It has nothing to do with how clean or unclean you are. Bedbugs are not roaches, they don't eat garbage, they drink blood. As long as you have blood in your body you are in equal opportunity meal in the eyes of a bedbug.
The real reason for the spread of bed bugs has to do with treatment options. It's a double edged sword. In the interest of public safety, we have banned the harsh poisions that used to be available as insect controll methods. Thats all well and good, they were very harsh. However, now it's a lot harder to contoll infestation. Bedbugs are notoriously difficult to kill, especially with whats available as pest control now.
They also hitch rides and migrate quite easily, thats why they spread. It could Disney, it could be Hyatt, it could be Motel 6, it could be the Hot Sheet Special. They all can get bed bugs. However, I am quite frankly suprized at WDW Management's lack of some sort of compensation offer.
Bed bugs like cracks and crevices. If you want to check, look along the headboard where it meets the wall, also along the edge of the mattress, where the rolled edge is. Look for little black dots - thats bed bug ________. Spraying the place with lysol or any other contact diseinfectant will not help. The bed bugs are hiding, the lysol will not get to them. It's when there is a quite, warm, body laying there that they come out.
As far as staying in SSR - thats most likely now the most bed bug free resort. As a problem has been identified and now its been treated