I complained....and I actualy got satisfaction.


New Member
Nice baiting at the end of your post. You forgot Kool-Aid and Walmarting as well...

As a frequent business traveler I have been provided with in room single serving Starbuck's and it is just as bad as the off brand. It is just something about the single serving sizes that don't work.
I'm quite the master baiter, yes, but let's face it, there are many people who frequent this site, and sites like it, who feel that no matter what, Disney can do no wrong. Go figure.

As far as the single-serving sized coffees, the problem is that ground coffee needs to be used immediately, or else the air gets to it, and turns it stale PDQ. And as is the nature of the business, the little packets sit around and sit around...it's a losing cause no matter what.


Read the title of his thread..'I COMPLAINED!"..and he knew..once again I state..HE KNEW about the bus service..:brick::brick::brick:

Umm no...

Why?..Because it was all RIDICULOUS!:D

I agree, the whole thread is ridiculous. And yet.. you all keep coming back and yapping about it and turning this into a stupidly long thread about nothing. Geeeze. Stupid, Stupid, Stupid.


Well-Known Member
I agree, the whole thread is ridiculous. And yet.. you all keep coming back and yapping about it and turning this into a stupidly long thread about nothing. Geeeze. Stupid, Stupid, Stupid.

Like you posting this made it longer..now me responding to you will make it longer..and it keeps going and going and going...:eek:

Jeez!..STUPID, STUPID, STUPID!:hammer:



Well-Known Member
I'm quite the master baiter, yes, but let's face it, there are many people who frequent this site, and sites like it, who feel that no matter what, Disney can do no wrong. Go figure.
However, I think you will agree that the opposite is true that there is an equal number that believe Disney can do nothing right. Why are they not called out with the frequency that supposed "apologist" are?

It don't make me an apologist to say that there are more positives than negatives at WDW. If there wasn't I wouldn't be going. Are there somethings that can be improved? Sure. There are things that can be improved in my own home but I don't tell everyone who ask that I hate my home and I expect it to collaspe at any minute.

The truth is somewhere between the apologist and the naysayers, because neither of those groups are right. Perspective has really been lost on this board. Decision are being put under microscopes and not seen in relation to what is going on outside the parks, in the rest of the world, and that is from both sides of the arguement.


New Member
However, I think you will agree that the opposite is true that there is an equal number that believe Disney can do nothing right. Why are they not called out with the frequency that supposed "apologist" are?
I haven't been here long, but I've been here long enough to see that if someone, anyone, has a complaint (legitimate or not) about something at a park, people jump into the fray to automatically hammer away at the complainee. It's automatically the poster's bad attitude, unreasonable expectations, etc, that caused the problem. The naysayers get beaten down pretty fast.

I do agree with you, though, that the truth is always between the two extremes. We aren't there at the time to see exactly what someone is seeing, through their eyes, so we all shouldn't pooh-pooh what someone is saying.

Ultimately, I'm not here to start a flame war, I'm just here to have a good time before we leave for Orlando (2 days). Cheers, everyone, and enjoy the in-room coffee.


Active Member
Last time I checked staying at a deluxe hotel didn't mean you weren't on the "go go go" as well.. If anything I would expect more buses to the more expensive resorts.

:hammer:this might be a little off subject but since it was part of the op original complaint and every one is complaining about fewer busses at deluxe resorts.remember this there are 2000 to 3000 guests at the all-star resorts compared at the most to 700 guests at deluxe resorts of course you are going to see more all-star busses. sounds to me disney is trying to provide more service where it is needed. i have stayed at the wl several times and never waited more than 20 mins for a bus.bottom line is MORE PEOPLE = MORE BUSSES:hammer:


Active Member
I haven't been here long, but I've been here long enough to see that if someone, anyone, has a complaint (legitimate or not) about something at a park, people jump into the fray to automatically hammer away at the complainee. It's automatically the poster's bad attitude, unreasonable expectations, etc, that caused the problem. The naysayers get beaten down pretty fast.
I know you're not talking ONLY to me, but certainly I'm in the crowd, and I take offense at your implication. You are implying that my opinions are "automatic" rather than well-thought-out based upon the specific situation.

