I complained....and I actualy got satisfaction.


Active Member
I respect your passion, and I guess your points make sense taken individually...but when you put them together, the only conclusion seems to be that no one can ever criticize Disney for not offering a service, because either

(a.) they knew ahead of time it wasn't offered and still paid, so they can't complain.
(b.) they didn't know ahead of time it wasn't offered, meaning they didn't do their homework, so they can't complain.

Put it all together and it seems like the company has a pretty effective shield against any complaint (related to lack of a particular service, anyway) by any customer...ever. :lol:

Maybe I have your meaning wrong, though.
Let me try to respond in an unemotional, non-passionate way, in hopes of effectively communicating my point.:)

Let's say you expect a king-size bed. It's very important to you to sleep in a king-size bed. You arrive at your resort, and the resort has no king-size beds ... not that none are available right now, but that there literally is not one king-size bed in any room at the resort, occupied or not.

I don't think it's being lawyerly to say that the guest should have known that in advance. I don't think it's lawyerly to say that the guest doesn't have a legitimate complaint with the management. The guest certainly should write a letter and suggest that the management has their heads up their you-know-whats for not offering that amenity, but there is not a valid complaint that there was no king bed available and thus it nearly ruined the guest's vacation. If it's important to the guest, he should have checked it out ahead of time.

I hope you can appreciate the difference between those two scenarios.

I live in a beach town right next to Atlantic City. What do most people know about Atlantic City. Besides casinos, most people think of beach and boardwalk. Probably the best place in town is the Borgata ... the nicest amenities, the highest high-rollers, the coolest crowd, lotsa celebrities, etc. Well, let's say you make reservations at Borgata and then arrive and are SHOCKED to find out that it's nowhere near the beach or boardwalk, not even walking distance. You were counting on rolling out of bed for a stroll on the boardwalk and a quick morning dip in the Atlantic Ocean. You just can't do it that easily at Borgata, since it's not right near the beach.

Would you be justified in complaining to Borgata that they aren't near the beach??? In my opinion, of course not ... it truly is something you should have known, and if proximity to the beach was important to you, you should have considered that prior to making the reservation. To me, it's exactly the same situation with the lack of continental breakfast at WL ... it's just not offered, period ... is EXPECTING that it's offered the fault of the guest or of the management? In my opinion, the WL management owes no apology for not offering something they never even alluded that they offered.



Well-Known Member
Read Main Street USA's response below...:)

Thats what I have been saying..HE knew and still complained...that is why it is ridiculous to me...

I don't think you understand my post. Are you saying he knew the food was going to be bad, and that the bus service was going to be horrible, or that housekeeping wouldn't restock his coffee packets and the coffee at the food court was going to be cold? Is that what you are saying?

That's what he was complaining about. NOT that he didn't get a free continental breakfast. He pointed that out merely to compare that for less money he could have gotten more than he paid for at the Deluxe. If he paid all this mopney, is it too much to ask for decent food, hot coffee, and non-delayed transportation?

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
Let me try to respond in an unemotional, non-passionate way, in hopes of effectively communicating my point.:)
Which I would say you did successfully.

Reading your posts, it sounds like the main problem you (and I suspect many others in this thread) have with the guy who started this thread is the perceived tone and specific wording of his complaints, more so than the complaints themselves. That's definitely your prerogative, and really falls outside of what I've been trying to say.

It seems to me that, in their haste to dispense with the OP's gripes as quickly as possible, some of the responses to him have been framed in such a broad way that any similar expression of dissatisfaction would always be dismissed, regardless of tone or without respect to whether the person involved was looking for a handout. That's been my tack here all along...asking that we not throw the baby out with the bathwater, so to speak.

But (to borrow from your non-beach resort theme a little) I will make all of you a promise. If anyone ever comes on and posts a thread complaining that WDW isn't anywhere near Daytona, which completely ruined their plans of taking the monorail to the beach every day, you'll hear nary a word of defense from me. Even I have my limits. :p

Thanks for your replies. :wave:


Well-Known Member
I don't think you understand my post. Are you saying he knew the food was going to be bad, and that the bus service was going to be horrible, or that housekeeping wouldn't restock his coffee packets and the coffee at the food court was going to be cold? Is that what you are saying?

