Well-Known Member
DDuckFan130 said:Wait...go back, and start does this work? :lol:
I mail each family member a letter asking them if they'd like to participate in this year's lottery. If they do, they fill out a "Dear Santa" letter, giving Santa gift ideas for two small gifts (total value - a maximum of $50). They mail their "wish list" back to me. I throw all the letters in a hat, pull them out randomly, and mail everyone who is "in" the lottery one other person's name, and they shop for just that one person. Theoretically, no one spends more than $50, and everyone gets two smallish gifts that they chose themselves. In actual fact, I wind up doing the lion's share of the shopping, wrapping and spending, because somehow very few of the members of my deadbeat family who "forget" to shop for their giftee, and beg me to bail them out at the last minute, actually send me the fifty bucks.

But, hey, they're family, and hey, it's Christmas.