Haunted Mansion Holiday at MK?

Mansion Butler

Active Member
Here's a list of silly reasons and/or excuses I've seen thrown out there over the years regarding why WDW doesn't attempt the big holiday overlays that Disneyland does:

1. Fewer locals and more tourists at WDW compared to Disneyland means WDW can't risk having a popular attraction not operating in its original format. The holiday versions would upset the tourists who came thousands of miles to see the original versions of attractions.

I don't see how that's silly at all. Maybe spend some time working there and get a better idea of how ed off guests are if anything isn't right when they're there once every five years.

That's part of why I don't like Disneyland as much, though I do understand and support the difference.


Well-Known Member
I don't see how that's silly at all. Maybe spend some time working there and get a better idea of how ed off guests are if anything isn't right when they're there once every five years.

That's part of why I don't like Disneyland as much, though I do understand and support the difference.

You don't like Disneyland as much because of the Holiday versions of Haunted Mansion and Small World? Or you don't like it as much because Disneyland performs routine maintenance on everything and regularly has at least one or two ride closed at a time for yearly refurbishment?

I flew 12 hours and spent thousands of dollars to visit Japan, including a stay at Tokyo Disney Resort. When we were there the Jungle Cruise (for regular refurb) and Small World (for transition to Holiday version) were closed at Disneyland, and the Aladdin theater thing (for regular refurb) was closed at DisneySea. Was I kind of bummed? Yeah, especially about Small World. Did it ruin my vacation? No.

Doing research for my next trip to Tokyo Disneyland, I see that there will always be at least one or two rides closed. Just like at Disneyland USA. With the exception of the 10 peak weeks of summer from mid June through late August, and the two busy weeks around Christmas, Disneyland USA always has at least one or two things closed for maintenance. Including major E Tickets.

I'm amazed that Magic Kingdom doesn't do the same thing. Certainly in the 20th century, before they lowered their standards and allowed their maintenance to slide, the Magic Kingdom routinely closed attractions for regular refurbishment. They can't have been operating for 36 years with little to no maintenance closures. :confused:


Well-Known Member
I would personally love to see the thing. Before DL did it, they had an extensive closure earlier in the year to fix the speakers, effects, and some of the internal deferred maint. issues. Then the Mansion goes down for about 3 weeks to install, and again in Jan to take it out. During that time, I assume that they have an opportunity to repair any issues as well.

The only concern that I have is that DL has a bunch more attractions than WDW, and can more easily absorb the crowds into other areas. I really noticed the gap in my day last month when I went to WDW and had the Mansion closed. WDW is also looking, eventually, at a long term Space Mountain closure to upgrade that attraction. I think that they need another E-ticket before they do that.

All in all though, I would love to see the HMH come to WDW.


New Member
Even though I still haven't seen the movie, and have no real desire to, I still think Haunted Mansion Holiday is entertaining.

You really are missing out :p

A few years ago I went to Disneyland without any idea that they changed the HM for the holdays. When I found out, I headed over to it right away. It might just be because NBC is one of my favorite movies ever, but this ride made my entire vacation that year. It's the reason I want to back to Disneyland every winter.

I know it looks like they will never bring the attraction down here to Fl., but I think it would be a great idea. They really need to change some things up.


New Member
As I've only ever been to WDW, I've never gotten to see HMH. For many years, NBX was my favorite movie (I have to admit, the over commercialization killed it for me - I couldn't go anywhere and not see someone in a Jack hoodie, which at first was cool, then became overkill) and HMH would be an awesome way to celebrate a movie that means a lot to me.
That said though, I actually am a little excited that I don't think it'll come to WDW. I plan on visiting all 5 Disneys (and luckily enough, my Dad's job will make it easy to do HK and Paris within the next five years, as he has offices an hour from each) and honestly? I'm not too psyched for some.
The experience of getting to go to DLT is something I look forward to, especially for their (what I've read is a) thoroughly superior Stitch ride, however the language barrier is gonna suck. And, despite the fact that HK will be the easiest for me to visit, again - language barrier (that and I've heard it's a one day park :( ) Disneyland itself, while obviously grail-like in it's holiness (it did come first), doesn't really have a lot that has me excited. I've been to WDW over 20 times and I know me - I'm gonna go on every ride and go "Um, mine's better. Yay for WDW. Boo DL." As DL is also much smaller, I'm afraid manning a trip out there might result in megadisappointment both in comparison and on it's own merrit. So, while I eagerly look forward to each park experience I will have at each of the 4 parks I've yet to visit, it will be a costly endevour, and things like HMH, something cool and exclusive that WDW doesn't have, well, that'll make it worth it. It's something that I can't do at WDW and I say amen for parks having some ride exclusivity.


