Haven't planned a thing!! Yikes!!

We're leaving a week from tomorrow and I have yet to put any kind of "schedule" in place for our trip. The decision to go was spur of the moment, and I've been so busy trying to get all my ducks in a row on the homefront that I haven't even thought about what to do once we're there. My biggest concern is dining ressies, since we did buy the meal plan and I don't want to lose out on the value of the table service option. I know ressies are hard to get on such short notice...anyone have any best bets or suggestions? We're a small group (DH, myself and DD, 6) so I'm hoping that works in our favor.

Of course, in the spirit in which this trip was booked, I could just "go with the flow"...

Any help appreciated!


Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks
I would try to book ADRs for whatever you can get! With DDP, reservations aren't easy any more and there are very few places that will even accept a walk-up. Without ADRs, DDP is not a value. Even with ADRs, unless you maximize your TS meals by ordering the more expensive dishes, you'll have a hard time breaking even.
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Well-Known Member
Congrats on the last minute trip! Good times are ahead for you. The ADR thing is a bit of a downer, but it'll turn out okay with some faith, trust, and a little bit of pixie dust! :)
I wouldn't count on being able to get into any of the restaurants in the parks. You can check, but don't be surprised or disappointed if you can't. In my experience, they fill up the quickest. However, some of the resort restaurants are fairly easy to get into with last minute ADRs. Here is a list of places I would check first because, in our experience, they don't seem to be too busy.
Boatwrights @ POR
Maya Grill @ CS
Grand Floridian Cafe @ Grand Flo
Kona Cafe @ Poly
Yacht Club Galley @ Yacht Club
Captain Jack's @ Downtown Disney
Planet Hollywood @ Downtown Disney
One time we got into the Garden Grill at the last minute. There were a lot of times available.
Just be flexible with your time.
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Active Member
Unless you make some TS ADRs now (or yesterday), you're going to feel very cheated on the Dining Plan. At this relative date, you may need to just call and start naming restaurants in order of your most desired to get any ADRs. If you're not too picky about times (remember that you can get that snack in the afternoon to tide you over), you might get in somewhere. Hope you got the parkhopper!
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Well-Known Member
I agree - the only part of your trip to WDW that HAS to be planned is the ADR's. Get on the phone and see what's available ASAP. Once that's done, you can feel free to relax and go with the flow when you get there!

Have a great trip! :wave:
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I always try to hit resort resturants as last minute choices. Maya Grill @ CS and Olivia's @ OKW are two of my personal standouts. My favorite last minute character meal is Cape May Cafe breakfast @ BC. Also try hitting some spots for lunch as well. I can usually get to Liberty Tree Tavern lunch @ MK and Sci-Fi Dine-In lunch @ DHS. Also the Moracco resturant @ EC is the last one to fill up.

Spend some time with DD Guest Services or a resort concierge when you first get there. It's always so much eaiser to go back and forth in person than over the phone to get those mealtime reservations.

I almost forgot my favorite: Trails End Resturant @ FW! Truly great and the cheepest buffet on property. Plus you can enjoy the campfire program after dinner!
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Well-Known Member
We're leaving a week from tomorrow and I have yet to put any kind of "schedule" in place for our trip. The decision to go was spur of the moment, and I've been so busy trying to get all my ducks in a row on the homefront that I haven't even thought about what to do once we're there. My biggest concern is dining ressies, since we did buy the meal plan and I don't want to lose out on the value of the table service option. I know ressies are hard to get on such short notice...anyone have any best bets or suggestions? We're a small group (DH, myself and DD, 6) so I'm hoping that works in our favor.

Of course, in the spirit in which this trip was booked, I could just "go with the flow"...

