How young is too young ?


New Member
My two cents (and with inflation, that's not much these days) on taking very young kids: it all depends on your child's temperment. Do they do well on long trips to the mall? Do they handle crowds well? Do they tolerate loud sounds well (fireworks, etc.)? Do they run up to people dressed in character costumes happily, or run in fright from them? Do they withstand moderate changes to their schedule without becoming a screaming mess?

If your child handles all of that well, then great, take them!! It doesn't matter if they remember it or not - YOU will have the memories.

In my case, my kid didn't handle many of the things listed above very well when she was young, so I waited until she was 4 to take her on our first Disney pilgrimage (to DL). We had a blast, but I know taking her earlier would have been a terrible mistake.


Well-Known Member
My two cents (and with inflation, that's not much these days) on taking very young kids: it all depends on your child's temperment. Do they do well on long trips to the mall? Do they handle crowds well? Do they tolerate loud sounds well (fireworks, etc.)? Do they run up to people dressed in character costumes happily, or run in fright from them? Do they withstand moderate changes to their schedule without become a screaming mess?

If your child handles all of that well, then great, take them!! It doesn't matter if they remember it or not - YOU will have the memories.

In my case, my kid didn't handle many of the things listed above very well when she was young, so I waited until she was 4 to take her on our first Disney pilgrimage (to DL). We had a blast, but I know taking her earlier would have been a terrible mistake.

I completely agree - you know your family (and how your children react to schedule changes and new situations) best! Go with what feels right for you. We waited until the youngest was in kindergarten, but that's just us. There's no one right (or wrong!) answer. :wave:


New Member
Anytime before 6 years old will be a waste of money. The kids won't remember a thing. People who bring kids there when they are young do it for themselfs not for the kids. And people who bring newborns are just plain cruel.

Most people who tell stories from when they were young are only retelling stories their parents told them.


New Member
People who bring kids there when they are young do it for themselfs not for the kids.

And exactly what's the problem with parents taking the trip "for themselves"? Heck, parents are people to, and are allowed to do things for their own enjoyment once in awhile! As long as the child can handle it (see my previous post), then why not? My daughter remembers very little at this point from her trip when she was 4 to DL, but I can tell you she was very happy there and had a great time. And **I** remember every moment with great joy.


Active Member
Anytime before 6 years old will be a waste of money. The kids won't remember a thing. People who bring kids there when they are young do it for themselfs not for the kids. And people who bring newborns are just plain cruel.

Most people who tell stories from when they were young are only retelling stories their parents told them.

We have gone to Disney 3 times in the past year with kids under six and do not regret one single penny!

Chloe's Mom

New Member
We took our daughter for the first time when she was 6,but that was mainly because of the 9 hour flight from the UK. Once we got there and I saw how much she loved it I just wished I'd have taken her sooner.I'd say go. Even if your child doesn't remember, you will and that's really special.


Well-Known Member
I respect everyones choice to bring their child or problem was when one poster made it seem like their child was an inconvenience and a burden and referred to them as a sack of potatos...:brick:

I think its great that you are doing it the way you want to do it and I hope you all have the time of your lives..I am sure you will and cannot wait to hear about it..:)

I choose to take Maggie at a young age and have had no problems with doing it at all..

And it was that sentiment that got to me also.

What the OP does (and all of us really) is up to each of us and our family situation. If I choose to "waste my money" on a vacation that my child won't remember thats my right, just please do not tell me that my child is an inconvenience and I should leave them behind if I want to enjoy my vacation.


BTW and FWIW -

The pic in my avatar shows my son at 6 and my daughter at 4...

We had her stroller to "help" and it was great for carrying stuff, like drinks, cameras, etc.

Again - they had a blast.

My Sister-in-law's kids were there at younger ages -and she didn't have as much fun (in her words) due to constant diaper changes/naps/no coasters...

But go with your heart.

I agree with the poster that said Disney is a place for kids.:animwink:


Anytime before 6 years old will be a waste of money. The kids won't remember a thing. People who bring kids there when they are young do it for themselfs not for the kids. And people who bring newborns are just plain cruel.

Most people who tell stories from when they were young are only retelling stories their parents told them.

True, but I remember a few snippets and I was a month or two shy of 3. My mom herself didn't believe me until I related them to her :lol:

They did not involve photos or retellings. But they were short and unique and thus stood out among a few other memories :lol:

What would you say to the family with more then one child? Wait until the youngest is 6 and the oldest is in high school? :confused:


Well-Known Member
And it was that sentiment that got to me also.

What the OP does (and all of us really) is up to each of us and our family situation. If I choose to "waste my money" on a vacation that my child won't remember thats my right, just please do not tell me that my child is an inconvenience and I should leave them behind if I want to enjoy my vacation.

I merely stated my own point of view regarding MY vacation. I never meant to imply that you should leave your own kid home if you want to enjoy your vacation. That's your business. But as for myself, I'd prefer to leave my children home until they are 3 or 4, but I'm not totally closed to the idea of taking them if they are younger. If we go next year and my wife insists on taking the child or not going at all, then of course, I would vote for taking the child instead of not going at all.

