Have you ever been scared to go on a Disney ride?


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When people think Disney, they usually don't think of scary rides, but, have you ever been scared or seen someone scared to get on a Disney ride?

I remember when I was like 8 my mom and I went to Hollywood Studios and all I remember was sitting in the Tower of Terror elevator for the first time and it was right before the drop and I remember it feeling like forever before it dropped. But then I fell in love with it after. :)

And Rock 'n' Roller Coaster was worse... We sat the launch area for forever because it broke down and there was no audio or countdown so I just sat there crying and it eventually launched with no warning but I remember it was so fast that my tears flew off my face and then I stuck my hands up and had a blast.


I'm too scared to go on Rocking Rollercoaster. I've never gone on mission space either. So, yes... there are rides that are too scary! (I've tried Everest and tower of terror... and I wish I hadn't!)


Well-Known Member
Nope...my brothers and I are totally weird in that no ride has ever phased us when it comes to Disney. There are certain ones they aren't a fan of (brother in the middle dislikes fast spinning rides) but the ones that could potentially be scary like ToT, Rockin Roller Coaster, Dinosaur, Everest ect....those were always the ones we ran to first, much to my mom's chagrin :lol: ToT is one of my absolute favorites along with Everest and Rock n Roller Coaster. My mom always said we have "iron stomachs"...my dad used to have an iron stomach but he's gotten old (53) ;)

However...carnival rides scare me. I refuse to go on them because they seem like they could fall apart. And, I don't like ferris wheels. I've een in ferris wheels where I feel very secure but others it felt like the door was too low and you could just fall right out.


Well-Known Member
I'm way to scared to go on Rock'N'Roller Coaster and Tower of Terror!

On the other hand, I seem to handle BTMRR, Soarin', Test Track, Splash Mountain, Space Mountain, and Star Tours I and II pretty fine. :D

Californian Elitist

Well-Known Member
It took me forever to get on a lot of the rides at Disneyland (Splash, Indy, Space, etc). The first time I got on California Screamin' I was so nervous and scared but it was so much fun and completely worth it in the end. Same for Tower of Terror. The one attraction I will most likely NEVER experience at Disneyland is the Davy Crockett Canoes. It just doesn't look safe. Maybe it's because I'm kind of afraid of water. What if those skinny boats tip over?!?! No way, I am not getting in those canoes!
My wife has always been leery of going on ToT. My interest is high, and I think I have her convinced to go for it, so we'll see in June.

I don't particularly care for enclosed areas, so Mission:Space doesn't seem like something I would enjoy. Not scared (I know it's a finite length of time and I'm completely safe), just aware enough to know it probably isn't for me.

The only ride I'd like to go on, but probably see myself as "too scared" is Dinosaur. I'm not afraid a dinosaur is going to eat me. I'm not afraid of the motion of the ride or the haunted house "jump" factor...but I have some very unusual fear of large things. Big barns scare me. Models of huge whales at aquariums scare me even worse. I figure the sheer size of the Carnotaurus up close would ruin my day.


Well-Known Member
I'll admit that I have been. I was real young and it was our first trip to WDW. I was scared to go on the Haunted Mansion. Having grown up being forced on scary rides where everything pops out at you and in your face scares, I thought I was going to have a heart attack to go on this ride. My mother had to hold my hand and I did the peak through the fingers through the ride. Now it is one of my favorites.


Nope...my brothers and I are totally weird in that no ride has ever phased us when it comes to Disney. There are certain ones they aren't a fan of (brother in the middle dislikes fast spinning rides) but the ones that could potentially be scary like ToT, Rockin Roller Coaster, Dinosaur, Everest ect....those were always the ones we ran to first, much to my mom's chagrin :lol: ToT is one of my absolute favorites along with Everest and Rock n Roller Coaster. My mom always said we have "iron stomachs"...my dad used to have an iron stomach but he's gotten old (53) ;)

However...carnival rides scare me. I refuse to go on them because they seem like they could fall apart. And, I don't like ferris wheels. I've een in ferris wheels where I feel very secure but others it felt like the door was too low and you could just fall right out.

