I’m a damsel, I’m in distress – I can handle it. (PRE-trip report for May 1 – 9, 2010

I’m a damsel, I’m in distress – I can handle it (PRE-trip report for May 1 – 9, 2010)

Hello Disney fans of all ages!

My name is Kenzie, and I’ve been kicking around here for awhile now.. these blue boards have been a huge distraction for me during my second year of university. Totally worth it, though.. you’re all very knowledgeable Disney enthusiasts, and I’ve learned a lot!

And now it’s time for my very own pre-trip/trip report combo.
I’m a talker, so things can get a little draggy. Sorry in advance. I’ll try to make it a good time for anyone willing to read the entire thing, hahah.

I suppose one theme of this magical trip will be girl power (hence the Meg quote as title). The Cast comprises solely of four fabulous university girls. One might say we’re *celebrating* being half way done our undergraduate degrees.. a little bit of a stretch, but it’s still exciting!

There’s Lauren. She’s 19, an aspiring teacher who is majoring in geography, and rocking history as a minor (same university as me). She’s been to the World twice – once in grade 8, and she came with my family (and I) for a graduation trip in grade 12. Easily identified by her ‘mane’.. her hair is very easy to spot in a crowd.

Paige is next. Also 19, rocks the same university as Laur and I, and is a biology major. She’s a Disney newbie, but an extremely enthusiastic one. She opted for this trip over a voyage to the Dominican with her family.. good choice, you can see why I like her.

Erica, too, is 19. She goes to St. FX though, and is prone to ‘X is DYNAMITE’.. don’t mind her, X is a cult. (She’s working on her Nutrition degree.) Also a noob, Erica is not quite sure what to expect (nor does Pai for that matter).

And, finally, moi. Kenzie, I’ll be 20 (if you’ve been keeping score, you’ll have noticed that I’m the only 20 year old which is kind of giving me a complex). Doing my undergrad in Psychology (with French and Sociology minors). I’ve been to Disney enough times that my family has given up counting.. and that’s just the way we like it (they left bright and early this morning, actually, while I’m stuck with midterms).


Paige + Erica ---------------------------------------> Lauren and I

Sadly, the nicest picture we managed to get over Christmas of the 4 of us.

Now, I’ve just mentioned that Paige, Lauren, and I go to the same university. It’s the #1 undergrad in the country. 10,000 TSM points to the person who can name that university!

So you’ve met us.. cute bunch, ‘eh? We all grew up in the same town (of about 4000 people) in rural Nova Scotia. Canadians (hence the ‘eh’ seen above). We’re all about class, not going to lie.. and by ‘class’ I mean we’ll be dancing along Main Street USA, enjoying the streetmosphere with all the 7 and 8 year olds. We love kids, because we’re right on the same level as them.

Our trip begins early on the 1st of May (49 - days from now!). We fly out at 7AM, transfer in Toronto, and hit MCO around 1PM. We’re going to be exhausted.. but once we see those magnificent gates the world will be right again! Hitching a ride on the ME, and hopefully everything gets to where we want it as scheduled. We’re going to lay low for a little while, recover by the pool (work on the base tan, yeahh?), and then head to Hollywood Studios.

Now, I have a confession to make, I was the one that originally made this tentative schedule. I took full advantage, and decided that we should hit HS first as it is my favourite. However, I cited the fact that Fantasmic is playing that night as the reason and everyone bought it.. except Lauren, she knows me too well. Who cares, Tower in 49 days!

The next day (May 2ND) is EMH at Magic Kingdom (until 1AM), so we’ve penciled a morning at Animal Kingdom into the slot. Morning and afternoon, I should say. We’ll be there for opening at 9AM, hit everything we want and need (gotta see the shows!) and then head back to the hotel. We’re hoping for some more downtime by the pool, because I fully believe in taking advantage of EMH.. which means that we WILL be at MK until 1AM (Spectromagic and Wishes that night as well).

May 3RD takes us to Future World in the morning. This is not a true EPCOT day, as Lauren and I agreed that we could split it up and not lose any of its appeal. We’ll hit the rides and bail.. with the promise of returning the next day. Late night at Hollywood Studios until 10PM.. we’re hoping to get to Downtown Disney in between the parks, but if it doesn’t happen we’ll squeeze it in somewhere else. Late night Tower runs trump shopping in my books. Sadly, no fireworks.

