How many pictures do you take in WDW?


Active Member
We Just got back from there and we took 501 pics. I thought that was plenty until I looked at them. The majority of them turned out fine I just remember so many cool things that we should have taken pictures of. So snap away people, it`s easier to delete some than to create one after you`re home.
Lately anywhere from 1,000 to 1,200. I only print about 200 though because I always bring home a photo album that holds 200 pictures.

I started scrapbooking after this last trip so from now one, one album and one scrapbook per trip for me.


Well-Known Member
I usually take around 200 per day, but it can depend on my mood. If I shoot fireworks, I will take alot of pictures to ensure that I end up with some I like. For a week long trip, anywhere from 1200-1600 pics would be normal.

I shoot with a Digital Rebel Xti for now (soon going to the 5D) and have about 10 GB worth of memory cards that I take with me.

At home, I have an internal 120 GB drive for photo/media which is pretty full. I also now have a 500 GB external drive for storage as well.


New Member
We average about 400 pictures now, but I know that number will go up b/c we just got a good camera that will take better pictures and hopefully take good nighttime shots. So the 400 pics are daytime only.
By the end of each day, the family grew weary of what they call my excessive picture taking. I did make them help me cart around the camera equipment. Just one lens doesn't cut it.


Excessive picture taking?!? Is there really such a thing?!?

I am one of those "excessive picture takers." I shoot with a souped up Rebel XT and like you, lots of lenses. I normally take a 4gb and 2 1 gb cards and download at the end of the day. I have ended the day with the 4gb and 1 1gb cards full. In one day. Is that excessive?


Active Member
I don't take the pictures, the wife does. Therefore, I probably personally snap about 10-20 only. However, we do end up with around 250 for a week. It's nice to catalogue nearly everything, but it's a burden sometimes to actually go through and select the good ones out of the bunch.


Active Member
Since I got a digital camera after my trip in 2004, I take around 150 pictures over a weekend trip.

The trip in 2004 was 3 or 4 days (I cant remember exactly) & I limited myself to one roll of film a day so I couldnt use it all on the first day.

We started using Photopass this past October & we usually end up with about 20 different shots on that. Of those, we end up buying about 5 before we leave.

I find myself taking pictures of the same things on every trip, but those are my favorite things in Disney World.


2300 in 2 weeks :D

Holy Cow!

I took exactly 278 on my last trip (the only reason I know is b/c they were the first pics I uploaded to Flickr), but I only printed about 150. That's the great thing about digital to me, that you can print what you want and just keep the rest to look at on a screen.


Well-Known Member
Around 350 pictures were taken during my last trip in november. That is the most I've ever taken. Probably because I finally got a digital camera so I could take as many as I wanted.


Well-Known Member
2300 in 2 weeks :D

I've done that in one day before :D

To the OP, i will just keep shooting until the batteries run out or i run out of memory cards. Shows and fireworks eat up most of the room. Average day was somewhere between 500-1000.

Just as a comparison, i will shoot anywhere between 1000-2000 images at a baseball or football game and close to 2800 at a basketball game but that's generally with 2 or 3 remote cameras. The last dance show i worked, i shot 1500 images.


Well-Known Member
I've done that in one day before :D

To the OP, i will just keep shooting until the batteries run out or i run out of memory cards. Shows and fireworks eat up most of the room. Average day was somewhere between 500-1000.

Just as a comparison, i will shoot anywhere between 1000-2000 images at a baseball or football game and close to 2800 at a basketball game but that's generally with 2 or 3 remote cameras. The last dance show i worked, i shot 1500 images.

:lol: Thank God we don't all have "photo" in front of our names.



Active Member
This past trip (about 8 days) I took 2,200. That's extremely odd for me, but we had a large group and my 2.5 year old was always with someone else, so I had the freedom to just shoot my little heart away!


New Member
On our very first trip back in 2005 we took 17 rolls of film using a Kodak Advantix(the pictures were pretty stinkin' sorry by the way). For Christmas of that year we bought a 6.1 Megapixel Kodak Easy Share and that is what we have been using since then. The Easy Share takes pretty good pictures but for the life of me I can't get a good night shot to save my life and I've tried every setting on the cotton pickin' thing! On average I take about 500-600 pictures per trip(usually 8 days, 9 nights) but alot of those are night shots that usually don't turn out worth a flip so I only actually end up with 400-500 shots that actually look good.

This past Christmas my wife surprised me with a 10 megapixel Canon Rebel XTI and I'm totally in love with it! We can't wait to try out this April and I'm most excited about getting some good night shots(i.e. Spectro, Wishes, P&P Party). I don't own an extra lens for the Canon, just the standard lens that it came with, should I still be able to get dramatically better night shots than I did with the Easy Share? I'll be using a tripod also.


Well-Known Member
Do yourself a favor and spend an extra $100 and buy a 50 f/1.8 lens just to shoot a night with. Its a very good, fast and inexpensive prime lens that will help at night and dark rides where a flash isn't allowed.


Well-Known Member
Does anyone know about how much it is now to have them empty your memory card onto a CD? If it's cheaper than a new memory card, I might go with that.

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