That's what he was complaining about. NOT that he didn't get a free continental breakfast. He pointed that out merely to compare that for less money he could have gotten more than he paid for at the Deluxe. If he paid all this mopney, is it too much to ask for decent food, hot coffee, and non-delayed transportation?
He knew about the transportation..he stated so in another thread...

He should have complained while he was there about the taste and texture of the food he complained about..he did not.Why?..I have no idea..but he should have...I am sure they would have tried to accomadate hm if he would have told them..

Why did he not ask for extra coffee? That is all he had to do..but he did not like the coffee..so why did he complain that they never gave him any more coffee if he did not like the way it tasted anyway?

I am sorry..and I know many do not agree with me and many do..and thats fine..but I stand by what I have been saying all along.:shrug:

Also..the fact that they did give him the free tickest was very generous of him yet he said it did not make up for his bad experience while there..

Umm..That is ridiculous..You get free tickets because they did not give you more coffee that you did not like..and because you did not like the sharing of the bus system which you knew that they did before you went..and you did not like the food they served yet did not complain????


Hi BJ!!!!!!!!!:D

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
I just got this e-mail and immediately thought of this thread. Apparently the "give 'em free crap" response to complaints is a conditioned response in corporate America. Basically I submitted a comment to a games site telling them they should consider removing pop-up ads that cover the game screen. They thanked me for my "positive feedback" ( :veryconfu) and offered me a $5 discount. (I've never bought anything there and don't intend to. I'd still just prefer they get rid of the pop-ups.) :shrug: :lol:


Thank you for contacting Nickelodeon Kids and Family Games Group.

We appreciate your positive feedback.

Please accept our offer of a $5.00 discount on your next Shockwave.com
purchase. To receive your $5.00 discount, simply use the following
code in our Shockwave.com Store:

Promotional code = xxxxxx

Games may be purchased from our web site at:

For information on becoming a Shockwave.com UNLIMITED member, see our
Shockwave.com UNLIMITED web page, located at:

Nickelodeon Kids and Family Games Group, MTV Networks

Original Message Follows:

Description: I enjoy playing RISK on the free site pretty frequently,
but the ads are becoming more and more intrusive. I was just in the
middle of a pretty interesting game, when a pop-up survey request
(greenish-blue with gold trim) decided to position itself right on top
of the game controls. In trying to control the game, I inadvertantly
clicked the ad and navigated away from my game. Naturally, after hitting
Backspace, my game was gone. I'll never know whether I'd have conquered
the world under those circumstances...a small tragedy in the scope of
life, but an annoying little thing nonetheless. I realize the games are
free and you've got to make money somehow, but it seems fair to hope
that ads or survey requests not appear directly in the gaming field.

Name: Ben Corbitt
Email: xxxxxx
Phone: No response
Order ID: No response
Game: RISK
Browser Detected: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X 10.4; en-US;
rv: Gecko/2008120121 Firefox/3.0.5
Memory: No response
Operating System: Mac OS X
Browser Specified: Firefox
Business: No response



Well-Known Member
I just got this e-mail and immediately thought of this thread. Apparently the "give 'em free crap" response to complaints is a conditioned response in corporate America. Basically I submitted a comment to a games site telling them they should consider removing pop-up ads that cover the game screen. They thanked me for my "positive feedback" ( :veryconfu) and offered me a $5 discount. (I've never bought anything there and don't intend to. I'd still just prefer they get rid of the pop-ups.) :shrug: :lol:
My favorite part of your email..

I'll never know whether I'd have conquered
the world under those circumstances...a small tragedy in the scope of
life, but an annoying little thing nonetheless.

I just came back from a trip at the Animal Kingdom Lodge for the first week in December. I booked it in April and requested a King sized bed for me and my boyfriend. When we checked in, our room was a double. Was I little upset? Yes, but just a tad....but then I said to myself "Who cares?! I'm in Disney World for crying out loud!" lol No way was I going to complain to try to get something out of it...