Carnival rides fall apart all the time! Have you ever watched them set them up??? You are smart to stay away. I forgot that I can't go on the teacups either. However, did you know if you yell for them to stop... they will! *Know this first hand!*


My wife has always been leery of going on ToT. My interest is high, and I think I have her convinced to go for it, so we'll see in June.

I don't particularly care for enclosed areas, so Mission:Space doesn't seem like something I would enjoy. Not scared (I know it's a finite length of time and I'm completely safe), just aware enough to know it probably isn't for me.

The only ride I'd like to go on, but probably see myself as "too scared" is Dinosaur. I'm not afraid a dinosaur is going to eat me. I'm not afraid of the motion of the ride or the haunted house "jump" factor...but I have some very unusual fear of large things. Big barns scare me. Models of huge whales at aquariums scare me even worse. I figure the sheer size of the Carnotaurus up close would ruin my day.

If you don't like whales, then this ride is NOT for you. The noise and the darkness scares a lot of people. My husband didn't wnat to return to the ride after going on it once, I had him stuff his ears with tissue, so now he goes on. But, the size of the last carnataurus was HUGE.


Well-Known Member
Carnival rides fall apart all the time! Have you ever watched them set them up??? You are smart to stay away. I forgot that I can't go on the teacups either. However, did you know if you yell for them to stop... they will! *Know this first hand!*

Haha. Your response cracked me up. Yes I have watched them set up...I've seen all those rusty bolts and pieces and pieces of metal. It amazes me that people go on some of the things they do. I technically know they are inspected and *in theory* should be safe but yeah, no freaking way. However the animatronics might or might not be working on a ride at Disney, I know the ride tracks and systems specifically designed to protect guests are well maintained. Disney does not want to give away their money ;)

Also, a little note on Tower of Terror...I rode that ride on my first trip to Disney when I was 7. I think half of why I wasn't at all scared about it was 1) I just usually don't get afraid of rides but 2) I was the only kid in my family big enough to ride it at the time (brothers were 5 and 3). So it was just me and my dad who went on. I felt super special and "grown up" because I could go on the big kid rides and Timmy and Paddy couldn't :lol:

Todd H

Well-Known Member
Nope. In fact I've never been afraid to ride any rides at any park or location. Heck, I wasn't even scared to ride the ones at the top of the Stratosphere Hotel in Vegas. For me, the scarier the better. :)


Well-Known Member
Yes everytime I walk by Its a Small World. Those dang dolls creep me out....or maybe its just the song in my head like "The telltale heart"


I have never been afraid to go on anything, ever...except X-Scream in Las Vegas. And not because I'm afraid of heights, but more because I don't trust that cheap motel to build a safe enough ride that requires me to put my life in their hands. :lookaroun


Well-Known Member
Yes. I absolutely refuse to ride ToT (unless I'm with people who want to ride). I will go on every attraction at WDW by myself...except ToT


Well-Known Member
When I was little I was terrified of Haunted Mansion, Pirates, and Alien Encounter.

Now I only fear getting stuck on Its A Small World. Its not an irrational fear, it happened to me once and I do not want to risk it again.

real mad hatter

Well-Known Member
The Fear Factor.

My oh my,does this question bring back memories. Picture this, my first visit in 2004 with DW and DS [6] and were standing in line for Space Mountain,Iam thinking to myself, if I remember right I don't like coasters,so when we got on my son in the front,me in the middle,and DW at the back.Before I could say here goes,Whoosh..:eek:. what was it like?. I don't know,my eyes were closed the whole time,infact my finger prints are still etched on that space buggy.That was my last coaster,well apart from Goofys barnstormer :(
Mission: Space.

And as it turned out, with good reason. :hurl::hurl::hurl:

Summit Plummet I did on a dare. It wasn't so bad and I got a spa day out of it!


Well-Known Member
Mission: Space. I wouldn't call it being scared. I've been on the Green side and I know for a fact if I did the orange side, I'd barf. I prefer to call it good judgement.:)

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