Any help appreciated!
I would look through the menu's on this site and look for lesser known places. I would also try any of the GF restaurants, as they are all good. Remember all of the Boardwalk and Swan and Dolphin restaurants for your Epcot days. It is very convenient to just walk over there on those days. Have fun.:wave:
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New Member
We just got back from the World and we had ADRs booked early except for a breakfast character dining (we couldn't make up our mind about which one to do) we tried calling for an ADR a week before leaving and were told everything was full until October, when we got to our resort we talked to our concierge and he was able to hook us up with a couple of choices, Tusker in AK and one of the princess' breakfasts, all at great times the next morning. So if you aren't able to get ADR's and are staying on site I would recommend a visit to the concierge.

We were able to get into a few table service restaurants as walks ups. If you are going to do this you need to be flexible about where and when you want to eat (you will be turned away often). Try doing this before 1 pm (we normally used our table service meal in the aft as a rest time, using the the quick counter service as the evening meal after the night time shows). It seems like the restaurants stop taking walk ups after 1 pm, but around noon one day we got into the Crystal Palace as a walk up with only a ten minute wait. It is easier to get in as walk ups out of the parks, we normally hit the Planet Holywood and ESPN (on the boardwalk).

Good luck!
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New Member
It's definitely easier to get lunch reservations than dinner reservations. Last Sunday, May 4th, we walked up to the Sci-Fi at 10:30 and were able to get a table for 2 for lunch at 11:05. They had lots of spots available for lunch. It never hurts to ask.
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Well-Known Member
I'm a huuuuge fan of table service lunch rather than dinner. Easier to get ressies, too.

One other tip I'd offer is to go ahead and program the phone number for Disney dining into your cell phone (407-WDW-DINE --- 407-939-3463). That way, when you're on the way to the park in the morning, you can call to check for last-minute availabilites at the restaurants, giving you a bit of a jumpstart over those who might wait till they arrive to search for options.
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Well-Known Member
You should def try and get a ressie for Planet Hollywood. We ate there in November on the DDP, and it was our favorite sit-down dinner.
I just wanted to state that as far as I know, Planet Hollywood does not accept ADRs.

Amy, hope you can get your trip ducks in a row! Can't wait to hear about everything when you get back too! :D (And don't over do it! :fork: Nibblies orders!)
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Well-Known Member
Lucky for us, we don't use the meal plans at all. We have the DDE card and make 1-2 table service reservations for the entire trip. We feel that having too much wastes our time...especially when we're only ever there for 2 nights and 3 days.

That being said, I'd try for San Angel at lunch time. We've been doing it for almost a year now (our new must-do place) and one time got the ADR in that same morning when we had a change of mind. We never have a problem getting in there.

Also, good places to try are Cape May Cafe for breakfast or 1900 Park Fare for breakfast. Both are real nice and worth going to once.

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New Member
YAY for last minute trips!!! I'm excited for you!!

My fam always plans out our trips to the very last second so it might be nice for once to just "see where the world takes you" BUT since you have the dining plan that can mean losing money. Might I suggest a few quick things...

My family only got charged 1 table service for a dinner on our trip in Jan. when our it was supposed to "cost" 2 table service meals. Long story short we had an extra table service to use. We were at AK and wanted to do a character breakfast (long shot I know but you never know). Thankfully we just walked right up with 7 people and they had ZERO wait and it wasn't even full. It was the BEST breakfast we had the whole trip (better than Cinderella's breakfast, eek, I know) and we were so happy that we decided to just go for it. I say call call call and just ask if there are any times for your favorites and try to go around those times.

Sci-Fi lunch is pretty easy to get into and is a really fun mid-day break. It keeps the Hollywood motif going and not to mention it always feels like it's 50 degrees in there so in mid-May it will feel amazing!

Some of the best places to eat lunch are at the world showcase. Japan, China, Germany, and France are some of my fav's and if you book right at noon they almost always have availabilities. Coral Reef is a great one but can be tricky. Narcoosee's is fantastic if you beg for an opening, or just call every single day (or hour) to check for cancellations.

