How do you feel about the Marvel acquisition?

How do you feel about Disney acquiring Marvel?

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New Member
Very disappointed by this.

Marvel characters do not belong in Disney and are completely different in both feel and ideology.

Additionally, I do feel sympathetic towards Universal. The Marvel heroes are a huge part of UI, some of the most recognizable characters they have. I think we should just keep them over there.

However, this will bring in much revenue for the Mouse, and that I am always a fan of.

(But to the people screaming "5th Gate!" ...get real :rolleyes:)

Completely agree. Marvel characters are typically dark, brooding, and violent. Yes, I know about the witches, totally different. Couldn't be less Disney. I understand the need to get the young male audience, but how these characters could be integrated into anything EXCEPT the Studios is beyond me. The idea of seeing The Hulk climbing the Castle . . .Spiderman climbing Spaceship Earth.....please no.


Completely agree. Marvel characters are typically dark, brooding, and violent. Yes, I know about the witches, totally different. Couldn't be less Disney. I understand the need to get the young male audience, but how these characters could be integrated into anything EXCEPT the Studios is beyond me. The idea of seeing The Hulk climbing the Castle . . .Spiderman climbing Spaceship Earth.....please no.

The recent Marvel movies are no more violent than the Pirates of the Carribean movies, but Jack still has a place in the MK, doesn't he?


Well-Known Member
true but pirates movie was based on pirates ride so therefore everything works out.

I never read comics, never will - the only comics I know are movie comics so other than the ones on the screen, I don't know the 5 billion of comic characters. However, marvel is a completly different company than disney's past two character acquistions, pixar and the muppets. where pixar/muppets and mickey can go together seemlessly in every park or movie, marvel cannot.


Active Member
I agree. Marvel lacks the Disney feel and maybe they will make money some way through movies or other things but I like it better when disney starts there own great franchises. I would prefer Disney to think up characters of there own. Thats how they started and would prefer to see them continue to do that in the future.

I agree as well. While it might be a brilliant corporate move, it seems like it's become Disney's "M.O." to simply purchase sucessful creative franchises rather than create their own. When they were loosing their following with toddlers, they purchased Pooh and the Muppets. When Pixar became the next big thing in animation, they simply bought it rather than compete against it. (I have the same complaint with the New York Yankees, but I'm likely to get killed if I start with that)

Loosing the 15 to 30 male crowd? Let's buy Marvel!

Not all of this is necessarily bad; Pooh, the Muppets, and Pixar have probably made billions for the company. But I fear that once the competition is controlled, there's a tendancy to let the creativity stagnate. When was the last time you saw a NEW Pooh show? A NEW Muppet Movie? Does anybody think the most recent Pixar films rival the original Toy Story? Once the honeymoon is over, will the same thing happen to Marvel's characters? When you eliminate the competition, there's really no reason to innovate or excell at anything.

Just my two cents.


When was the last time you saw a NEW Pooh show?

There was one that ended quite recently that ran for a few years.

A NEW Muppet Movie?

One is in the works as we speak written by Jason Segel, a reat comdeic mind and Muppet fanboy.

Does anybody think the most recent Pixar films rival the original Toy Story?

Since the acquisition of Pixar, 4 movies have been released by Disney:


Out of those 4, 2(Up and WALL-E) have bee better than Toy Story, IMO. Not to mention 3, excluding Cars, received tons of praise from critics.


New Member
Disney is in the entertainment business. This transaction adds to their portfolio and adds another segment/target for them to market and make some money from it. Looking at the basic details, it looks like it could be a good decision by Disney to do so.

However, when things become finalized I would like to read up on the finer details/points of this deal and see what Disney has in store for Marvel and any future plans.


Well-Known Member
I like it in that it is "boy friendly." When my son was younger it seemed that most things at WDW were "princess driven" and attractions for small boys were lacking, Jedi training and Pirates were not around then.


New Member
I coudn't care as long as marvel and disney aren't alway sin the same sentence. Just because disney bought the company, doesn'tmake marvel disney


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't mind having one, maybe two, rides/attractions at DHS, along the lines of Star Tours, or the Narnia exhibit or something. But that's about it. I go to WDW expecting to see Mickey and Goofy walking around, not freaking Spiderman and the Hulk! I go to Six Flags expecting to see Superheros, but not Disney. They have no place there. Period. I really don't want the cartoons at any Disney Park whatsoever. But like I said, an attraction or two based on one or two of the movies, at DHS, might work.