Up and at it for Magic Kingdom on May 4TH. Up and at it means for 9AM though... hardly any early morning hours that we’re able to take advantage of. No big deal, we all function better on a good night’s sleep (the alarm will still be going off around 7:30 so we can shower). Post-MK stops, we’ll be heading over to EPCOT for World Showcase and any other rides we want to re-do. I love around the world! Lots of pictures to come, I promise.. including princesses (I told you we were 7 at heart!). Illuminations that night.

The last day, the 5TH, has been strategically left open. We’re not sure what we’ll want to hit again, or what fireworks we’ll want to redo. Everything’s possible, including a morning shopping trip to DTD or hitting all 4 parks in one day. Gotta love a hopper and fabulous planning skills. Any ideas?
You’ll notice that I said ‘the last day’.. how, you may ask, could it be their last day at the parks when their trip goes until the 9TH?! There’s a good answer to that..

The Disney Wonder. Yes, we have been saving for about two years to do this trip, and so.. we participate in the whole shebang. The 6th we sail away for the 3 night, 4 day cruise. I have done this cruise twice with the family, but I don’t remember it very well as I was 13 years old the last time we went (since then, my parents have gone twice, and so have my grandparents – livin’ the life!). We’re all extremely excited, especially Paige and Erica, who are most excited for this portion of the trip.. likely because with a ‘cruise’ you know what to expect, whereas WDW is a little elusive until you’ve seen it.

We come back on the 9TH, getting into Halifax International around 11PM, and then the long trek home.

Feuf. This is long. You guys are probably tired of hearing from me, my bad. However, there are a few more little tidbits that you should be aware of before I sign off:

A) We have decided that we won’t be eating elaborately on the parks. We have no ADRs, and don’t plan on doing a real sit down meal at all.. I know for a lot of you the food is one of the main events, but I eat for fuel, and we’ve decided that the food on the ship will more than make up for our lack of good meals over the first 5 days.

B) We will be participating in a game. I remember a few months ago there was a thread about the games everyone plays while in line/walking around, and this is ours: The winking game. The name says it all.. While perusing AK, MK, HS, and EPCOT we will be winking at random males (approximately our age). You score points depending on the level of acknowledgement from said male. The point system goes as follows:
- 1 POINT: A smile
- 2 POINTS: ‘The nod’ – you all know ‘the nod’, right?
- 3 POINTS: A wink in return
Trick is, someone in the group needs to see it or you do not get the points. You do not get points for a ‘double take’. Essentially, you are walking in a group, someone calls a guy, and you try to nonchalantly watch without creeping him out. The game is, however, by definition creepy. It’s especially good when you run into your victims later in the day. I will provide you with the final tally ;) hhaha.

C) I am a ‘person’ picture kind of girl. I like people in my pictures of ‘stuff’.. something my mother has passed on to me. Likely, if you read my trip report when I get back, there won’t be many pictures of buildings and etc without people in them. I apologize in advance.

That’s all! You guys rock =) Hit me with some feedback!


Well-Known Member
I'm looking into something in the healthcare field (well I was before this ridiculous reform) so maybe something in a hospital. Let me tell you know, grad school is the way to go with psych - will make finding a job much easier! I personally can't handle any more school right now...but maybe later on! Good luck to you!

Just to jump in on the "what to do with a psych degree" convo... I got my undergraduate degree in psych and then did the grad school thing (straight away), getting my masters in counseling. I work with college students, more specifically co-ops, which would fall under advising/career counseling and I LOVE my job! I fully second the grad school route as a means to finding an eventual job. Plus, I think it's even better to go straight through, this way you're still in the swing of things with regards to classes and study habits. Anyhoo... my two cents, even though it wasn't asked for! :lol:


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Just to jump in on the "what to do with a psych degree" convo... I got my undergraduate degree in psych and then did the grad school thing (straight away), getting my masters in counseling. I work with college students, more specifically co-ops, which would fall under advising/career counseling and I LOVE my job! I fully second the grad school route as a means to finding an eventual job. Plus, I think it's even better to go straight through, this way you're still in the swing of things with regards to classes and study habits. Anyhoo... my two cents, even though it wasn't asked for! :lol:

Heyy, info is ALWAYS appreciated. That sounds like a very interesting career path as well, Holly. I need to figure my stuff out.. I'm just scared of Honours!
Hi kenzie! My husband and I will also be a wdw the same time as you. We will be at the magic kingdom on may 2nd for extra magic hours also! I will be on the lookout for you girls, maybe we will run into eachother.


