Do you mean for your face, or body? I use Cliniques's face sunscreen. I've tried just about every drugstore brand formulated for faces, and dislike them all. I have very sensitive skin, and clinique is the only brand that does not make my face burn and break out, and I do not find it greasy at all.
And I guess I am in the minority when it comes to mineral makeup. I finally tried Bare Minerals after hearing so much hype about it, but my face looks exactly the same after I apply it as it did before I apply it. Do all of you who like it so much have really good skin or something? I like light, natural looking foundation, but I need alot more coverage than Bare Minerals gives....after putting it on, I look no different than when I crawled out of bed! I have alot of redness in my skin, and Bare Minerals does not cover it up or even it out at all.