I complained....and I actualy got satisfaction.


New Member
When i went to disney world, i expected mickey to follow me around and caryr my bags and do my laundry and make me my dinner and tuck me in and protect me from the big scary monsters but he didn't!!!

The cheap motels offer the free pastry or continental breakfast because, simply put, they want you off of disney property and can't compete with free, albeit a tad unreliable, transportaion that is continuous, free souviner to room service, etc.

You can have the cheap motels and hotels, I'll stick for staying at disney. i go for relaxationa nd atmosphere, not for "free scrambled eggs from a box"


Well-Known Member
Yes, I used the coffee pot. I brewed that stuff they have in the rooms myself. With its one sugar packet and powdered non-dairy creamer. It was suppose to be French Roast, yet it was weak and had no flavor at atll. And after doing it, house keeping never replaced my coffee packets. Ugh.

Look, I'm saying I demand or deserve a free breakfast every morning. In fact, all I want is a decent cup of coffee in the morning! THATS IT!!

Is there any coffee drinkers among these boards?? my god!

Then walk downstairs and get one. Or, if it's THAT big of a deal, go rent a car and get your own coffee from a store.

If housekeeping never replaced your coffee, just call the front desk and ask them to. What's the big deal?:shrug:


Well-Known Member
When i went to disney world, i expected mickey to follow me around and caryr my bags and do my laundry and make me my dinner and tuck me in and protect me from the big scary monsters but he didn't!!!

The cheap motels offer the free pastry or continental breakfast because, simply put, they want you off of disney property and can't compete with free, albeit a tad unreliable, transportaion that is continuous, free souviner to room service, etc.

You can have the cheap motels and hotels, I'll stick for staying at disney. i go for relaxationa nd atmosphere, not for "free scrambled eggs from a box"

I agree.

Can you imagine Disney having to make a free continental breakfast every day for nearly 25,000 rooms? Hotels like Fairfield Inn that have about 100 rooms and are never nearly booked, offer that.


Well-Known Member
I find it sad that Disney offered a park hopper ticket based on those complaints. Just my thoughts though :)

I completely agree with you. I do not expect Disney to provide anything for FREE and when they do- I jump at the chance (the 3 free nights and $200 gift card). If you stay at the Concierge Level (you get what they put out). You are paying for individual service not food. I love Disney and do not mind spending money on food. And I do not like the fact that this person got a park hopper pass for things that Disney never advertises. I do however agree with the BUS SERVICE which is why I utilize my rental car.

MKCP 1985

Well-Known Member
Sometimes, Disney hotels quite frankly don't match what you can get off property.

I agree 100% that for the money you pay to stay in a deluxe resort, the resort management should provide their guests with dining options better than what one can experience at a Disney moderate or value. I've always made daily reservations for breakfast and had no problems with getting fresh coffee and meals.

As for the transportation complaints, that's something to keep an eye on. I'm staying at the Wilderness Lodge soon, and I'll keep an open mind to whether the resort amenities are up to par.


New Member
We have stayed at value, moderate, and deluxe, and for my hubby and I we TRULY believe the value is the BEST deal. Now I am not a fan of the All-Stars, but we LOVE Pop Century.

The food court is amazing and the convenience of everything there is what we love. The lobby, pool area, martini bar in the food court, ALL of it WE LOVE.

I had NO idea deluxe resorts shared bus service? That is news to me. We never have bus issues at Pop Century- whether it is Christmas, October, May, etc.

The staff there is wonderful too. We have ADR's at WL, GF, Poly, etc., but for our family of seven where we need two rooms, there is just no value like Pop Century. All we do is sleep there- and sometimes use the pool- even in December since it is heated.

I just cannot see paying four to five times more for a room for the view or decorations. We stayed at AKL in September of last year and while it was cool to see the animlas from the balcony, we can see them when we come to Boma just as easlily.

But some people really want the added luxury of a deuxe and that's cool too. But for my family, we are Pop Century FANS....and i cannot wait to get there in two days!!!!:xmas:


Well-Known Member
Sometimes, Disney hotels quite frankly don't match what you can get off property.

I agree 100% that for the money you pay to stay in a deluxe resort, the resort management should provide their guests with dining options better than what one can experience at a Disney moderate or value. I've always made daily reservations for breakfast and had no problems with getting fresh coffee and meals.

As for the transportation complaints, that's something to keep an eye on. I'm staying at the Wilderness Lodge soon, and I'll keep an open mind to whether the resort amenities are up to par.

