how much is too much??


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In less than a month we are going to the world for 65 days with the kids is this too long we are getting cold feet the longest time we stayed was a month. Any advice ??

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
If you can swing the cost then do it. Of course given the opportunity I would move into WDW so I might not be the best person to ask.:lol:


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we already paid for everything got the deluxe meal plan and the family suite but its along time at the world just thinking i am kind of crazy lol


65 days?!?!
I've never heard of anyone visiting for that long.
Must be nice to have that much disposable income laying around.:lol:


Well-Known Member
My only problem would be returning to the real world after the trip.

We spent close to two months at an all inclusive resort in the caribbean last year and coming back to reality was a huge shock. You get used to the lifestyle, the pampering, the perks, the staff etc...After a week or two of not paying for anything and having people attend to your every need it's pretty tough coming home.

I could see an extended WDW trip being the same way, especially if you link purchases to your room card. "Just charge it to the room" becomes a dangerous thing.

Have fun!


Active Member
In less than a month we are going to the world for 65 days with the kids is this too long we are getting cold feet the longest time we stayed was a month. Any advice ??

You could take me for comic relief? Seriously, that is a long time. I would do it if I could. I am not yet retired. Once I am though I would not count a stay this long out. I can't think of a better place to be.


Well-Known Member
65 days?!?!
I've never heard of anyone visiting for that long.
Must be nice to have that much disposable income laying around.:lol:

and a job you can get away from for that long!
but if you dont want to stay that long give me the days you dont want!!!!!!!!!!!!:wave:


Well-Known Member
wow 65 days?? I think if I had the time and money to do that, I would definately spread it out over different parks.
maybe 2 weeks each in WDW,DL,DLP,TDL/TDS.

or at least a land and sea or disney yes 65 days may be a little too long IMO



65 days!? As a guest!? I mean I lived there for a semester, but I worked there.:lol:

I can't even imagine being there for that long.


Well-Known Member
HOLY *^&! That is a looong time! What kind of job do you have? That is awesome. Have fun I guess; by the time you leave you'll know most of the CM's by name! :lol:

Wow you're 32 you look much older in your pic here hehehe...:ROFLOL:
Hey what the heck you live once right, if you can do it, do it...have fun....enjoy it...If I could move into the castle and stay there I would.
You may want to buy your own food on some nights though, eating out everyday for me can become tiresome and fattening....
Enjoy yourselves!!!!!!!:wave:


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my job i own several restaurants and all the soap in the world lol although buying some food might be a good idea we have been able to do dinning reservations for most of our trip but now they say you can only book so many days in advance


Well-Known Member
Wow your lucky. I would deff go for it if i could afford it. Im staying 3 weeks in arow i thought that was a lot jeesh. lol. Deff take the opportunity though. There is so much to do in the world!

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