Hoping for a great vacation!


New Member
We will be leaving in a few weeks for our 2nd DW vacation, I have been reading so much about all of the referbishments to HM, SSE, and now the Fast Pass lines will be down...then of course I read comments about the hotel we will be staying at (Beach Club), I'm starting to feel like our vacation will not be very good with all of this going on. The last time we went was 2 years ago...our kids first trip, of course it was perfect, rides were perfect, nothing was closed.....or so it seemed, hotel was wonderful.....but I've never stayed anywhere so nice and fun......and now I've found a way to research everything I possibly can before our next trip. If anyone has gone recently, please send me some reassurance, I know those are just a few things that are being done when compared to 4 parks.....but it's easy to focus on the negative sometimes. Also, if anyone has recently stayed at the BC, was your stay good? The last time we went I was able to call and get a free room upgrade, I wasn't able to do that this time, they said I could ask again when we arrive to check in.....any tips on that would be great as well! Also, what are the best rooms (with large balcony's), which are the worst? This will probably be our last trip to DW, as our kids are getting older and more complicated, I want to make this the best trip I can! Thank you in advance!!


Naturally Grumpy
We will be leaving in a few weeks for our 2nd DW vacation, I have been reading so much about all of the referbishments to HM, SSE, and now the Fast Pass lines will be down...then of course I read comments about the hotel we will be staying at (Beach Club), I'm starting to feel like our vacation will not be very good with all of this going on. The last time we went was 2 years ago...our kids first trip, of course it was perfect, rides were perfect, nothing was closed.....or so it seemed, hotel was wonderful.....but I've never stayed anywhere so nice and fun......and now I've found a way to research everything I possibly can before our next trip. If anyone has gone recently, please send me some reassurance, I know those are just a few things that are being done when compared to 4 parks.....but it's easy to focus on the negative sometimes. Also, if anyone has recently stayed at the BC, was your stay good? The last time we went I was able to call and get a free room upgrade, I wasn't able to do that this time, they said I could ask again when we arrive to check in.....any tips on that would be great as well! Also, what are the best rooms (with large balcony's), which are the worst? This will probably be our last trip to DW, as our kids are getting older and more complicated, I want to make this the best trip I can! Thank you in advance!!

I would not get too concerned. Some things are down as they always are. Yes, HM is a favorite for many and will be missed...but hopefully it will emerge much better for your next visit. In the meantime, focus on the many new things the parks have to offer since your last trip, like Everest, Nemo and Nemo, Lights-Motor, new verson of POTC, Soarin and the like.

I might caution about asking for the upgrade, it seems so many now do, that CM's are a little perturbed by it. You can however ask for a specific location or view without recognizing it as an upgrade, and ask if that is possible. We never spend too much time in the room, so view rarely is an issue. We have loved it. Your kids will love the pool, which many consider the best on property. The rooms are also some of the largest on property, and have a nice airy layout. So relax as far as the park and spend your time doing dining reservations and you will have a great time.
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erasure fan1

Well-Known Member
I think a Disney vacation is what you make of it. Just because 2 rides are closed or a couple fastpasses are down wouldnt spoil it for me. Sometimes ignorance is bliss and being able to research everything before hand isnt all good. If you make it a good trip it will be a good trip, dont let the small things get you down. It is the happiest place on earth.:lol:
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I was worried too due to alot of the negativity on here and going for my first time in the summer. We went 3 weeks ago and had the best time!! Yes HM was closed but the last time we were there it was BTMRR so something is always going to be closed. We went late to ride Splash which didn't have fastpass while we were at MK and the line was reasonable and we were going back to the hotel so getting wet wasn't as bad. Don't let anything you read worry you, a positive attitude is the best thing to have.
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New Member
Websites such as this, while superb at keeping insiders in the loop and keeping vacation memories fresh in our minds, can also serve as a negative influence depending on how you perceive comments or how much time you spend on them.

Remember that many WDW fanatics report things that are "important," while in actuality about 1-2% of the Disney-going crowd will probably even notice them.

Sure there may be a few attractions down, but you are going to have blast. You are staying at one of the premiere resorts in the #1 tourist desitination on the planet. And everyday in WDW seems more special and more important than the last.

I love to come onto this website and read about the updates, and even nitpick from time to time, because I expect the absolute best from Disney, as mostly everyone on this site does.

But, the fact of the matter is, everytime I go I have more fun than the last, and I'm sure you will have an absolutely amazing time.

Now have go have a great trip, and quit worrying! :wave:
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Well-Known Member
I think a Disney vacation is what you make of it. Just because 2 rides are closed or a couple fastpasses are down wouldnt spoil it for me. Sometimes ignorance is bliss and being able to research everything before hand isnt all good. If you make it a good trip it will be a good trip, dont let the small things get you down. It is the happiest place on earth.:lol:

I completely agree with this. Over the years, my mother and I have gained a lot of knowledge about WDW and it has helped in most cases. The main complaint about knowing so much is that sometimes days feel very regimented. We work now to not schedule so much. We go where we want between where we have to be and tend to cancel one or two things while we are there.