It's a catch-22. Personally, I love the food courts at the Values. Roaring Forks can't compare. However, WL has 1 good restaurant and 1 excellent restaurant. The Values have none.

As for the transportation, prepare to be let down. The transportation at all of the Magic Kingdom Resorts (bus service) is unacceptable. I think they feel since they have boats and/or monorails, their bus service can be sub-standard. One of the biggest problems Disney has I think.


Well-Known Member
The food court is amazing and the convenience of everything there is what we love. The lobby, pool area, martini bar in the food court, ALL of it WE LOVE.

Just so you're not disappointed, it is my understanding the the bar in the food court is no more. I really liked having that there too.


Well-Known Member
As for the transportation, prepare to be let down. The transportation at all of the Magic Kingdom Resorts (bus service) is unacceptable. I think they feel since they have boats and/or monorails, their bus service can be sub-standard. One of the biggest problems Disney has I think.

You do realize the MK resorts are at the northern most end of property?

I personally LOVE the Disney bus service - we have rarely waited more than 15 minutes for a bus, and are usually at our destination within 15-25 minutes. Once you consider the size and scope of Disney property, and the number of people that they move, this is excellent service.

I also have a 75-90 minute bus commute to work in each direction 5 days a week, so for me, Disney buses are great!


Well-Known Member
You do realize the MK resorts are at the northern most end of property?

I personally LOVE the Disney bus service - we have rarely waited more than 15 minutes for a bus, and are usually at our destination within 15-25 minutes. Once you consider the size and scope of Disney property, and the number of people that they move, this is excellent service.

I also have a 75-90 minute bus commute to work in each direction 5 days a week, so for me, Disney buses are great!

Of course I do.

You do realize that the All Stars are at the Southwestern most end of property? The bus service there is excellent.


Well-Known Member
Of course I do.

You do realize that the All Stars are at the Southwestern most end of property? The bus service there is excellent.

I've heard just as many All-Star bus complaints - especially when they share - just like the MK resorts - sometimes they share, sometimes they don't - complaints usually arise when sharing.


New Member
Just so you're not disappointed, it is my understanding the the bar in the food court is no more. I really liked having that there too.

Well i just hate that. We loved going there for a drink in the evenings. But we like Petals Pool Bar too, so at least we can still go there! When did they close it? They made the best cosmos!


New Member
Now I was not about to get all hyped up about the prime rib stuff, but to close my Classic Concoctions!!!! Now I am outraged! :ROFLOL:

MKCP 1985

Well-Known Member
I am sorry you felt this way but Disney does not have to provide you with any kind of food or coffee at all.

. . .

They never promised that you would get a breakfast for free or coffee or anything else but a good room at a beautiful location and they provided you with that...so I think they did what they were supposed to do.

You are way too easy . . .

to please. :D


Well-Known Member
You are way too easy . . .

to please. :D
I really am.....but I just do not feel that they owed him anything..the fact that they gave him free tickets is more then generous and way more then he deserved.

All because he did not get a continental breakfast and he did not like the bacon or the coffee..the free coffee that they provided for him in his room...was not good enough for him.

He stayed in a deluxe hotel on WDW property..one of the nicest hotels on property with beautiful scenery inside and out and 2 really good restaurants..I mean...seriously!

The fact that you can get a free continental breakfast at a motel 6 is all fine and dandy but looking out my window and seeing Irlo Bronson or looking out and seeing what you can at WL is worth a lot more to me then a box of corn flakes and a donut.


Well-Known Member
Sometimes, Disney hotels quite frankly don't match what you can get off property. .

I disagree with that statement. Resorts such as Westin & the Four Seasons for example offer nothing more than what you are willing to shell out. The last time I stayed at a Four Seasons they offered me everything that I was willing to pay for. My room rate however included a nice clean room. No free breakfast, no bus transportation to the nearest shopping mall ect. Disney offers you a themed environment close to the magic. They also offer you multiple dining options and free transportation to the theme parks.


Well-Known Member
I've heard just as many All-Star bus complaints - especially when they share - just like the MK resorts - sometimes they share, sometimes they don't - complaints usually arise when sharing.

Apples and oranges.

The 3 All Stars are right next to one another. In fact, bus sharing can work out to your advantage. If your staying at Movies, you can get off at Music and have just as quick of a walk. If you're staying at Music, you can get off at Sports or Movies. If you're staying at Sports, you could always get off at Music. Bottom line - You can EASILY walk from any All Stars to another within 10 minutes - Tops.

