My apologies for the delayed response everyone… it’s now crunch time at work!
omg so can't wait n nice illuminations shots love em!!!
Haha well the actual report is gonna be a while. The food report is up and it is a work in progress.
Lies! It’s already up… that was fast!
Fabulous Part 1! Can't wait for part 2!
A few things...numbered because I am a nerd:
1. Your purple ruffly tank top...I'm pretty sure I have the same one in green

2. Brett is most definitely a keeper! Love that he sent you a gift card. High-5, Brett!
3. Will and I are also not fans of Boma. That remains our most disappointing Disney dining experience to date. After all of the rave reviews that we heard leading up to that dinner, we just expected more.
4. Love all of those self portraits of you and your mom! So cute!
5. SO glad you're posting your Pixar Weekend report!
6. So sorry that this trip was a bit emotional for you...I totally understand the wedding hangover and wanting to re-live that day again. But it seems like you and your mom had a blast, so huzzah!
I love your dorky numbers!

I’ve never understood the love for Boma, so it’s nice to hear we’re not alone in that. We ate there once, and really have no desire to go back. I guess it doesn’t help that we’re not big fans of buffets. The only buffet I truly look forward to is Ohana and, in my opinion, it’s less of a buffet and more of a prix fix menu. I think the only thing that's “buffet” about it is that it’s all you can eat.
I’m working on the Pixar Weekend report now… I hope to have it up shortly after we return from our trip next weekend. Speaking of, we only have one more long run and a short weekly run left on the agenda and then IT IS TIME!!
Huzzah to the trip! It was emotional, but good. Being there in April without Brett is part of what prompted the May trip – which definitely helped with the post wedding blues.
Great part one!!!! Glad HS won as top park this trip its my favorite next to MK!
And if you don't mind me asking you for any tips on an engineering job search (since i noticed in the beginning you said you help students with co-ops)....I just graduated in May with my bachelor's in Mechanical Engineering. Unfortunately, during my schooling I was never able to get an internship/co-op, went for a coiuple interviews but told me I didn't have enough experience :lookaroun (uh isn't that what an internship is for?) Anyways, now I've been on 3 interviews for an actual job and no such luck with anything. I'm thinking the having no experience is killing me...any advice? Thanks in advance
Hooooooooray for Hollywood!
Unfortunately, all the advice I have for building a resume when you don’t have work experience yet (and are dealing with the chicken and the egg issue) applies to students and not graduates (things like getting involved in groups or organizations related to your major, doing research with a professor, participating in unpaid work experiences, job shadowing, study abroad in your emphasis area). I would go back to the career folks at your University and talk with them. Being that you’re only a few months out of school, their services should still be available to you (this is often the case for up to a year post-graduate). So I would look into the career fairs and any sort of online postings they have (I’m sure you’ve already done this). It’s tough out there for new grads right now. Good luck! And I’m sorry I couldn’t be of more help.
Holly! Your pictures of Riverside made me miss that place sooooo much. It really is a lovely resort and I know you'll like French Quarter when you stay there. We're booked at POFQ for February (was December of this year) and I can't wait to go back.
The early morning shots you have are splendid and I gotta say, I have converted to an early riser now. Definitely appreciate the calmer time the mornings seem to have. And I know what you mean about a park taking the top spot of the trip. We had Animal Kingdom raise in the ranks after an awesome morning. The last trip Epcot took the top spot (although I'm a little biased since it's my favorite park)
Wishes can be a challenge but we don't typically watch from Main Street. Brandon and I opt for the Tomorrowland side, near the Noodle Terrace. Sure it's not a dead-on view of the castle but I'll take a slight angle over fighting with the crowds.
I can't even imagine what it was like going back to the Poly that soon after your wedding, without Brett. I'm sure it was that weird mix of excitement to be back and that crazy flood of memories from your wedding day. And speaking of Brett, how adorable is it that he sent you a gift card?
Can't wait for the next installment!
Hi Erin! I hope everything is going well and the reason behind switching your trip around wasn’t a negative one. I’m really excited about French Quarter. I’ve been in the lobby area there, but never spent any quality time at the resort, so I’m looking forward to something new!
Hooray for early risers! Mornings in the parks are phenomenal!