I have no knee-jerk reaction to defend Disney. I call 'em like I see 'em based on the merits. In this particular case, I feel very strongly that it was a case of unreasonable expectations.

I remember another thread a few months ago (different board, I believe), with a guy ripping up CBR, saying how horrible it was. He said it was clean, the cast members were nice enough, the bed was comfortable. But what he thought was terrible about the resort, what he deserved a refund over, was the fact that the rooms were small, the resort had only one table-service restaurant, the resort had no elevators, and the resort had no boat or monorail service. Well, wouldn't you agree that all of those things are very knowable, and that if someone expects those things at CBR then they are "guilty" of having unrealistic expectations? Should Disney refund the man's money because he didn't bother to know about the resort he was going to?

I can TOTALLY understand complaints about bad service, about food not tasting the way you like it, about broken facilities, about poorly managed resources ... all of those things require people to do their best every day, and are also a matter of opinion and taste, and different people have different opinions and different tastes. And it's always possible there's bad management there who don't properly supervise their employees. Employees can be retrained. Hiring and firing practices can be improved. And none of this is knowable before you go there.

But you CAN darn well know if the place has an elevator. You CAN darn well know whether or not the monorail stops there. Those things are not a matter of opinion, They are not a matter of taste. They are dead solid fact that can be found out.

And if someone doesn't bother to find out those things before paying to go there, then that person has no one to blame but himself. I ALWAYS did my homework about travel, buying cars, etc., and I started doing this long before Al Gore invented the Internet. :ROFLOL: I used to go to the book store and/or library with a legal pad and wrote a bunch of stuff down, including phone numbers so I could find out some stuff for myself. I think I spent more time researching our weekend anniversary trip to a B&B on the Chesapeake than we spent AT the Chesapeake. Some people might not want to put in that kind of time, but I'll tell you what ... I knew exactly what to expect and was totally satisfied.


Well-Known Member
I know you're not talking ONLY to me, but certainly I'm in the crowd, and I take offense at your implication. You are implying that my opinions are "automatic" rather than well-thought-out based upon the specific situation.

I have no knee-jerk reaction to defend Disney. I call 'em like I see 'em based on the merits. In this particular case, I feel very strongly that it was a case of unreasonable expectations.

I remember another thread a few months ago (different board, I believe), with a guy ripping up CBR, saying how horrible it was. He said it was clean, the cast members were nice enough, the bed was comfortable. But what he thought was terrible about the resort, what he deserved a refund over, was the fact that the rooms were small, the resort had only one table-service restaurant, the resort had no elevators, and the resort had no boat or monorail service. Well, wouldn't you agree that all of those things are very knowable, and that if someone expects those things at CBR then they are "guilty" of having unrealistic expectations? Should Disney refund the man's money because he didn't bother to know about the resort he was going to?

I can TOTALLY understand complaints about bad service, about food not tasting the way you like it, about broken facilities, about poorly managed resources ... all of those things require people to do their best every day, and are also a matter of opinion and taste, and different people have different opinions and different tastes. And it's always possible there's bad management there who don't properly supervise their employees. Employees can be retrained. Hiring and firing practices can be improved. And none of this is knowable before you go there.

But you CAN darn well know if the place has an elevator. You CAN darn well know whether or not the monorail stops there. Those things are not a matter of opinion, They are not a matter of taste. They are dead solid fact that can be found out.

And if someone doesn't bother to find out those things before paying to go there, then that person has no one to blame but himself. I ALWAYS did my homework about travel, buying cars, etc., and I started doing this long before Al Gore invented the Internet. :ROFLOL: I used to go to the book store and/or library with a legal pad and wrote a bunch of stuff down, including phone numbers so I could find out some stuff for myself. I think I spent more time researching our weekend anniversary trip to a B&B on the Chesapeake than we spent AT the Chesapeake. Some people might not want to put in that kind of time, but I'll tell you what ... I knew exactly what to expect and was totally satisfied.

we were actually talking about Al Gore and his inventation of the internet yesterday over an outragously priced meal at Chili's...then my counterpart mentioned that if we credit Al with the invention of the internet, we must also credit McCain with his assistance in the invention of the Blackberry...but I defended with the fact that the Blackberry would not be needed if the internet was not invented in the first place...so it's back to Gore for that one too.

anyway...just thought it was interesting that you brought that up...carry on...:wave:


Well-Known Member
Then walk downstairs and get one. Or, if it's THAT big of a deal, go rent a car and get your own coffee from a store.

