I’m incredibly happy to hear Haunted Mansion Holiday is returning for 2021. I was worried I might miss it two years in a row and hadn’t planned on returning to the parks again this year without it being there. But now it looks like I’m about to plan at least one more visit before the year’s end!
I understand there are folks who don’t enjoy it and I can respect that. But for me, it is my absolute favorite Disney theme park experience across the board. -and it’s the attraction that single-handedly got me truly interested in everything about the parks. What I know about their history, who made them and why, and everything I’ve come to expect from them is all an indirect result of Jack Skellington taking over the Mansion every year. I know that sounds bizarre but it’s true.
Anyways, feel free to resume with the bashing. Just had to get my happy thoughts out there. If in the off chance anyone from Disney ever reads these messages; I love what happens to the Mansion during Holiday and as long as it’s a thing, you’ll find me in that 90 to 120 minute wait with a smile on my face.