Haunted Mansion Holiday at MK?


Well-Known Member
The reason that Mansion being down for two months out of the year doesn't bug you so much, is because you have the luxury of traveling there as often as you do... Many people (which comprise a hefty number of daily visitors) don't have that same luxury.

Haunted Mansion is not closed for two months out of the year at Disneyland. That's a ridiculous falsehood that got started by people who have never been to Disneyland.

In calendar year 2007 the Haunted Mansion will be closed for 26 days total. Or three and a half weeks, split into two segments.

For 2007 it was closed January 8 through the 17th to take out the Holiday show and put back the original show: 10 DAYS. It will be closed September 10th through September 26th 2007 to install the Holiday show for the Halloween/Christmas '07 season: 16 DAYS. That's a total of 26 days that the Haunted Mansion has to be closed each year in order to accomplish the popular Holiday version. 26 days split into two segments separated by several months of very popular operation for long lines of customers.

Plus, that regular downtime also gives them the chance to do some thorough maintenance and upkeep on the Omnimover and elevator ride systems, and assorted infrastructure, technology and facility work throughout the attraction. If WDW had been doing that all along, they wouldn't have to close their Haunted Mansion for THREE CONSECUTIVE MONTHS IN THE MIDDLE OF THE BUSY SUMMER SEASON. :eek:

26 Days of combined yearly refurbishment split into two segments at Disneyland, during some of the slowest weeks of the year. Not two months. Big difference. :animwink:


Well-Known Member
Nope, but a majority of them are Disneyland Annual Passholders... A rather large group, some of whom are much more rabid than the craziest of Disney internet fans. Which only goes to show WHY they do the overlay.
Oh really? I think WDW fans are just the same. You can see that through all heated debates that come up on more than one occasion: the wand, 5th gate, Beastly Kingdom, HM overlay, the return of 20K, Harry Potter, dining plan, etc. I don't see much (if any) of this in the DL fan area.

The reason for the overlay is not to keep us 'rabid Disney internet fans' quiet, it is there to keep us coming back. It gives us a reason to come back, to see something new and different for a change.


Well-Known Member
Oh really? I think WDW fans are just the same. You can see that through all heated debates that come up on more than one occasion: the wand, 5th gate, Beastly Kingdom, HM overlay, the return of 20K, Harry Potter, dining plan, etc. I don't see much (if any) of this in the DL fan area.

Sorry, but the fansite visiting public is not an accurate representation of the daily visitors to WDW. Sure, there are thousands of fans of WDW, if not tens of thousands of folks who come year after year (after all, didn't WDW introduce folks to the Disney Vacation Club?). And sure, the rabid fans on this and other sites do like to bring up the same topics such as the ones mentioned above. I can only speculate why DL's fansites don't have similar discussions, but my primary thought would be focused on Disneyland's limited potential for growth. WDW is huge, and can hold all the wonders people can imagine, so it lets people run wild with their imagination... To Disneyland's credit, their use rof the space available is nothing short of absolutely amazing (disregarding the itty-bitty teeny tiny walkways they expect thousands to walk in). Disneyland is using the space they have extraordinarily well, but that space is more than used up, with little more that they are able to do.
WDW fans are able to conjecture about things like a 5th gate, like Beastly Kingdom, like the Epcot Wand, because there is room for wiggle in their thought.

The reason for the overlay is not to keep us 'rabid Disney internet fans' quiet, it is there to keep us coming back. It gives us a reason to come back, to see something new and different for a change.

Ok, deal... Here's what I want everyone who is clamoring for HMH to do... Don't go to WDW... at all... Multiple years in fact... Every month (or year... or day) send an e-mail to Guest Communications that the reason you are not attending WDW after 10 years, or 15 or 5, is because you really want the Haunted Mansion Holiday. Stage a peaceful walk-out and let the Disney Company know why you are doing it!

WDW is a business, and run as such... If a noticable number of people stop coming to the parks, then they will adjust their entertainment offerings to encourage further attendance. As it seems, WDW is having a pretty good year. People are still coming to the parks, and yes, many of them are returning with their families. They are coming back for many reasons, but cheif among them would be because they enjoy their vacations to the Resort... A large majority of them don't care that their isn't a overlay on an attraction of a movie they don't know. They want to be entertained...