The Magic Kingdom Resorts, you can not get off at Wilderness Lodge and walk to Grand Floridian. Well, you could, but it'd take you about an hour. The only 2 resorts you can walk between are the GF and the Poly, and by no means is it a hop, skip and a jump.

Scenario 1: You're leaving Downtown Disney and you're trying to get back to AS Movies, as I have many many times:

1.You will get your own bus directly to AS Movies. No problem.
2.You'll get a shared bus to all the All Stars, and have to stop at 2 other resorts, literally, feet away form one another. In this case, you're talking maybe an additional 3 minutes. This is the worst case scenario.

Scneario 2: You're leaving Downtown Disney and you're trying to get back to the Polynesian. You will be sharing a bus with the Contemporary, which by bus is about 10 minutes away from the Poly, and you'll be stopping at the Contemporary first. And I would bet EXCELLENT money, that on an average night, you will see at least 2 buses to the All Stars before you see 1 bus to the CR and Poly.

The bottom line, to me anyways, is this: For the amount of money guests pay to stay at the Magic Kingdom resorts, bus service should be much better. I've stayed at the Value Resorts at least 10 seperate occassions, and never once, did I have a problem with the bus service like I had at least 4 times this past summer at the Polynesian.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by bugsbunny View Post
Just stayed 10 days at WL. Always visited the place and always wanted to stay there, but since I spend 90% of my time away from the hotel and on WDW property, I never really wanted to shell out $3000+ for a place to sleep. Granted, its got tremenous theming and since I've been to Yellowstone and Yosemite, its a fond reminder; but I basically will only be sleeping there. Regardless I took the plunge and booked it.

- Isnt the WL beautiful. Its our DVC home resort. The theming, food court, fireplace, music, nice pool, nice counter service area that was recently refurb'd...its so peaceful here...Not a single gripe here

* Why is it that I can stay at a $75/night motel and get a free continental breakfast, but at WL I would have to bump up to "concierge level" for $400/night to get a free pastry? I actually find this insulting!

--Because disney can r8pe us for all we have and get away with it....while
we all keep going back time and again...can you say we are all suckers?

* Fresh brewed coffee? How hard is this to provide?

-- Not hard at all for a refillable mug or 2.00 or a snack credit

* Roaring Forks? Menu could be printed on a postage stamp and there are only 18 or so tables to sit at. When you have a 700+ room hotel, where are we suppose to eat? The only other place is Whispering Canyons and as most people know, there are more non-hotel guests there and you cant eat unless you have a reservation! Compounded by the fact I can't even get a decent cup of coffee, it made each morning dreadful. ONE breakfast meat (bacon) and it was basically the texture and consistency of the Beggin Strips I give my dog. I can get custom cooked omlettes, french toast, and other things at the moderates and values. At this Deluxe hotel, all I can get is cafeteria quality scrambled eggs and 3 pieces of bacon. Ugh.

-- easy enough to sit outside with the plenty of tables provided in the nice open air

* Sharing bus services with other hotels is getting ridiculous. At one point, it took 1 hour and 20 minutes to get from WL to Epcot causing me to miss my dinner at Le Cellier. I got through to the hostess stand and they held my reservation, but the only reason I even got there in 80 minutes was becuase I called the WL front desk to complain. And then once a bus showed up, it literally got haflway to Epcot and TURNED AROUND to go to Ft. W since they had also been waiting forever.

--guess what, they all share, even the values share with eachother or have
mucho stops it feels like you are going to alaska and back.
Are we just a bit Impatient. Toss another bi standard to the get out of my way Im in a hurry crowd

* Samething happend going to Downtown and coming back since WL shares a bus with GF and Poly. RIDICULOUS!! Took an hour EACH way!

--oh my gawd....a whole hour out of your life,,what ever will you do

Sorry, but Disney has always been about the attention to details and little things that matter. I just felt that give the Deluxe rating on the place and the money I spent, it just wasn't worth it. The place is beautiful and the grounds/decorations equally stunning, but the lack of "everyday food" and simple creature comforts like a good cup of coffee really were downers.

Disney responded to me by sending me 3 4-day park hoppers and I'm suppose to get follow up calls from each particular section I complained about. Needless to say, I'm super impressed and I guess Disney really does care. Granted it did not make up for the shortcomings I experienced, but its nice to see that I did not get a canned answer from them or any other corporate BS.

so another whiner who complains to get something out of it....I have an inlaw who does this....Cant stand her..its the most annoying
thing IMHO..makes me sick

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