You will have a wonderful trip if you WANT to have a wonderful trip. Everything will be what you make of it. Just enjoy it; it's Disney World!
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I think a Disney vacation is what you make of it. Just because 2 rides are closed or a couple fastpasses are down wouldnt spoil it for me. Sometimes ignorance is bliss and being able to research everything before hand isnt all good. If you make it a good trip it will be a good trip, dont let the small things get you down. It is the happiest place on earth.:lol:

Couldn't agree more. There should be an automatic feature here that a week before your trip you aren't allowed on the forums to read the negative things.

The place is huge so what if two rides are down; there is so much more then just SSE and HM. But for a consolation prize if your a wand-less SSE fanatic it sounds like you'll be there in time to see it come down! It starts coming down next Monday.
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Thank you for your opinions

Wow......THANK YOU!!! You are all awesome! Very positive information, and I appreciate the tip on asking for a room upgrade.....and you are correct, you aren't there very much, so what will I be missing. I could tell them what room I was in 2 years ago and see if we could be in the same location...great idea! I didn't know if the room itself was different, for example, a standard room vs. an upgraded room. And yes, two attractions down shouldn't be an issue......however, HM is my most favorite of all and I am sad, but that's life. See, I am such a novice to this, and once I posted I wasn't sure if I would even be able to find my own post:lol: , kinda fun! Anyway, all I had to work with 2 years ago were books from the library.....and you know how those books make it all look like peaches and cream, which is probably what I should still stick with. Anyway, thanks again, this will be a great trip....I think I'll stop reading all the posts before our trip and read my library books! I started to read up on the restaurants that I made reservations for, but then I saw a few negative remarks, and I don't want to ruin our experience, as everyone has their own opinions on food and service, so I'll just leave that one alone! 16 days left!!! I'm already feeling sad that it will be over before I know it......that's a whole different discussion...LOL! Thanks!:wave: (these little guys are cute)
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Well-Known Member
This will probably be our last trip to DW, as our kids are getting older and more complicated, I want to make this the best trip I can! Thank you in advance!!

You may be surprised....Our last trip the kids loved it so much that they begged to go back! They have countdowns going on their phones for our next trip ...:ROFLOL:

I think you will still have a great trip, even if some things are down. I have read posts, news, & rumors that got me down too and everyone is right maybe it is not a good thing to read so much before you go...

Hope you have a wonderful trip!:)
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erasure fan1

Well-Known Member
You may be surprised....Our last trip the kids loved it so much that they begged to go back! They have countdowns going on their phones for our next trip ...:ROFLOL:

I think you will still have a great trip, even if some things are down. I have read posts, news, & rumors that got me down too and everyone is right maybe it is not a good thing to read so much before you go...

Hope you have a wonderful trip!:)

So so true. If you love Disney and your kids love Disney, you WILL be going back.:D Thats how it was for us.
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Well-Known Member

I just wanted to say, I feel your pain. I'm going in Sept and it seems like a ton will be close when I'm there. SSE will be closed, they are going to be taking down the wand now (but I gather most of that should be done by the time I get there...), a big crane will supposedly be behind the castle while I'm there (I've heard), RNRC is rumored to be closed as well, but I will get to see the new enhancements to HM as that will re-open right before my trip. It is a bummer to hear that a ton of things will be down or that it won't be perfect, but then again, nothing in life is perfect.

Yes, I'll admit I'm bummed to hear about all that will be going on while I'm down there...but I just keep thinking that no matter what, it's about the time I have with my husband (or in your case, your family.) That will be the most important part about your Disney vacation. Not what you don't get to do.

Yeah, I hate that so much will probably be going on while I'm down there...but I still know that I'm gonna have a blast no matter what. Same goes with your family. You will have an absolute blast! Enjoy your vacation! :wave:
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Capt. Jack

New Member

I don't know if this would tell you anything, but we usually go to Disney World 1-2 times a year, ever since I was born (i'm currently 17), & we've stayed at the Beach Club everytime we've gone, that's how much we enjoy it. We also really enjoy it, because it's so close to Epcot, which si our favorite park. I don't know if that'd help, but hey. :)
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Account Suspended
I figured out how to ask for a room upgrade and not look like a schmuck or annoy a CM into thinking you want a hand out:

"I booked the basic room, is there anything fabulous I can upgrade to for a fabulous price?"

