I Dont Know If It Learned Its Lesson

Game Maker

New Member
Original Poster
My puppy did the wierdes thing i was playing a computer game when it yelped pretty loudly wen i looked over it had chewed thro my sisters laptops power cord :eek: and it was making the bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz sound and i had to unplug it i dont know it my puppy learned its leson about chewing wire or not.:veryconfu

The Mom

Premium Member
Make sure you check the inside of its mouth for any burns. I had a puppy do this many, many years ago. I ended up having to take it to the Animal ER, and then had to check its vital signs all night. He ended up with a burn scar on the inner aspect of his lower lip.

My husband was deployed at the time, and I sent him a letter describing the incident, which was the cause of lots of merriment in the officer's mess. I'm afraid I can't repeat it here, as the language wouldn't make it through the censor. Please keep in mind that I was 8 months pregnant, so wasn't quite myself at the time. :lookaroun

Darth Plank

New Member
My puppy did the wierdes thing i was playing a computer game when it yelped pretty loudly wen i looked over it had chewed thro my sisters laptops power cord :eek: and it was making the bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz sound and i had to unplug it i dont know it my puppy learned its leson about chewing wire or not.:veryconfu
If an adult you know knows how to fix PCs, call them on the phone and they might come over or tell you what to do. About the pet, if he/she is getting hurt send it to an animal doctor or hospital.:)


Active Member
I hope the puppy is OK, not to mention your sister's laptop.

When our first Lab was a puppy, he liked to chow down on house mouldings and chair rungs, and he even chewed a hole in the hardwood floor! We stopped him by putting a little cayenne pepper sauce on his favorite spots. He hit on that once, and that was the end of it. It may sound a little cruel, but its better than an 110 volt shock and/or a burn. Good luck.

Game Maker

New Member
Original Poster
My puppy is part beagle part chiwawa (i think thats how you spell it) and mostly jack rustle. i looked at my puppys mouth already and about the time after the second post i watched closely and saw it was just playing close to the cord and chewing on a hat:lol:. And my sister is going to get a new power cord i doubt she will do it again. so i think it worked out ok but she still chewed throu my headphone and my sisters play station 2 controler but we will get new one.:)


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
My puppy is part beagle part chiwawa (i think thats how you spell it) and mostly jack rustle. i looked at my puppys mouth already and about the time after the second post i watched closely and saw it was just playing close to the cord and chewing on a hat:lol:. And my sister is going to get a new power cord i doubt she will do it again. so i think it worked out ok but she still chewed throu my headphone and my sisters play station 2 controler but we will get new one.:)

Chihuahua - kinda a screwy spelling - and Jack Russell

Watch those headphones, they can cost alot more than the dog ! :lookaroun


Well-Known Member
You need to go to the pet store and find some doggie toys that you can hide food and treats inside.

It sounds like puppy is just teething. Eventually this stage will pass, but he/she won't just "learn it's lesson". You just need to find something more appropriate for your puppy to chew on.

I would personally reccomend a small Kong toy.:)


New Member
Sounds like it's time to start teaching the puppy the word "leave". The more it gets used to being able to chew on what it feels like the harder it may be to get it to stop in the future.

Does it have any dog chew toys?


Well-Known Member
I don't think they ever learn their lessons! My boyfriend has to keep telling his cat, Earl, not to jump up on his dresser. The other night he jumped up there and knocked over a bottle of some very expensive vodka ($40 is expensive to us) and it scared him so bad. We thought he learned his lesson, but nope. He was right back up there again a little later.

No vodka was harmed, thank goodness.
Trump vodka + Rose's mango mojito mix = mm mm good.


New Member
I don't think they ever learn their lessons! My boyfriend has to keep telling his cat, Earl, not to jump up on his dresser. The other night he jumped up there and knocked over a bottle of some very expensive vodka ($40 is expensive to us) and it scared him so bad. We thought he learned his lesson, but nope. He was right back up there again a little later.

No vodka was harmed, thank goodness.
Trump vodka + Rose's mango mojito mix = mm mm good.

Cats are a whole different thing to dogs. You can teach a dog what it can and can not do.

Cats are too busy giving you the middle finger to take anything on board ;)


New Member
Cats are a whole different thing to dogs. You can teach a dog what it can and can not do.

Cats are too busy giving you the middle finger to take anything on board ;)
You, sir, are observant--and have confirmed my lifelong study of the feline. I had a cat that took it upon himself to chew through the power cord of my police scanner whilst I was taking my afternoon nap. Of course, as soon as he connected himself to the DC current, he began to have seizures which --for some time--were confined to under the bedspring. At this point I began to awake and was immediately faced with a demon cat that was propelling itself through muscle contractions alone at least six feet into the air. When I got to the veterinary, spattered with cat urine, said feline had calmed down, had a Valium, and stayed overnight. I ran 18 red lights (give or take).



Cats are a whole different thing to dogs. You can teach a dog what it can and can not do.

Cats are too busy giving you the middle finger to take anything on board ;)

:lol: That all depends :lol:

All 3 of our cats are trained better than my family's beagle... and she graduated obedience school! :eek: :lol:


New Member
You, sir, are observant--and have confirmed my lifelong study of the feline. I had a cat that took it upon himself to chew through the power cord of my police scanner whilst I was taking my afternoon nap. Of course, as soon as he connected himself to the DC current, he began to have seizures which --for some time--were confined to under the bedspring. At this point I began to awake and was immediately faced with a demon cat that was propelling itself through muscle contractions alone at least six feet into the air. When I got to the veterinary, spattered with cat urine, said feline had calmed down, had a Valium, and stayed overnight. I ran 18 red lights (give or take).

But did it learn its lesson? One assumes even the most stupid of cats would be able to put two and two together on that one :lol:


New Member
:lol: That all depends :lol:

All 3 of our cats are trained better than my family's beagle... and she graduated obedience school! :eek: :lol:

Proving a certificate of graduation is no guarantee of common sense ;)

It can be tricky to figure out what causes bad behaviour in a dog, but it's amazing how quickly some experts can sort it out - the team on BBC's Dog Borstal http://www.bbc.co.uk/bbcthree/programmes/dog_borstal/ and Cesar Milan http://dogpsychologycenter.com/dogwhisperer/ being two great examples.

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