Can you make an honest assessment that the Haunted Mansion Holiday is more entertaining than the Haunted Mansion? Its different, and sometimes new and different things are good (I am always a fan of change) Most folks around here decry adding popular movies to attractions, but this a standard that they want to bear? Isn't the Haunted Mansion, the REAL Haunted Mansion, one of those classic Disney experiences that, like Pirates, can be updated to great effect, but to close it down to add in a bunch of cartoons? To a lot of people, you wouldn't be closing down the mansion for a month on each end (in the earlier years of HMH, before the process was streamlined and made more efficient by years of practice, it did take a little under a month on each side to install the overlay, no reason to think it would be any less at WDW), but to those folks, who wouldn't want a goth kid's dream come true inside their Haunted Mansion, you are shutting down the attraction they love from September to January.

Think about that... think about whether or not the Holiday overlay is truly more entertaining than the Haunted Mansion. Or, instead, think about only your desire to see something new... I pose this - the Mansion hasn't changed, its still the manor that we all know and love, its the guest, the one for which Walt Disney World has become routine, or dare I even say it, mundane; that wants to see the Holiday.

Is Walt Disney World the same as it ever was? No, because as Michael Eisner said, "If something isn't growing, it is going to die." There are always new things to do every year at WDW. But the resort itself is still as charming as it ever was... So many people clamor for the feeling they had when they entered into the Magic Kingdom for the first time... Unfortunately, it is impossible for Walt Disney World to replicate that experience for you. Sure, they can add rides (and they do), sure they can change entertainment options (and they do)... but no matter what they add or subtract, the power to relive that first experience is just beyond WDW's realm of capability, no matter how many overlays they put in just for you.

Want to relive your first experience? Bring somebody new, allow them to enjoy the wonder of their first time, and experience it right along with them. Be there when they meet Mickey for the first time, or turn the corner and see Cinderella Castle, or experience a truly Haunted Mansion

That's the best way I have found to recapture a bit of the magic


Well-Known Member
Ok, deal... Here's what I want everyone who is clamoring for HMH to do... Don't go to WDW... at all... Multiple years in fact... Every month (or year... or day) send an e-mail to Guest Communications that the reason you are not attending WDW after 10 years, or 15 or 5, is because you really want the Haunted Mansion Holiday. Stage a peaceful walk-out and let the Disney Company know why you are doing it!
You see, the reason why we are all "Rabid Internet Fans" (Or the R.I.F. Squad-Alert-Ultra-Mech-Action-Team, as I call it.) Is because we can't do that. You know that, Disney knows that. And because of that WDW can get away with anything. I mean, when have they ACTULLY did something we demanded? The whole "Save Mr.Toad" didn't work so well I think. Where at Disneyland if that happened it would be a riot. (They'd do it because they're SCARED of their fans. Heck, I'M scared by their fans. Have you read MiceChat? They'll rip your head off!) It's kinda like V for Vendetta. "People shouldn't be afraid of their goverment, goverments should be afraid of their people."

Can you make an honest assessment that the Haunted Mansion Holiday is more entertaining than the Haunted Mansion? Its different, and sometimes new and different things are good (I am always a fan of change) Most folks around here decry adding popular movies to attractions, but this a standard that they want to bear? Isn't the Haunted Mansion, the REAL Haunted Mansion, one of those classic Disney experiences that, like Pirates, can be updated to great effect, but to close it down to add in a bunch of cartoons?
Actully, I have to say HMH is more entertaining. Do I want it all the time? no. But that's what is so great about holiday overlays. We get our Haunted Mansion all year, and then we get something new and get to create brand-new memories without having to pay Disney even MORE money to see a crummy Christmas parade. While I won't be "storming City Hall" about not having Haunted Mansion Hoilday, answer me this...

COUNTRY BEAR CHRISTMAS SHOW. Why did they take away the only thing we had? It's no wonder why It never felt like Christmas last year. I felt like Disney stabbed me in the back. And I'll hope they won't do it to me again this year.

Mansion Butler

Active Member
As far as going on every ride at DL and saying "mines better"... you will only be saying that if you moved to Cali.. because EVERY version of EVERY ride is superior in Cali. Space Mountain, Pirates, Mansion, Small World, Jungle Cruise, Buzz.... all the fantasyland dark rides including ones we dont even have in FL anymore like Toad, or ones we never had like Pinocchio, Roger Rabbit, Indy.... when i moved back to florida i was dissappointed by just about everything at WDW, including the fact that for some reason it lacks the magic. Watch Remember one night in cali and then wave at the fire station on the way out and you will know what i mean.

