I Hate _______!!!!


Well-Known Member
I hate Having the flu...
I hate Stupid mayors of stupid citys
I hate fema trailers
I hate Hurricanes
I hate when your Walt Disney World Vacation ends.........
This thread is good lets you blow off steam..... Hope things get better


Well-Known Member
I hate migraine headaches.

I hate expensive gas and the vehicles that waste said gas.

I hate when somebody judges a group of people for no apparent reason.

I hate when people cheat on a contest when they could easily win without.

I hated being picked last in gym.

I hate when people commit crimes, drink or smoke because they think it makes them cool.

I hate tailgaters.

I hate people who force their beliefs down your throat.

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
I hate my world history class.

I hate my whole blasted school and all of the blasted hard work I have to put up with.

I hate the fact that my grades suck.

I hate the fact that I'm doing the best I can, but my parents don't think so.

I hate the fact that I spead more time talking to people on the internet about things instead of spending more time with my real friends ( no offence to you guys ).

I hate being ignored.

I hate that the cardinals lost badly tonite.

I hate Kyle Ebrite.

I hate constantly hearing rumors about the Monsters Inc ride.

I hate the Cubs and the Astros.

I hate people who say Superman Returns will do better than POTC2 ( are you kidding me?! POTC2 will clobber Superman by a mile! ).

Whew, that made me feel kinda better.


Not old, just vintage.
Some one has some pent up anger...:lookaroun

But so do I so I will join the hate fest:

I hate feeling like I am never gonna graduate school
I hate being broke
I hate being a lazy waste of life
I hate procrastinating
I hate having to put gas in my car
I hate stupid people
I hate a$$holes that can't drive
I hate exes who just can't let go and turn into total psycho

And last but not least...
I hate being negative about things so I am going to stop now.


New Member
Ohhh, I like this thread.

That said:

I hate that teleporters haven't been invented yet.

I hate thinking about graduating next year and what that will do to my friendships.

I hate not being able to get with this girl I like.

I hate that the future is so uncertain.

I hate that people always make fun of me.

I hate my car for acting like it's allergic to the world.

I hate going to work on days that I don't want to.

I hate when a certain person brags about getting into Princeton when, clearly, no one else cares.

I hate the week before AP Exams.

I hate being pessimistic.

I hate having to wear a retainer every night.

I hate fixing my bed sheets every other night because of my stupid down comforter.

I hate that I have no motivation to run anymore.

I hate that it's getting hot again.

I hate the fact that my lunchbox is broken.


New Member
I hate that my country is being taken over by yobs, that the police and law protect them and ignore the victims.

I hate British city centres on a Saturday night when they are full of obnoxious drunken louts.

I hate the abuse of religious faith as an excuse to cause pain and suffering. And despite what the media may try and spin, it's not limited to just Muslims.

I hate seeing litter everywhere.

I hate smoking - I hate the fact that corporations get rich on killing people.

I hate corporate greed (we also get back to that religious abuse thing - corporations that claim to be "Christian" yet treat their workers like crap and rip their customers off. Hardly the Christian thing to do)

I hate that no matter how expensive gas seem to Americans, it's even worse for us over here it's getting on for $7 a gallon.

I hate rip-off UK (I'm sure the corporations are behind this too). Many things cost the same in Pounds as Dollars - New DVD £19.99 / $19.99 (which makes them $36.40 to us)

I hate that unscrupulous lawyers now run the countries. Instead of finding the truth about a case, they are only interested in winning the case and making obnoxious amounts of money for themselves.

I hate that we have the know-how to cure medical problems (or at least make people feel better) but money and greed (and those damn ambulance chasing lawyers) prevent so many people from being treated.

I hate it that there are so many things to hate.


Well-Known Member
I hate group projects.

I hate my braces.

I hate Gwen Stefani.

I hate Celine Dion.

I hate tobacco companies.

I hate (most) lasagna.

I hate telemarketers.

I hate my computer approx. 75% of the time.

Above all else... I hate the media.