Yeah, you sound a little flambloyant, but you get the point across. They'll either offer you rates for upgrade - which might be cheaper then the price difference had you paid for it at the time of booking (so keep those numbers in mind) - or they'll see if they can just bump you.
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Naturally Grumpy

I just wanted to say, I feel your pain. I'm going in Sept and it seems like a ton will be close when I'm there. SSE will be closed, they are going to be taking down the wand now (but I gather most of that should be done by the time I get there...), a big crane will supposedly be behind the castle while I'm there (I've heard), RNRC is rumored to be closed as well, but I will get to see the new enhancements to HM as that will re-open right before my trip. It is a bummer to hear that a ton of things will be down or that it won't be perfect, but then again, nothing in life is perfect.

Yes, I'll admit I'm bummed to hear about all that will be going on while I'm down there...but I just keep thinking that no matter what, it's about the time I have with my husband (or in your case, your family.) That will be the most important part about your Disney vacation. Not what you don't get to do.

Yeah, I hate that so much will probably be going on while I'm down there...but I still know that I'm gonna have a blast no matter what. Same goes with your family. You will have an absolute blast! Enjoy your vacation! :wave:

With all that is available in the four parks and the rest of the sites, missing a few items isn't so bad. Just think how the folks at DL felt for the past two years with whole sections of the park behind walls...then again visiting now makes it all worth it. Just as with things I voluntarily miss on a trip, it just gives more reason to come back and visit again!
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Simba One

New Member
Keep in mind--many people who write reviews on internet sites have a gripe that they want everybody to know about. It's their way of getting it off of their chests. How many people who have a lovely time on their trip say to themselves, "I should sit down and write about just how well things went!" Same principle that runs newscasts--nobody wants a story about how the 4th of July fireworks were spectacular, they only want to run the story about how many people were injured in a freak firework show accident on the other side of the country.

We are staying at Beach Club next week...can't wait!
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I have stayed at the Beach Club 2 times and loved it. We got a room on the end closest to Epcot and could sit on our balcony and hear the British Invasion from there. The resort is beautiful, the pool is wonderful and the location can't be beat.

Have a wonderful trip, and don't think just because the kids are getting older, you'll have to stop going to WDW. Most of the people on this board are not kids any longer and we go back again and again.
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New Member
Original Poster
Thank you all for your help and suggestions.......I agree, it's the time with my family that is important and not the fact that a few things are closed...even though I'll still pout about it:ROFLOL: I also appreciate the advice about upgrading a room. I suppose it's not that important, but it seemed so easy when I asked over the phone the last time, but I guess there are so many people who want so much more for free that they do become annoyed at the people who always have their hand out.....I'm not like that, so I'll take what I get, if it's available great, if not that's great too......and I may not even ask, because it doesn't really matter. I think it would be neat to stay in the same room we were the last time, but I'm sure that would be completely impossible.

Anyway......thanks to all!!! 16 days left!!!!!:wave:
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Well-Known Member
We will be leaving in a few weeks for our 2nd DW vacation, I have been reading so much about all of the referbishments to HM, SSE, and now the Fast Pass lines will be down...then of course I read comments about the hotel we will be staying at (Beach Club), I'm starting to feel like our vacation will not be very good with all of this going on. The last time we went was 2 years ago...our kids first trip, of course it was perfect, rides were perfect, nothing was closed.....or so it seemed, hotel was wonderful.....but I've never stayed anywhere so nice and fun......and now I've found a way to research everything I possibly can before our next trip. If anyone has gone recently, please send me some reassurance, I know those are just a few things that are being done when compared to 4 parks.....but it's easy to focus on the negative sometimes. Also, if anyone has recently stayed at the BC, was your stay good? The last time we went I was able to call and get a free room upgrade, I wasn't able to do that this time, they said I could ask again when we arrive to check in.....any tips on that would be great as well! Also, what are the best rooms (with large balcony's), which are the worst? This will probably be our last trip to DW, as our kids are getting older and more complicated, I want to make this the best trip I can! Thank you in advance!!
When we went last summer, there were several attractions that were closed & we still had a great time!
There is so much to do, that you will probably barely miss the closed attractions.
The BC resort is where I would like to stay - it looks very nice!
Don't worry - sometimes the negative things seem to stand out more so than the positive things.
It's WDW - you'll have a great time regardless!:D
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Well-Known Member
With all that is available in the four parks and the rest of the sites, missing a few items isn't so bad. Just think how the folks at DL felt for the past two years with whole sections of the park behind walls...then again visiting now makes it all worth it. Just as with things I voluntarily miss on a trip, it just gives more reason to come back and visit again!
oh that's definitely true...I missed out on Buzz the last time I went down and am very excited to get to ride it when I am down there. And having whole sections down is even worse. I can't imagine how upset people were when Tomorrowland was closed in the 90s. But it does disappoint when you do go down and your favorite will be closed. Yes there are other things to ride...but you're missing out on one of the ones you really, really love. That's when you really feel sad about attractions being closed.
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