"Every ride" is a little much. Most rides, absolutely, but even DL appologists usually admit Thunder and Splash are better in Florida. My parents like Florida's Space Mountain more, though I haven't personally ridden the new California one. Jungle wasn't better before the refurbishment, and there may yet be a refurb in Florida. Before refurb, and after Florida's current refurb, Mansion was merely a matter of personal taste, both different, neither better as any matter of fact.

Meanwhile, Florida doesn't have Tarzan's Treehouse, it does have a People Mover (inferior, but it's there), MUCH better Astro Orbiters that aren't litterally sitting in the hub, better carousel, much nicer TSI and Philharmagic. And if we branch out of the Kingdom, WDW also has a better Tower of Terror.

The majority of DL's attractions are better, no doubt. It's far from definitive, though.

Mansion Butler

Active Member
You don't like Disneyland as much because of the Holiday versions of Haunted Mansion and Small World? Or you don't like it as much because Disneyland performs routine maintenance on everything and regularly has at least one or two ride closed at a time for yearly refurbishment?

I don't like it as much because familiar things are changed more often. I do understand, though, that they're catering to a fan base that isn't me.

I'm amazed that Magic Kingdom doesn't do the same thing. Certainly in the 20th century, before they lowered their standards and allowed their maintenance to slide, the Magic Kingdom routinely closed attractions for regular refurbishment. They can't have been operating for 36 years with little to no maintenance closures. :confused:

Once upon a time, Disneyland alos let stuff fall into terrible disrepair. The first time I was there it was trashier than Six Flags. I hated it. I've since changed my tune and love it, but it was once FAR worse than anyone could make the Magic Kingdom currently sound. Eisner hated letting things close, and (understandably) he hated it even more at WDW. The Kingdom is currently starting to do more overhauling than they have in the past, and alot is on the dockett, it's just taken them longer to be able to adjust than it did DL, for a variety of reasons. One included is that they have much lower capacity, and closing a multiple rides makes a much bigger impact. And, to be honest, there's not the "50th Aniversary" excuse.

BUT that wasn't my point. My point was I don't like going to Disneyland and not getting the familiarity I get at the Magic Kingdom. It's not that it's wrong, it's that different people are looking for different things. And for the life of me, I'll never understand why people don't get this. I don't want DL to be more like MK or vice versa, I'm perfectly happy with them being different.

Mansion Butler

Active Member
If WDW had been doing that all along, they wouldn't have to close their Haunted Mansion for THREE CONSECUTIVE MONTHS IN THE MIDDLE OF THE BUSY SUMMER SEASON. :eek:

26 Days of combined yearly refurbishment split into two segments at Disneyland, during some of the slowest weeks of the year. Not two months. Big difference. :animwink:

Alright, now you're attacking my home. How long was DL's Mansion closed for its curreng makeover (actual ride, not HMH) and when?

Also, how come most of the time I'm at DL the Rivers of America are closed?

Mansion Butler

Active Member
Actully, I have to say HMH is more entertaining. Do I want it all the time? no. But that's what is so great about holiday overlays. We get our Haunted Mansion all year, and then we get something new and get to create brand-new memories without having to pay Disney even MORE money to see a crummy Christmas parade. While I won't be "storming City Hall" about not having Haunted Mansion Hoilday, answer me this...

Yeah, it's temporary, great. But you know darn well that Christmas is the busiest day of the Disney World year, and that from Christmas to New Years you have a VAST majority of the park making the only pilgrimage to WDW they will all year, if not longer.

And that's why they close things in the summer. Sure, the summer's busy, but less people are there in the summer as part of their only Disney vacation. Sure, there are alot of them, and they're ed, but it makes less of an impact in the summer than it does over spring break, Easter or the holidays. And that's who HMH would hurt in Florida. It may be enjoyable, but you're taking the actual Mansion away from alot of people.


Well-Known Member
answer me this...

COUNTRY BEAR CHRISTMAS SHOW. Why did they take away the only thing we had? It's no wonder why It never felt like Christmas last year. I felt like Disney stabbed me in the back. And I'll hope they won't do it to me again this year.

Once again, there is no single answer as to why CBJ X-Mas went away, it is a combination of several factors... But, truthfully, I wouldn't expect it back this year...