Well-Known Member
Regarding the lack of a continental breakfast:

I travel on business with some regularity, and I have been conditioned to expect a free continental breakfast wherever I stay. Since the hotels I stay at are located near office buildings, their primary market is the business traveler. They cater to this market, and free continental breakfast for people who just want a quick bagel before they go to work is a must. Free wi-fi, too.

WDW resorts, on the other hand, cater exclusively to vacationers. Different market. As a vacationer, I have been conditioned to pay for all extras. This is true at resorts in Wisconsin Dells, too, so it is not just a WDW phenomena.

I guess what the OP was trying to say is that WDW resorts should be run more like hotels catering to business travelers are run. I suspect this wouldn't work at WDW because - 1) the restaurant revenue is critical to their profit margins; and 2) the opportunities for abuse of freebies at WDW is high. The OP's complaint won't change the way Disney does business, and he's lucky they tossed anything his way in return.


Well-Known Member
I just came back from a trip at the Animal Kingdom Lodge for the first week in December. I booked it in April and requested a King sized bed for me and my boyfriend. When we checked in, our room was a double. Was I little upset? Yes, but just a tad....but then I said to myself "Who cares?! I'm in Disney World for crying out loud!" lol No way was I going to complain to try to get something out of it...

You should have told the fornt desk. If nothing else, they may have been able to get you am king sized bed. Never hurts to ask.


Active Member
I've worked for various Hiltons for a few years and major in Hospitality Management and it is like this at any place that isn't an economy hotel. You'll get breakfast at a Hampton Inn but not a full-service Hilton. I really don't know why that is but I assume it is because they are targeting different clientele.

The Super 8 down the street is trying to attract an audience who wants to pay less and get the most bang for the buck but you will not have the convenience of a top notch staff or nearness to your destination.

Disney hotels don't need to attract the people looking for a free pastry and therefore why spend the money on a free breakfast? Nevermind the nightmare is would be to regulate a free breakfast in a 700+ room hotel, I can't even imagine.

As to the arguement of the OP about them not including blankets because they did not say so, that is ridiculous. There is an implied warrenty in any hotel that you will get what you go there for- a bed and a bathroom. Anything else is simply to set it apart from the competition and you will pay for those extra amenities.

I can completely understand your annoyance with the bus system- that is inexcusable but on the hotel side, you should really take the time to check out the website and what it is you are really paying for before you go.
You should have told the fornt desk. If nothing else, they may have been able to get you am king sized bed. Never hurts to ask.

I did ask and they looked but nothing was available...

It's ok cause we were really close to the lobby and my boyfriend didn't have a chance to be a blanket hog cause he slept in his own bed lol
Seems to me that some have had their fare share of Disney Kool Aid on this one!! I for one feel for the OP they have good arguments. I for one think that a con. breakfast should be inclueded. I have stayed at Comfort Inn Hotels across the US and they all seem to have a great Breakfast for FREE. Disney offers less then most places and charges more then anywhere! I like Disney more than most people but the last few years are really showing their corporate greed. I feel Walt would have had a problem with lots going on. He felt the county fair was to dirty and to costly. Now Disney cuts back on cleaning crews, Hours, and all the etxras. It really hurts me to see the decline of the parks. I know that the economy has hurt their profits but lets get real. If you go enough to the parks the attendence is not down enough to be hurting as bad as they say. It is harder then ever to get into rooms at last minute. Dining is hard to get resrvations unless it is the 180 days prior. I wish that the CEOs would get off their duff and make Disney the way it was and should always be!


New Member
I just came back from a trip at the Animal Kingdom Lodge for the first week in December. I booked it in April and requested a King sized bed for me and my boyfriend. When we checked in, our room was a double. Was I little upset? Yes, but just a tad....but then I said to myself "Who cares?! I'm in Disney World for crying out loud!" lol No way was I going to complain to try to get something out of it...

Not even to get what you asked for in the first place?

