Well-Known Member
I have to agree that it's funny how people are so disappointed in this when the only build up of expectations and rumors of what it'd all be etc. was done here. Can't fault Disney for not living up to expectations they didn't even set. I aslo agree there is a certain amount of irony when people start by complaining that yet another movie addition is ridiculous, stupid, whatever and then they complain when said addition isn't obvious enough. Say what? Come on folks... be happy they put just a little bit into doing something. I kind of like the fact that it's one of those things you won't notice unless you know what you're looking for OR you won't even register you saw until 5 minutes later when your brain says "I think there was a mermaid in the water back there." The "easter egg" effect essentially (yes that's 4 e words in a 5 word sentence)!