It may be a case of false causality, but... last year the CBJ was taken away, and WDW set attendance records... The overlay substitution did absolutely nothing to affect attendance, at all


Well-Known Member
Alright, now you're attacking my home. How long was DL's Mansion closed for its curreng makeover (actual ride, not HMH) and when?

Also, how come most of the time I'm at DL the Rivers of America are closed?

and every September/October the Matterhorn goes down, ruining my favorite time for vacations... or it's a small world being down around the beginning of the pre-busy X-mas period?

Or why I need to see a chiropractor after every DL Splash Mountain ride? Or why I can't navigate the thousands upon thousands of people gathered near the Rivers Of America to watch Fantasmic on a tiny, tiny walkway, when all I want to do is ride the Haunted Mansion?


Well-Known Member
Once again, there is no single answer as to why CBJ X-Mas went away, it is a combination of several factors... But, truthfully, I wouldn't expect it back this year...

It may be a case of false causality, but... last year the CBJ was taken away, and WDW set attendance records... The overlay substitution did absolutely nothing to affect attendance, at all

Yep. Attendance. That's what it's all about.

I got a great new slogan for next year's event...

Walt Disney World: Screw magic! We got yer MONEY!!!



Well-Known Member
Yep. Attendance. That's what it's all about.

I got a great new slogan for next year's event...

Walt Disney World: Screw magic! We got yer MONEY!!!


::Sigh:: Let's go over this again

WDW is a business... They are there to make money... without such, they could not employee the 59,000 cast members that work there. Now, being a business, they have to have a product. While a company the size and scope of Disney produces many products, the main product of the theme parks at Walt Disney World is entertainment. HOWEVER, the reason people keep returning is for a variety of reasons... For example, I myself keep going back to Walt Disney World because I enjoy myself when I go there... The reason I enjoy myself is because I still find the whole experience Magical...

With this in mind, I also understand the parks are not my personal playground, and I am not entitled to make decisions for the parks I visit. Sure, there are things I would like to see done, and there are attractions I only dream about, but I understand that I am not the most important person on this Earth, and I certainly don't have enough money to support the WDW resort and its cast members by my lonesome... and as long as I continue to not have that much money, WDW decisions will be made for the majority, who together can keep WDW open, not just for me

Therefore, I think their slogan should be

Walt Disney World: Magic to the Masses, Boo to Self-Entitlement


Well-Known Member
Alright, now you're attacking my home. How long was DL's Mansion closed for its curreng makeover (actual ride, not HMH) and when?

Also, how come most of the time I'm at DL the Rivers of America are closed?

I think you are asking how long the last Mansion refurb was, right? I listed those dates about 10 posts ago, but... The last one was in January, 2007. The Haunted Mansion was closed from January 8th through January 17th. It was closed for 10 days. If you are asking about the last update to the Mansion that resulted in the new technology added to the attic and stuff, that was done in January 2006. That downtime took them about a month to install all of the new stuff, if I remember right.

As for the Rivers of America, you must have visited in the winter of 2007 when the only ride operating during construction of Pirate's Lair on Tom Sawyer Island was the Canoes. The Mark Twain was overhauled and repainted and the Columbia remained moored at the dock and was only open as a maritime museum. The rafts and island were closed to be turned into Pirate's Lair, which just left the Canoes running from mid February until late May.

Or you may have visited in the winter of 2003 when the river was drained for maintenance. They drain the river for maintenance every 10 to 12 years or so. The last time that had been done was the winter of 1992 during the construction of Fantasmic!. They'll probably drain the river again around the winter of 2013 if past practice holds.


Well-Known Member
Disneyland is much smaller. And yet it has a heck of a lot more rides than Magic Kingdom. A LOT more. If your looking for "exclusivity" when it comes to rides that aren't at Magic Kingdom, at Disneyland you'll find:
Davy Crockett Explorer Canoes
Sailing Ship Columbia
Pirate's Lair on Tom Sawyer Island
Tarzan's Treehouse
Indiana Jones Adventure
Pinochio's Daring Journey
Mr. Toad's Wild Ride
Casey Jr. Circus Train
Storybook Land Canal Boats
Matterhorn Bobsleds
Alice In Wonderland
Roger Rabbit's Car Toon Spin
Finding Nemo Submarine Voyage

Plus superior versions of Pirate's Of The Caribbean, Enchanted Tiki Room, Autopia, Peter Pan's Flight and Innoventions.