New Member
I hate term papers that are far too long.
I hate waiting 4 weeks to start said term paper and have to do the entire thing over the weekend.
I hate teachers who are out the last day you can ask questions about the paper.
I hate traffic.
I hate the fact that even though I can drive, I still have to ask for rides.
I hate people who make me want to punch things.
I hate the librarian at school who every day question what I'm doing.
I hate that when I open my wallet I have more fake money for school than I have real money.
I hate that Starbucks is so freakin expensive.
I hate that since we've all been accepted to college, none of my friends can stand each other anymore.
I hate the time 6 A.M.
I hate my keyboarding class.
I hate that the people who announce ball games are idiots and shouldnt be given microphones.
I hate that pacific time is 3 hours later than eastern standard time.


Active Member
I hate group projects.
I hate oranges (the fruit and the juice.)
I hate rude, obnoxious people.
I hate when people spit.
I hate when people keep correcting you, when you were right to begin with.
I hate being picked last in gym (by both the teacher and the students.)
I hate the annoying sound my sandals make when I walk.
I hate shoes.
I hate pencils.
I hate it when I can't find the bright side to look at.
I hate feeling bad about myself.
I hate that things that are bad for you have to taste so good (i.e. cookies, chips, candy, etc.)
I hate hating things, yet I do anyway.


Well-Known Member
I hate Science Fair projects
I hate not being able to live in FL
I hate housework.
I hate that I can't think of anything else at the moment....


Well-Known Member
I'm not really one to "HATE" anything, but in the spirit of this thread, you probably don't want to be the person who arrives to the theater or movies late if seated in my row or anywhere elase nearby.


WOW...it really DOES feel better!!! :lol:


I hate indecisive people.
I hate people who get 32 on their ACTs and think that they need to take it to again.
I hate how obsessed people are with getting into Northwestern.
I hate that the seniors are leaving soon.
I hate that I still have 25 days left of Junior year.
I hate rediculous projects in religion.
I hate when PowerPoint hates me.
I hate that I can't understand more than two words in a Shakira song.
I hate that the weather can't stay warm.
I hate thinking about college apps.
I hate the rediculous volume music is played in Hollister/Abercrombie.
I hate the craze prom has caused.
I hate the price of gas.
I hate that I still don't have a summer job.
I hate that I haven't been to Disney in 6 months.
I hate driving in Chicago.
I hate when my sister wears my clothes.
I hate that I didn't try out for a softball team this year.

I'm done...though I probably could go on for hours on end.


New Member

I hate that teachers are expected (no... forced) to be parents to their students.
I hate that parents won't be parents to their children.
I hate that most of my students are drugged (either on ritalin or recreational drugs).
I hate that teachers are blamed for all the students' faults, disabilities, laziness, etc...
I hate that my principal gives more power and credit to the custodians and secretaries than she does the teachers.
I hate that my principal chews out the entire teaching staff for not writing up uniform violations OVER THE INTERCOM in front of the entire student body.
I hate it when the assistant principal throws away all the uniform violations we wrote up because he doesn't have time to deal with it.
I hate that our system forces our students to wear uniforms!!!!!
I hate that the average and smart kids get overlooked.
I hate that teachers expect 13 & 14 year olds to act like adults.
I hate that teachers refuse to TEACH 13 & 14 year olds to be responsible (they are NOT born knowing that, you know!)
I hate that our planet is dying.
I hate that WE are the ones killing our planet.
I hate people who are selfish and judgmental.
I hate people who make excuses for everything.
I hate lazy people.
I hate that my mom couldn't be a mom.
I hate that some people can not accept others' differences.
I hate being fat.
I hate being judged for being fat.

Ok...that is enough for now.


Well-Known Member
I hate that people use religion as a basis for hate.

I hate that people think you're not patriotic if you don't support the war.

I hate the so called disabilities advocate at Disney casting for thinking I should be moved to a backstage job because I have autism.

I hate roller skate sneakers.

I hate the distance that separates me from the person I love.

I hate Georgia legislature for passing the law that it's ok to shoot somebody if you feel threatened.

I hate binge drinking.

I hate still not having a date to a fictitious prom.

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