I hate that teachers are expected (no... forced) to be parents to their students.
I hate that parents won't be parents to their children.
I hate that most of my students are drugged (either on ritalin or recreational drugs).
I hate that teachers are blamed for all the students' faults, disabilities, laziness, etc...
I hate that my principal gives more power and credit to the custodians and secretaries than she does the teachers.
I hate that my principal chews out the entire teaching staff for not writing up uniform violations OVER THE INTERCOM in front of the entire student body.
I hate it when the assistant principal throws away all the uniform violations we wrote up because he doesn't have time to deal with it.
I hate that our system forces our students to wear uniforms!!!!!
I hate that the average and smart kids get overlooked.
I hate that teachers expect 13 & 14 year olds to act like adults.
I hate that teachers refuse to TEACH 13 & 14 year olds to be responsible (they are NOT born knowing that, you know!)
I hate that our planet is dying.
I hate that WE are the ones killing our planet.
I hate people who are selfish and judgmental.
I hate people who make excuses for everything.
I hate lazy people.
I hate that my mom couldn't be a mom.
I hate that some people can not accept others' differences.
I hate being fat.
I hate being judged for being fat.
Ok...that is enough for now.