Member
When we took our daughter for her first trip she was 5. We asked her if she wanted a stroller and she said no I'm not a baby. Every couple of hours we would ask again and the answer was always no. She walked every day all day long. I'm the one that got tired and actually begged her to go to the room for a nap and she wanted none of it. :lol: That child went from open to close the whole 7 days. We were so proud of her. She never wanted to go back to the room or ride in a stroller. But now the older she gets the more whiny she gets. I'm sure it's just her being a teenager. I bet she would take that stroller now.

I was at work the other day and this mom had an older child in the cart, that kid was at least 10 yrs old! I couldn't believe it. Crazy.


I work in one of the parks. When i see kids that are too big ffor the stroller being pushed by a parent i straight up say "you should be pushing your mother!"
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