The two attractions that Magic Kingdom has that Disneyland is lacking are: Hall of Presidents and Country Bear Jamboree. If those two attractions are extremely important to you, you may be disapointed with Disneyland.

The rest of the attractions are either very similar to WDW, but with better maintenance, or are not different enough to warrant much comment. The only attraction that is clearly better at WDW than Disneyland is Splash Mountain, which has better pacing and art direction at WDW. Unfortunately, they've let that advantage go to waste in recent years with really shoddy maintenance that has left that facility in bad shape at WDW. While the Disneyland original has inferior art direction, its maintenance is currently superior to the WDW version. There's a current thread on the unfortunate maintenance of WDW's Splash Mountain compared to Disneyland elsewhere on this forum.

There's more rides at Disneyland than Disneyworld's Magic Kingdom? Oh, no. Too bad there's only THREE OTHER MAJOR DISNEY PARKS I can go to.

Take your head out of wherever you've hidden it and read what people are writing. Disneyland appears to be better maintained NOW because ten years ago it was falling into disrepair and had to be refurbed - even with money made from WDW!! Our tourism paid for your maintenance. Disneyland had the 50th anniversary celebration recently, so of course the fresh coat of paint went there. And now, WDW is catching up by planning refurbs on numerous rides that are in need of it.

And, the 'superior' versions of rides at DLR compared to WDW could be subjective. I love the new Tiki Room.

Why does every thread turn into either a wand thread, a DLR vs WDW thread, or a ing contest?

Back on topic, I would love to see HMH. But I can appreciate that WDW has it's reasons for not bringing it here. I had always heard it was cause Burton didn't want his characters 'spread too thin'.... too late for that, eh?


Active Member
Once again, there is no single answer as to why CBJ X-Mas went away, it is a combination of several factors... But, truthfully, I wouldn't expect it back this year...

It may be a case of false causality, but... last year the CBJ was taken away, and WDW set attendance records... The overlay substitution did absolutely nothing to affect attendance, at all

The reason why the CBJ Xmas show went away last year was because, believe it or not, they had to renegotiate the rights to the song "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer".

So, I wouldn't worry about a thing. The Bears' Xmas show IS coming back this year.


Well-Known Member
::Sigh:: Let's go over this again

WDW is a business... They are there to make money... without such, they could not employee the 59,000 cast members that work there. Now, being a business, they have to have a product. While a company the size and scope of Disney produces many products, the main product of the theme parks at Walt Disney World is entertainment. HOWEVER, the reason people keep returning is for a variety of reasons... For example, I myself keep going back to Walt Disney World because I enjoy myself when I go there... The reason I enjoy myself is because I still find the whole experience Magical...

No, I agree. It's alright to ditch tradition, magic, and the holiday spirit. Afterall, the holidays are all about money. I know your argument, and as I've said before I agree that you can't excpect Disney to do everything for you. It's just that the Country Bear Christmas show was a family tradition (As it also was for alot of guests I spoke to at the time.) and there's nothing more grinch-ey than taking out a holiday tradition because of money. (Money the Disney Company has.) Now if they keep doing it, I'll be fine. But there is NO way anyone can justify them not doing it anymore. I mean, you have to admit it's a tradition. And to stop doing it because of money or attendence is an awful thing to do for a company built on traditions.


Well-Known Member
No, I agree. It's alright to ditch tradition, magic, and the holiday spirit. Afterall, the holidays are all about money. I know your argument, and as I've said before I agree that you can't excpect Disney to do everything for you. It's just that the Country Bear Christmas show was a family tradition (As it also was for alot of guests I spoke to at the time.) and there's nothing more grinch-ey than taking out a holiday tradition because of money. (Money the Disney Company has.) Now if they keep doing it, I'll be fine. But there is NO way anyone can justify them not doing it anymore. I mean, you have to admit it's a tradition. And to stop doing it because of money or attendence is an awful thing to do for a company built on traditions.

Better, well crafted reply to come later (I'm busy) but, I agree with your last statement... Let's keep the Haunted Mansion just the way it is... I love traditions


Well-Known Member
Well, since they are shutting down HM during a good part of the summer for an extensive rehab/refurb maybe they'll add the Nightmare Before Christmas stuff in there--heck, we can always dream, right?

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