My girlfriend and I will be there during your last two days. I'll be completely honest, if one or more girls in a group of 4 winks at me, they're gettin' a hug. There'll be little warning too, so be careful. Why the hug? It's only fair. You can't be the only one towin' the line between funny and creepy. ;)

Also, hugs are awesome.


Well-Known Member
I am so jealous! For years I have been trying to corroborate a trip with my best gal friends, but none of them seem all that thrilled with the idea, I suppose I can't blame them, after all I am a nerd about Disney and truly don't think any of them care enough.

Anyways. Have a fabulous time and enjoy....make sure to let us know how you guys enjoyed it


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Hi kenzie! My husband and I will also be a wdw the same time as you. We will be at the magic kingdom on may 2nd for extra magic hours also! I will be on the lookout for you girls, maybe we will run into eachother.

Awesome! Feel free to come say hi! We may be on the run, but we'll probably be wearing some awesome ears and clearly loving life :)

My girlfriend and I will be there during your last two days. I'll be completely honest, if one or more girls in a group of 4 winks at me, they're gettin' a hug. There'll be little warning too, so be careful. Why the hug? It's only fair. You can't be the only one towin' the line between funny and creepy. ;)

Also, hugs are awesome.

Man, if I get a hug that's gotta be worth 10 points! Hahhaa. Not sure your girlfriend will be too impressed, though! Admittedly, we tend to stay away from guys that are with their GFs ;) ahaha.

That being said, I'm a hugger, so I always welcome hugs. ANd if you hug one of my friends I will be quick to explain :lol:

I am so jealous! For years I have been trying to corroborate a trip with my best gal friends, but none of them seem all that thrilled with the idea, I suppose I can't blame them, after all I am a nerd about Disney and truly don't think any of them care enough.

Anyways. Have a fabulous time and enjoy....make sure to let us know how you guys enjoyed it

I'm suchhhh a nerd about Disney, but so is Lauren, and the other two are EXTREMELY excited. While most people are heading to Cuba, we saved for a Disney trip.. gotta tell ya something about how young we are at heart!

I'm going to take a stab at a trip report.. hopefully it goes well! I got a little notebook for notes and everything.. I'm right on top of things, me.

AKA Disney nerd. Love it.


New Member
My girlfriend and I will be there during your last two days. I'll be completely honest, if one or more girls in a group of 4 winks at me, they're gettin' a hug. There'll be little warning too, so be careful. Why the hug? It's only fair. You can't be the only one towin' the line between funny and creepy. ;)

Also, hugs are awesome.

Looks like we will all be there at the same time. ;););)


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Some updates:

Hey all!

We're 26 days out (and 16 away from the completion of year numba 2 of my BA, worrdddd) and things are falling into place.

Touring plans is showing 4's and 5's for our Parks days. We're pretty happy with this. I've never kept track of Touring Plans before, but a lot of people here seem to swear by it.. opinions? A general idea of what to expect is always handy, I've never travelled in May before.

Also, the Easter Bunny brought us all a wonderful gift: reservations at Crystal Palace! Personally, I think the Bunny is concerned that we're only going to eat Mickey Ears ice cream and jelly beans (mmm, sour Jelly Bellys) all week, so they hooked us up. We're thinking 1ish on May 4th (MK morning day). Very excited for Pooh and Friends.

That's about it for now! Hope you guys are having some spring-like weather, because I know we are here.. and lovin' it!


Active Member
Wow, a WDW adventure with friends...wish I would have done this with friends at an earlier time! I wish you good luck and SO MUCH FUN! No matter how much you plan, you just also have to be flexable. I watch these boards for info and read up on quite a few books. So far, the one that has helped me the most is "The Complete Idiot's Guide to Walt Disney World"...it has also made rounds to co-workers and friends that have gone to WDW. We will be be going back next year after Thankgiving and I am trying so hard to have my sister and her family join us! This will give me more chances to ride certain rides with my neices! Good luck with your trip...and we all look forward to your reports!


Active Member
Aw, congrats! My boyfriend is hesitant to Disney with me.. he is definitely not as big a fan as I am!

