Well-Known Member
I've always loved the overlay. The only issues I have is a) takes to long to set up/ride is down too long and b) it's up too early. I'd kick it off Mid/late October...heck, I'd even possibly wait until the week before Thanksgiving as a starting point and keep it a Christmas time exclusive and exclude Halloween.
Yeah, of all the criticisms I hear, this is the one I understand the most. Because with the time it takes for the overlay to go up/come down, regular Mansion can be closed for quite some time. I feel like over the years they’ve got it down to a science and get it up as quick as they can but I could see the argument for closing Mansion on Nov. 1st and re-opening before Thanksgiving with Holiday. Or maybe if Disney really wants to use it to continue to capitalize on Halloweentime, reducing Halloweentime to the month of Oct. and closing Mansion for the last two weeks of September.