*just read the response a couple of posts above, but still. You see the point, I hope.


hmmm... I thought deluxe meant treatment like a king. Not just "I am on property". The rooms (I have viewed pictures of all of them) are pedestrian. A Hilton off I95 is finer. So... you get to be "on property". I guess that might be a thrill or an "I have more money than god" situation for some. Disney deluxe hotels are just a big grand lobby with holiday express rooms with a view of whatever. Is that really worth it? If it is to some, then cool.

The new Waldorf however. They will wipe your hoo hoo, and not for added cost. If you ask for special turkish towels for your hoo hoo with an aloe baked rub from Mexico, that will cost you big time they will get it. But what would one expect?

If I were a very rich person, I would not stay on Disney property. There are far finer hotels and rental propertys so nearby. Take a taxi.


Well-Known Member
I stayed at NY Palace in NYC a couple of days ago...I got no continental breakfast, no fridge in my room and no coffee pot. Not EVERY deluxe resort has such amenities. Doing HW is necessary...check what you should receive before you book so there is no disappointment.

Coffee? That is subjective. It might be great to me and horrible to someone else.


Active Member
Seems to me that some have had their fare share of Disney Kool Aid on this one!! I for one feel for the OP they have good arguments. I for one think that a con. breakfast should be inclueded.
It's one thing to think something should be included. But it's quite another to know in advance it's not included, decide to pay to stay there anyway, but feel INSULTED when that thing isn't included.

My kids love macaroni and cheese. Before I book at a hotel, I'm darn well gonna check out if we can conveniently get that food for them ... if we can't, I check with other places until I find a place that meets my needs/expectations. But let's say I just EXPECTED that, say, Wilderness Lodge serves mac and cheese, but then we get there and learn it doesn't serve mac and cheese. Should I be angry at WL management about that? Who is to blame? Is WL to blame because anyplace near a theme park should know to offer mac and cheese for kids? Or am I to blame for not checking things out.

I never knew that shirking personal responsibility was akin to drinking the Kool-Aid.

I might write a letter saying I was disappointed and suggesting they offer mac and cheese in the future; but there's no way on God's green Earth I'd feel angry or INSULTED because they didn't offer a common food that my kids love.

Wilderness Lodge costs so much per night that guests should get a lavish midnight buffet every night. But we know they don't offer that. SHould I just go and hope and expect it anyway?


This thread justifies my decision to never stay in a Deluxe resort. I definitely believe if I am paying a premium, I expect nothing but excellence on every front. For my money, I want fast reliable transportation, a top notch food court, a bar or two, great restaurants, wonderful decor and more. And I shouldn't have to ever complain about little things going wrong. Like there not being a coffee machine in my room, or no one replacing things that have been used up. Yep. For premium prices, I expect it all. So I always, always, always do my homework to make sure that any place I stay has what I want before I make a reservation.

I love visiting deluxe resorts. Some have REALLY great restaurants. But, not so great foodcourts. That's a downer, as in the morning, I want to grab something quick and cheaper. And, sometimes I just want to grab a snack.

I find bus service to be the best at ALL STAR and POP CENTURY. Seems strange, but that has been my experience.

Coffee sucks all over the resort. Kona Cafe is good.

My research tells me that I will not get what I believe I deserve at a deluxe resort (except perhaps AK LODGE, but I'm still researching it) so rather than gripe about it, I don't stay there. I stay where I feel I a getting the best deal for my money, which currently is Pop Century. And I go to the Deluxe resorts to eat and enjoy the ambience. So I get it all.

These are the best threads. I love getting the nitty gritty on every resort so I know what I'm in for. The OP seems to know what to expect and complains after the fact. And then barks at folks who disagree.

Bottom line, make a list of your expectations, do the research and plan accordingly.

If the Deluxe Resorts ever want my money for those prices, here's a list of what I would need added:

1. Food courts on par with POP in addition to the nice restaurants.

2. Guaranteed seating at resort restaurants if reservation is made at time of hotel booking.

3. Fast, reliable transportation to the parks. This actually would be one of the best perks for me.

Until then, I'm very happy at POP. Never had a compliant, or problem. And these board always provide me with the best research, so thanks to everyone who offers their own opinions!

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