And yes, I did use some harsh rhetoric in presenting my opinion. It's just that we all know that kids change things and there are some things you just can't do with infants/toddlers. We can all debate whether or not WDW is one of them, but you can't (or at least shouldn't if you have any courtesy) take an infant/toddler to a movie theater, just to name one thing. I love my son and don't consider him an inconvenience. But for every family outing, you have to decide if this particular activity will be hindered or enhanced by the presence of a baby. And, for the reasons I gave, it is simply my opinion that the WDW experience would be greatly hindered by lugging an immobile baby/toddler along.

Of course, given my commando style tactics of theme park enjoyment, maybe it would do me (not to mention my wife) alot of good for me to be slowed down a bit. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Anytime before 6 years old will be a waste of money. The kids won't remember a thing.People who bring kids there when they are young do it for themselfs not for the kids. And people who bring newborns are just plain cruel.

Most people who tell stories from when they were young are only retelling stories their parents told them.
If I say what I wantto say to you then I would probably be banned so I shall just do this..:rolleyes: :brick: :zipit:
And it was that sentiment that got to me also.

What the OP does (and all of us really) is up to each of us and our family situation. If I choose to "waste my money" on a vacation that my child won't remember thats my right, just please do not tell me that my child is an inconvenience and I should leave them behind if I want to enjoy my vacation.
AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:


Anytime before 6 years old will be a waste of money. The kids won't remember a thing. People who bring kids there when they are young do it for themselfs not for the kids. And people who bring newborns are just plain cruel.

Most people who tell stories from when they were young are only retelling stories their parents told them.

This is very untrue my 3 yr old talks all the time about our trips and is constantly asking when we are going back


Well-Known Member
I merely stated my own point of view regarding MY vacation. I never meant to imply that you should leave your own kid home if you want to enjoy your vacation. That's your business. But as for myself, I'd prefer to leave my children home until they are 3 or 4, but I'm not totally closed to the idea of taking them if they are younger. If we go next year and my wife insists on taking the child or not going at all, then of course, I would vote for taking the child instead of not going at all.

And yes, I did use some harsh rhetoric in presenting my opinion. It's just that we all know that kids change things and there are some things you just can't do with infants/toddlers. We can all debate whether or not WDW is one of them, but you can't (or at least shouldn't if you have any courtesy) take an infant/toddler to a movie theater, just to name one thing. I love my son and don't consider him an inconvenience. But for every family outing, you have to decide if this particular activity will be hindered or enhanced by the presence of a baby. And, for the reasons I gave, it is simply my opinion that the WDW experience would be greatly hindered by lugging an immobile baby/toddler along.

Of course, given my commando style tactics of theme park enjoyment, maybe it would do me (not to mention my wife) alot of good for me to be slowed down a bit. :lol:
:brick: :brick: :brick:


Well-Known Member
Anytime before 6 years old will be a waste of money. The kids won't remember a thing. People who bring kids there when they are young do it for themselfs not for the kids. And people who bring newborns are just plain cruel.

Most people who tell stories from when they were young are only retelling stories their parents told them.

I'm sorry, but I have to disagree with you. I've been going to Disney since I was 1 1/2 years old. When you have a big family, you can't wait until people are certain ages, because then you will never get down there. Also, I love seeing families with toddlers and young kids meeting the characters (at least, the ones who want to meet them). Just seeing the happiness on their faces is great.


Well-Known Member
In addition to waiting to see if it is financially feasible to go next year, we are also both wrestling around with whether or not to bring our son if we do go. He will be almost two by then, so this topic may help to weigh the pros and the cons of going with our son. Naturally, I have my reservations, which I have laid out. But on the other hand, if the baby is with us, then my wife won't be so homesick for him, thereby allowing her to have a better time, thereby allowing me to have a better time as well. And, as many of you have said (and which I don't know from experience yet), there is a whole other way of enjoying the Disney experience when having a child along, even if you can't go on as many rides. So those are some of the plusses. But we have almost a year to decide these things, as well as to decide whether to go to WDW again, or try something else before starting on our next child. So many places we'd like to go, but only so much time and money, and I'm just too addicted to WDW to pull myself away to go somewhere else. :ROFLOL:


Active Member
took my ds when he was 14 months. He had a blast. Then took my DS at 2 1/2 and dd at 9 mths. they both had a blast. Now already book for this Sept when they will be 4 and 2. They are never to young as long as the parents are willing to realize that their vaction now needs to be geared towards the kids.
Reading this thread brought up a moment I had forgotten about. Three trips ago I was in line for HM with my sister. In front of us was a couple with a very new baby..maybe two months old. Being about two months pregnant myself, I was all googly eyed over the baby but also wondering what you could do with an infant so young. So, being the nosy person that I am I struck up a conversation...their trip had been planned for a long time, and there was no way they were going to miss it. And that made a lot of sense to save and plan and sometimes life hands you these great surprises, and you adapt and adjust. The couple was having a great time and they were so attentive and thrilled with their baby.

Having since traveled to Disney with my own DD, I've learned about baby swaps and afternoon naps and slowing down and learning to enjoy Disney on a whole different level.

Have a wonderfdul, magical trip!


Well-Known Member
I just think kids that young would be happier at Chuck E cheese. And they would be home much faster. Just my Opinion though.
My daughter does not like Chuck E. Cheese..She is scared of him and the only thing for her to do is ride 3 or 4 one min rides...

Whne we go to WDW she gets the whole experience..the rides,the shows. the music, the lights...and we get to watch her experience all of that.

The memories we have from the two trips are priceless...

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