We actually had a hard time last trip! Scores were VERY low. Gotta get practicing for effective winks ;)
When I was in my sophmore year I was dating a guy who went to UCF, and every weekend I would go over there I would say "O! Let's go to Disney!" He would always turn me down because like you're boyfriend he was afraid it would be me saying, "O no we have to go here first and then there!" But I go strictly now with my best friend, we're actually going to DL in July, so you should have a TON of fun!

Don't limit yourselves to guys "your age"... :lookaroun

We Dirty Old Men are always happy to wink back! :lol:
Especially if they're Monty. :lookaroun:lol:
Some updates:

Hey all!

We're 26 days out (and 16 away from the completion of year numba 2 of my BA, worrdddd) and things are falling into place.

Touring plans is showing 4's and 5's for our Parks days. We're pretty happy with this. I've never kept track of Touring Plans before, but a lot of people here seem to swear by it.. opinions? A general idea of what to expect is always handy, I've never travelled in May before.

Also, the Easter Bunny brought us all a wonderful gift: reservations at Crystal Palace! Personally, I think the Bunny is concerned that we're only going to eat Mickey Ears ice cream and jelly beans (mmm, sour Jelly Bellys) all week, so they hooked us up. We're thinking 1ish on May 4th (MK morning day). Very excited for Pooh and Friends.

That's about it for now! Hope you guys are having some spring-like weather, because I know we are here.. and lovin' it!
Have you made your Crystal Place ressies yet? :)


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
8 to go!

The Final Update

As we near the end of our countdown (heading out a week tomorrow!) I just wanted to give one final update.

The plan is to head up to Halifax area the evening of the 30th to stay with Erica (as she lives about 15mins from the airport). If all goes well, we will be at the DME at 1:15ish. Erica and I went to see the travel agent today, and all our bag tags are secured (as well as the fun stuff, like insurance).

Upon arrival at Pop we will receive our packet (just did online check in!) and our 300$ gift card. Very excited.

We did not make ressies for CP, but are still hoping to hit it on our MK/EPCOT day. We decided to hold off in case there's a day we prefer to eat there.

Also, there's another girl that we graduated high school with that will be at Disney around the same time! Hopefully we see Michelle, and make some plans to hook up and hit some attractions.

The weather is looking manageable.. and hot by Canadian standards for May! We don't mind a little rain.. Orlando rain is nothing like the rain we get here (which lasts DAYS).

I think that's it! Look for my TR sometime after the 9th of May! Pictures will be bountiful.

Lovelovee, Disney fans!


Resident Redhead
Premium Member
Normally, I would be there the same week as you, but circumstances dictate a later trip for me this year...looking forward to reviewing your TR before I head down myself...:sohappy: Have a blast!

The last time I went to WDW with a few GFs (instead of a DH), you probably weren't even born yet!! :eek: (only MK existed at the time--Epcot was under construction in 1980!) Someday I'll get to go on a Disney Cruise...:)


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Normally, I would be there the same week as you, but circumstances dictate a later trip for me this year...looking forward to reviewing your TR before I head down myself...:sohappy: Have a blast!

The last time I went to WDW with a few GFs (instead of a DH), you probably weren't even born yet!! :eek: (only MK existed at the time--Epcot was under construction in 1980!) Someday I'll get to go on a Disney Cruise...:)

THank you!

It'd be great if you could give me an idea of what the crowds and weather are like at this time! We'd all appreciate it =)


Resident Redhead
Premium Member
THank you!

It'd be great if you could give me an idea of what the crowds and weather are like at this time! We'd all appreciate it =)

Typically, the weather is perfect--little to no rain, very warm but not overly hot, not that humid. Shorts and tshirt/tank during the day, maybe a light jacket at night (although considering you're from Canada, you probably wouldn't even need the jacket!)

However, I understand that last year the first week of May was very, very rainy. We went at the end of March last year because of the birthday promo, and then I read trip reports on here where people complained about the miserable weather at the start of May. Hopefully, last year was an anomaly and this year you'll have perfect weather that week.

I've also always found the crowd levels very manageable that week--not deserted, but plenty of room and not ridiculous waits. We rarely saw the need for Fastpasses, with the exception of Soarin' (is there ever less than a 60 min wait for that ride??)

You must be so excited, just three days to go!! :sohappy:

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