On a recent trip we watched Wishes from over near Tomorrowland and the calmness of the people around us definitely made it more enjoyable than the straight on views. Seeing as how I don’t worry too much over photographing the fireworks (no lugging a tripod for me!) I’m not so concerned with not having that “perfect” view.
yay a holly trip report! i am so very jealous of all of your trips this year! my goodness you are going to wdw like it is your job! although, with these two trips is was your job! : how lucky?! part 1 of your trip report sounds like it was a very relaxing, leisurely trip! port orleans riverside looks beautiful. wes and i are staying at pofq next february for the princess half marathon. we've never stayed at a moderate before so i am super excited to stay there. i'm really excited to get some beignets! i can't wait to read part 2 and your other many trip reports that are in the works!
Hahhaha – yeah if you factor out the job-related trips, I’ll have four trips to Disney this year, which isn’t too far off the mark. We usually average three (sometimes four) trips at year, so it’s pretty much in line.
We’ll be staying at FQ in November, so I’ll be sure to take lots of pictures for you. You’re going to love the Princess Half. It is such a great race.
Someone has a wedding coming up next month!!! :sohappy: How's that last bit of planning coming along?
Hey Holly, Imagine my delight when I checked trip reports and there was a new one there from you! Yeah! I really enjoy reading your reports! Thanks so much for all the POR photos. We'll be checking in POR for the very first time this coming Saturday and your pics made me even more excited to be there! Thanks again for another great report!
Oooh, that’s tomorrow! I bet you just can’t contain your excitement. The last few days leading up to the trip are so fun. And thank you.
I saw France's film for the first time on my last trip and I agree...seriously made my head hurt! I think there was just too much for my eyes to see. The images were stunning, but ouch!
Love that you have been able to do some mother daughter trips. Even when they're not to Disney World they're the best!
Also, very jealous that you're able to take advantage of the parks on your work related visits. I may have to rethink my major/career path so I can finagle a way to do the same...
Yeah, what’s with that film?! I might as well be on a motion simulator… seriously!
Mom/daughter trips really are the coolest. Last year we did a short three day cruise to the Bahamas and it was fabulous.
We aren't too far from Tiger Town-my husband's job moved us to Greenville/Taylors which we love because we grew up and went to high school here. Our move has given me the opportunity to be a stay at home mom and go back to college full time too, so it has been an adjustment, but so much for the better! I'm thankful that we are finally settled in, now I can catch up on all of these great Trip Reports!
Still in the upstate! It’s great to hear that you’re now able to stay at home with Connor and work towards some personal career goals as well.
Thanks for a great trip report Holly!! I really enjoyed all of your beautiful pictures of Port Orleans and the boat ride to Downtown Disney, it's so peaceful and relaxing, and must do it a few times whenever we stay at POFQ (which is one of our favorite places) - it's actually something we want to do even when we're not staying at that resort.
It looks like you and your Mom really have fun together and that is so awesome!
Oh and how sweet is your husband sending you a gift card!
Can't wait for part 2...
Thanks, Gloria. The boats really are relaxing. We’ve started using the boat services around property a lot more lately. I think it’s because we’re less concerned about getting somewhere quickly then we used to be.
We went last Thanksgiving and as busy as it was, we utilized the FPs and hardly waited in line. We hit Space Mountain on Thanksgiving morning around 10am and walked right on. And yes, we will be at the WL 11/10-15. Our first deluxe and I'm super excited to see it all decorated for the holidays!!!
Wow. I’m shocked to hear that the parks weren’t crazy-packed on Thanksgiving day. WL for the holidays = great choice!
I love your shots of MK in the early morning! I can't believe how empty the park was - we always get up early. Doesn't everyone? I guess just not THAT early.
What's crazy is no matter how often I experience walking down Main Street in the early morning light, I'm always so jealous of anyone who's there when I'm not.
Loving the report!
Thanks, Erin. I guess a 7am opening is too early for lots of folks. Although, with kids I can see where it would be incredibly difficult to get there by that time.
Excellent report, as always! Supremely jealous of all your trips this year - so wish we had a shorter drive down there. Much easier and cheaper than flying!
Ironically, Chrissy is at Disney right now for a conference. She swears it's not as much fun without me, but I keep telling her "it might not be as much fun, but it's still Disney!"
You mentioned going down for Thanksgiving - how long are you there? We arrive on the 29th...have to keep an eye out for you!
Looking forward to the rest of your report!
Okay, so I’m with Chrissy on this one. Yes, while the parks are still a great place to be, it’s just not the same without your other half.
Ahh man, we’ll be gone by the 29th. We’re leaving on Sunday (likely with the rest of the crowds). Unfortunately, with Brett’s new job we’re having to utilize holidays a little more for our vacations because he doesn’t have a lot of vacation days to use.