Otherwise, I hope Disney just leaves the characters at Universal where they belong, and rakes in a little money from them there. It would be kind of like visiting a subsidiary of Disney when you go to Universal. Of course, Universal may not be willing to share their product and profit with Disney, but if they were willing, that would be my ideal scenario: keep Marvel completely out of WDW and let Universal pay royalties to Disney for the use of their characters.

I like the Marvel movies and all, but the Marvel Universe as Disney characters? Bah! Humbug!


New Member
I think this is a good move for Disney- the Marvel franchise is very popular and there are alot of opportunities that go along with it.

The only park I would want to see the characters at would be DHS- I think it would be awesome to have a couple of superhero rides in the park.


New Member
I wouldn't mind having one, maybe two, rides/attractions at DHS, along the lines of Star Tours, or the Narnia exhibit or something. But that's about it. I go to WDW expecting to see Mickey and Goofy walking around, not freaking Spiderman and the Hulk! I go to Six Flags expecting to see Superheros, but not Disney. They have no place there. Period. I really don't want the cartoons at any Disney Park whatsoever. But like I said, an attraction or two based on one or two of the movies, at DHS, might work.

Otherwise, I hope Disney just leaves the characters at Universal where they belong, and rakes in a little money from them there. It would be kind of like visiting a subsidiary of Disney when you go to Universal. Of course, Universal may not be willing to share their product and profit with Disney, but if they were willing, that would be my ideal scenario: keep Marvel completely out of WDW and let Universal pay royalties to Disney for the use of their characters.

I like the Marvel movies and all, but the Marvel Universe as Disney characters? Bah! Humbug!

^^ I agree!


New Member
I think it would be a great idea to add Marvel to DHS!
Maybe Disney could add a Punisher attraction,yeah I can picture it now......


Well-Known Member
Wow you guys are so 1 track minded. Everyone here immediately jumps to the conclusion that the this deal means they will add all the marvel characters to the parks. :brick::rolleyes:

Heres a thought, as a few others have said, this move is to add more to the Disney portfolio and add a new source of revenue and creativity to the company. Disney may do nothing more than sit back and let Marvel do their thing and reap the rewards as a parent company. I'm sure they saw the huge revenue generated by the recent Marvel projects as well as the potential for many future projects on the horizon and felt the merger would be a win win for both companies.

With the existing contracts in place with Universal and other companies for the rights to many of the more popular characters, I don't see any benefit to rushing to place these characters in Disney owned parks when there is plenty of revenue to be made with the existing contracts. While I don't doubt that Disney will eventually at some point pull some characters into one or more of their parks to increase the appeal to the male 15-25 crowd, I don't think it will be an immediate transition. Lets sit back and wait and see what decisions will be made after the merger before jumping to conclusions, shall we?


Well-Known Member
It would be real cool to have a "Marvelland" somewhere in DHS. But would prefer to keep any character/merchandise out of the other parks.


Active Member
I think if Disney allows marvel studios to run the way they have been in the past few years they'll do great. Marvel has been making great movies ever since they split ways with Uni and went independent, so as long as disney stays out of they're movie making it'll all be great.

Whether or not i want to see marvel in any of the theme parks... idk.... it's a hard transition going from marvel being Uni to it now being Disney....

I guess we'll see.


Well-Known Member
Im feeling quite skeptical about Disney's decision

I have a feeling they wont be in the parks so that is somewhat pleasing to me. I dont think I would want to see that, but thats just my view point of the whole situation.

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
Understandable. I don't want them in a Disneyland-esque park, but DCA, DHS, EPCOT(only some uses like Innoventions), DSP, and TDS are fair game.

College does that.

I just finished hw a little while ago. Now I am being lazy.

Ehhhh...Innoventions is too close for comfort, but that depends on how it's done. If anything, Inno should be more of a relevant (time wise- Today's tech vs. Tomorrow's) CCore.

I don't leave campus until my HW is done.:lol: Class is done by 3:00 on the later days, 1:00 on the early days and the rest of the time is Library Time.:D

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