How many pictures do you take in WDW?


New Member
Oh good, I'm glad to see I'm not out of the norm then. When I first saw the question, I wasn't sure how to answer.

This last time, I had more to photograph, which included Osbourn Lights and the new Castle Christmas Lighting. Actual photos? Not sure. Do videos I took with my camera count too? It's a nice Nikon still camera that also takes so-so videos too.

But since I don't know how many I took, let me try to answer it this way. Most days I filled up both 2 GB flash cards I have, and then at night would delete some of the images I didn't like. When I got back home, I created a pair of backup disks on DVD-R. Each backup set was around 18-19 GB in size.
I think I stopped counting when I got over 1500 pictures for a week long trip.
(Yes, Disney pictures are kind of an obsession lately.) (Remember, the 18-19 GB is after I deleted around 1/4 of them which were not good ones. So probably I really took around 24-25 GB of actual pictures.)

I hate to even think of how much it would cost to print them all.


Parrothead & Disney Fanatic.
I took around 1800 pics in 2007 ,I just bought a Canon DSLR so I will probably double that this time. :hammer:Why not though digital pics are free.


Active Member
We usually take about 400 pics, including Photopass and then hours of video. I am seriously considering leaving off the video for this trip and just do still shots. But I know if I do that, SOMETHING will happen that will make me wish I had brought the video camera along.


New Member
Original Poster
[quote="David, post: 2761701"]But I know if I do that, SOMETHING will happen that will make me wish I had brought the video camera along.[/quote]
*funny you say this because my family decided not to bring their video cameras on our last trip and my cousins (as part of the Yr of a million dreams) were "tapped" to ride Dumbo with mickey and minnie. We got great still shots of them but we wish we had the video camera to truly capture the once in a lifetime experience. So bring the video camera just in case :)


New Member
Goodness...I thought I had taken quite a few on my last trip, and I only took about 300 or so! I'll have to show this thread to my boyfriend who couldn't believe I'd even managed to take that many! lol I would have taken more too, if I hadn't run out of room on the memory cards I'd brought:lol:
I wonder how many my gf will be taking when we go in 8 days.
We only going two days open/close. EPCOT and MK.
Guess will find out SOON!!!!!!!!!


New Member
In 2007 for our 5 day trip, I took over 800 pictures. I printed about 300. (Nikon D80) It was just my wife and I - we were celebrating our 20th wedding anniversary.

In 2006 for our 8 day trip, I took over 1400 pictures. I printed about 700. (Nikon D50). We were there with our two boys.

For both trips my wife was overwhelmed with all the pictures that she needed to scrapbook.

By the end of each day, the family grew weary of what they call my excessive picture taking. I did make them help me cart around the camera equipment. Just one lens doesn't cut it.

I published most of the pictures on Google's Picasa Web Albums. My username there is mar.prounix. Feel free to look at my creations

I have a 4gb card as well as a number of 1 & 2gb cards for backup and additional storage. Each night, I would download the photographs to my laptop. I believe that you can never have enough pictures.



New Member
I hate going to WDW and NOT taking a bunch of pictures, so I'll take as many as I can with my own camera and also take a bunch using the PhotoPass cards.


Well-Known Member
I take hundreds. I took probably close to a 1000 pictures, but you have to realize that about 15% of the pictures didn't turn out well.


Well-Known Member
Our last trip we took 2 cameras and each had 400+ on them. This was the third trip in a year too! :wave:


Guilty of taking way too many. Average trip of 1 week with my Canon 20D would be around 4000 to 5000 photos. Have a 250 Gig hard drive of all my original WDW Photos for the past 7 years almost filled. This along with about 2 hours of iMovie video of all the parades, and night shows.


New Member

This last trip I went with my girlfriend. WE HAD A BLAST! However, we wanted to do alot of things different from my family's plans, seeing as they were being slowed down by two party members which were being uncooperative... to say the least. But anyways!

We got back, I was alarmed to find that the only pictures I had, of all the ones taken on our 11 day trip, were a few scattered family ones and 24 pics worth from a Kodak disposable we bought... and it was mostly of me eating stuff and/or trying on a hat!

That's when I suddenly realized... my god... my grandmother/mother/aunt has always been the photographer and now that I'm not in their company I'm forced to *gasp* take my own darn pictures!

This fact was confirmed at last years Halloween Horror Nights. Simply AWESOME. How many pictures do I have to show for it?! Are you kidding me?!??!?!?!

Obviously, this has been noted in my log and I am carrying my own camera from now on and documenting every single friggen thing we do. The food we eat, ride signs, places... my feet, the pavement, some random bird munching on popcorn, a spilled drink, the ceiling, et cetera.


Well-Known Member
1400-1800 during a 6 day trip. We usually stay an hour or two after close each night in the MK, and that's when the majority are taken.


Wow! Between me/dad/sister together, problably like 300 :lol: (I used to think that was a lot :eek:). Although back in the day when it was a VERY rare time to go to Disney, we probably took about 500(per camera). Now we go fairly often, so less is no problem. :p


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