have you ever been...?


Original Poster
Just wondering if anyone has ever been "That Guy" at the Monster's Inc. Laugh Floor? I was the first time I ever went into the show. It was probably my favorite Disney memory ever. People came up to me later in the park to tell me how funny I was in "my show." It was a great time and I wish everyone could experience it! Here's the sticker they gave me after for being a good sport.


New Member
I was "That Guy" the last day of our trip. It was a lot of fun. I was surprised at how many CM's commented on my sticker.


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
I haven't been "That Guy" at the Laugh Floor, but I was one for two of the shows around the WS on the same day. I got the World Showcase Players first, and then was an assistant for Serveur Amusant in France later that afternoon. A great deal of fun in both!


New Member
My son got picked to be the kid that they interview. He was 5 at the time. Wouldn't look an adult in the eye and answer a question to save his life, but when he got up on that screen he became a different kid. Talked clearly, answered the questions, and was oh so proud. Such a great Disney memory.

Walt Disney1955

Well-Known Member
Not quite, but my wife had the camera right in front of her with the headline below her "once kissed a monster........." then they panned the camera right next to me. I found it funny


Well-Known Member
My dad wasn't "that guy", but he did get picked to be Sully when they did the retelling of Monsters, Inc. He was great....did a monster face every time the camera was on him. It's one of my favorite memories, especially since he is no longer with us.


Well-Known Member
No one in my family has been "That guy," but the camera did focus on my Stepdad and said something like, 'feels the urge to get up and dance,'..... and he did, I was right next to him I found it really embarrassing at the time!


New Member
I haven't been to the World since the Laugh Floor opened, but I did get to be one of the extras in the Indiana Jones stunt show! They liked me so much they gave me a death scene! On a completely unrelated note, even though the stunt show is like a million years old, I will always have a soft spot for it.


Well-Known Member
Nope we have never been that guy, but back in the 80's my sister and I were picked to the back-lot tour show, I got to blow up my little sister, who was always the 'pretty cheerleader one'. It was pretty sweet from a 16 year old perspective. I thought that was at the time, the best day of my life!


Well-Known Member
Nope we have never been that guy, but back in the 80's my sister and I were picked to the back-lot tour show, I got to blow up my little sister, who was always the 'pretty cheerleader one'. It was pretty sweet from a 16 year old perspective. I thought that was at the time, the best day of my life!
I was picked for the back lot tour on my last trip also. I was fun although pretty confusing..lol

They told us before hand what to do and expect but it certainly didnt work out that way. Basically with all the water and noise we just kind of pointed and ran around. It was fun though.

Matt and Kelly

Well-Known Member
Never been "That Guy" but my brother was the guy they selected to dance around and make a fool of himself a few years back.

It was pretty funny for our group to watch him dance around like a goof but even better when a few small kids recognized him as the "Dancing Guy" while walking through Adventureland a few hours later!


Well-Known Member
They did once put my picture up there with the subtitle "has no idea where she is". It was very late and I was very tired. Great memory though!

I still think that MILF is one of the best executed and imaginative Disney attractions that they've made in a while.


They did once put my picture up there with the subtitle "has no idea where she is". It was very late and I was very tired. Great memory though!

I still think that MILF is one of the best executed and imaginative Disney attractions that they've made in a while.

I love it too. I don't get the anomosity that some people have for the attraction. Yes, I've been when "that guy" hasn't really been into it and other audience members are duds. But I remember one show that I almost wet my pants because "that girl" was just so unintentially hilarious.

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