If housekeeping never replaced your coffee, just call the front desk and ask them to. What's the big deal?:shrug:

Here's what an addict I am. I had freeze dried coffee I brought on the plane with me that I drank just so I didn't get a headache. It was medicinal more than tasty but I didn't want to wait in aa line of 40 people every AM


New Member
I can see your point about the bus service. Waits of that long (and multiple stops) should not be acceptable and this needs to be brought to the attention of the hotel manager. Disney advertises transportation as a perk to staying on site and so the service should be delivered in a reasonable fashion. quote]

We also had horrible bus service on one of our last trips. We usually drive but DS and DD really wanted to ride the bus. As we left DHS before Fantasmic there were about 350 people waiting in line to ride the bus to ASMu. Within 25 minutes a bus came for every other resort at least 2 if not 3 times but none for ASMu. People were getting really upset and nasty. They were going after the other bus drivers as they were trying to load the wheelchairs for the buses yelling at them about no buses and the bus drivers told them there was nothing they could do but the people could go complain near the gate.

We were near the middle of the pack and went and got the Movies line because we knew we could just walk across to Broadway from the Movies resort. Not many others thought to do this. By the time we got on the bus the line for ASMu stretched all the way around the bus area almost to the entrance to DHS - Fantasmic was just letting out! Easily 500 people. :eek: DS and DD learned very quickly why we NEVER take the bus.


Well-Known Member
Has the OP even been back in here to defend/explain further??

It's funny you should mention that. Notice how he said he received park hoppers? That's fine but did you also notice his signature? He's been the WDW almost every year for the past 8 years. Just about anyone who's been that much knows you don't get free food or coffee in your room in the deluxe resorts. He just wanted to come back for free. :rolleyes:


New Member
I didnt read every single response to the original post, didnt have to. I got the tone. I think most of you are being way to tough on the poster. I think you all are missing the point. They spent alot of money and didnt feel they were getting their monies worth. All of you feel the same way. Its our expectations that are different.

When we buy a cadillac we can expect a certian level of quality. I dont think the fact she didnt get fresh coffee was that important but simply used it as an example. I totally get it.

What was illustrated was the fact the only difference in hotels is the themeing. And really for that kind of money, shouldnt there be other differences? That brings up a wonderful point. Why not have an "all-inclusive resort" Pay one price. eat what you want. when you want.
Its nothing new. just an idea.

I digress, The WL should have some amenities to warrant such a premium price.
I am sorry you felt this way but Disney does not have to provide you with any kind of food or coffee at all.

They do not say that they will when you reserved the reservations so you really should not expect it.

If you have been to WL before to visit then you know what the food court is like and that to eat th the other restaurants you need adr's.

As for the bus situation..I despise the Disney bus system and drive myself.

The fact that they sent you something is really nice but I do not think..in my opinion.. that you deserved anything..

They never promised that you would get a breakfast for free or coffee or anything else but a good room at a beautiful loacation and they provided you with that...so I think they did what they were supposed to do.

I'm sorry, but I have respectfully disagree with most of what you said. In the real world (aka off Disney property) hotels are in fierce competition with one another and they have set precedents that alot of travelers have come to expect. Disney should follow suit as well if they want their prized delux resorts to be held on the same level as all of the other resorts around the country and around the world. I am actually glad that Disney took thetime to actually answer this particular complaint. Maybe it means that they are actually trying to turn things around...but who knows.:shrug:

As for the bus system, I actually have to agree whole heartedly. It preyy much sucks and I drive as much as possible.

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