Wolfgang Puck Cafe at DTD is GREAT and you really get the bang for your buck.

Don't forget you can double up for special things too....Hoop-Dee-Doo, Mickey's Luau, any character dining, your daughter is sure to love those and you'll get your money's worth in dinner and a show!

I hope this helps you out! Have a great time!!! :sohappy:
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Well-Known Member
I suggest the best plan you can have is to make a couple of ADR's now if possible and then just go with the flow. Check out touringplans.com to see which days are best in which park (they seem to work!) from their crowd calendar and then just have fun!
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New Member
I find it so interesting how people can be so different in their vacation approach. I have been planning every detail for the last 3 mnths. I worked out a touring plan for each day and booked ADR's based on those plans. I have a little notebook with the park hours, the transportation options from and to each park/resort. I have a list of little extras in case we end up with some extra time (for example the outdoor movie viewing at the campground). We will be waking up at 6:30, be at breakfast in our resort by 7:00 and on the bus to the extra magic hour park by 7:30. I have been tracking the weather both historically and forecasted in case I need to adjust my plans. I even made a little recipe card for each day with the list of attractions we want to see and in what order that I can stick in my back pocket. Sounds I know but for me... because of all my planning i will be able to get off the plane, put my brain in neutral, completely relax and just go with my plan.

My husband is the complete opposite... he would want to sleep in until 9-10 and then spend a relaxing (?) hour eating breakfast and then head to the parks. He is very laid back which works for him and it's ironic that what is relaxing for him would give me extreme anxiety. This trip is just myself and two dd's so I am free to plan to my heart's content.

Having taken the thread off-topic I would add that I agree that the resorts might be your best bet for last minute ADR's. Also being flexible about the times. When I was booking mine, the Disney rep was telling me that I would NOT believe how people have gotten downright abusive because they wanted a 6 pm sitting and she could only get them 6:20.
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New Member
Another thing I thought of is to check which parks are doing evening EMH on what nights. You prob have a better shot at a dinner ADR in a non nigh EMH park. Did that make sense?? I hope so! And, again, I'd second (or third or fourth!) the thoughts about going for lunch ADR's. MUCH easier to get! And even maybe an early lunch or late lunch (like 2 or 3 pm). I hope that helps! No matter what, though, you're gonna have a magical time! ENJOY!

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New Member
We're leaving a week from tomorrow and I have yet to put any kind of "schedule" in place for our trip. The decision to go was spur of the moment, and I've been so busy trying to get all my ducks in a row on the homefront that I haven't even thought about what to do once we're there. My biggest concern is dining ressies, since we did buy the meal plan and I don't want to lose out on the value of the table service option. I know ressies are hard to get on such short notice...anyone have any best bets or suggestions? We're a small group (DH, myself and DD, 6) so I'm hoping that works in our favor.

Of course, in the spirit in which this trip was booked, I could just "go with the flow"...

Any help appreciated!
Go with the flow.......my family went one time made no reservations at all but when we were ready to eat we went to the rest. and got right in
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Original Poster
As usual, the Magic boards save the day!

Thanks to y'all's advice I made a list of preferred and alternatives for each park (including nearby resorts when feasible), and with an attitude of being flexible, called the dining line.

Here's where we're at (these are all for different days, obviously):
3:40 PM at Crystal Palace (characters! bonus!)
1:20 PM at Sci Fi Dine In
6:00 PM at Rose & Crown
10:35 AM at Ohana (alien characters! major bonus!)

I feel like this is pretty good even though I'm a little nervous about the Rose & Crown menu.

Thanks to everyone for their advice. I got a good chuckle out of the post about different planning styles...it's so true. And there's no right or wrong way...by taking bits and pieces of advice from all the replies, I've managed to get a plan together and feel like I'm getting value from the DP. Funny thing is DH thinks that this is over-planning!:rolleyes:

I may noodle around with this some more but for now I can relax a little.

Thanks again y'all!
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