New Member
Disneyland itself, while obviously grail-like in it's holiness (it did come first), doesn't really have a lot that has me excited. I've been to WDW over 20 times and I know me - I'm gonna go on every ride and go "Um, mine's better. Yay for WDW. Boo DL." As DL is also much smaller, I'm afraid manning a trip out there might result in megadisappointment both in comparison and on it's own merrit. So, while I eagerly look forward to each park experience I will have at each of the 4 parks I've yet to visit, it will be a costly endevour, and things like HMH, something cool and exclusive that WDW doesn't have, well, that'll make it worth it. It's something that I can't do at WDW and I say amen for parks having some ride exclusivity.

yeah... i grew up at WDW before moving to SoCal... and by grew up i mean was there every weekend and holiday since i could breathe oxygen...

As far as going on every ride at DL and saying "mines better"... you will only be saying that if you moved to Cali.. because EVERY version of EVERY ride is superior in Cali. Space Mountain, Pirates, Mansion, Small World, Jungle Cruise, Buzz.... all the fantasyland dark rides including ones we dont even have in FL anymore like Toad, or ones we never had like Pinocchio, Roger Rabbit, Indy.... when i moved back to florida i was dissappointed by just about everything at WDW, including the fact that for some reason it lacks the magic. Watch Remember one night in cali and then wave at the fire station on the way out and you will know what i mean.

That being said... i would love to see HMH in FL... but... i move back to cali in 11 days...


Well-Known Member
Here's a list of silly reasons and/or excuses I've seen thrown out there over the years regarding why WDW doesn't attempt the big holiday overlays that Disneyland does:
<<List that does not bear repeating>>
As I said earlier, none of these arguments seem to hold much water in my opinion.

Glad you think so, problem is, everyone always seems to look for the magic bullet, the single reason why something happens, or, in this case, doesn't happen.. The simple fact remains that it is a much more complicated world than that. Each of these factors plays a part (well, maybe not the pop rocks and coke thing), as well as a number of other factors which will never find their way to the annals of the internet. Is it because of the different guest demographics...? Yes... Is it because the addition wouldn't sell more tickets...?Yes.. Is it because of the lead time and take down time being detrimental to the operation of the park...? Yes

Suffice it to say, I have seen the NBC version of Mansion... I don't miss it.


Well-Known Member
Each of these factors plays a part (well, maybe not the pop rocks and coke thing), as well as a number of other factors which will never find their way to the annals of the internet. Is it because of the different guest demographics...? Yes... Is it because the addition wouldn't sell more tickets...?Yes.. Is it because of the lead time and take down time being detrimental to the operation of the park...? Yes.




Well-Known Member
Yes they are. One is fabulously maintained at 52 years of age and one is being run into the ground that is currently 36 years old.

I would have loved to see your responses from 10 years ago when Disneyland was being propped up by WDW's funds. The whole place was falling apart around the seams. You wouldn't be saying such misinformed things as "fabulously maintained," unless you were speaking of the areas of WDW which existed at the time

I blame it on management.
Of course you do, its easy to blame "the man," or "corporate bigwigs." There are thousands of limiting factors, including the cast members, the guests, the lower, middle and upper management which all contribute to every experience, both good and bad...

I do to. Disneyland is willing to spend the money and Disney World isn't. While Disneyland refurbishes and renovates their attractions, the Magic Kingdom sits there letting their attractions rot. It's no suprise that they wouldn't want a Haunted Mansion Holiday simply for that reason alone.

Once again, here's the easy answer rearing its ugly head. Its just simple to blame "bean counters" because people who spend money are always the bad guy to creative types who are great at spending money, just not so good at earning it. Over the past four years, WDW has opened several new attractions while Disneyland has opened the aging, inefficient subs (inspiring huge lines, because it has sub-Peter Pan's Flight Ride capacity). Where is Disneyland's Philharmagic? In the time it took WDW to leverage the technology to Turtle Talk, Disneyland built one. How about the castle stage show, how is Disneylands? I have heard its a good one

Who cares? Honestly, people can really learn to suck it up. I live just as far away from Disneyland as I do Disney World and when I visited Disneyland, 3 major attractions were down. 1)Space Mountain 2)Splash Mountain 3) The Railroad and various other attractions. Did I complain? No because I don't complain about those petty things.

I guess the spirit of misplaced entitlement is for everyone else, right? What's to stop that family from England on their one trip to Walt Disney World in their lives from telling you to, as you put it, "suck it up." When I visit Disneyland, the Matterhorn is down.. Just about every year I have been there, the Matterhorn has been down... Am I disappointed? Sure, but I also travel to Disneyland about once a year, so it doesn't bug me so much. The reason that Mansion being down for two months out of the year doesn't bug you so much, is because you have the luxury of traveling there as often as you do... Many people (which comprise a hefty number of daily visitors) don't have that same luxury.

OMG! One ride closed! That's like half of Disney World right there!!!! But in all seriousness, with tons of other rides throughout the resort how on earth can one complain?

I agree, but then again, I wouldn't want to be the parent who brings their child who has promised them that the best attraction is It's a Small World, and then have it down... WDW does its best at exceeding expectations, and to have an attraction you were expecting to be open be closed due to refurbishment is pretty terrible, especially if it happens every year...

So Disney World must never be unique then because it might tick off people who like to complain? God forbid someone try to be creative!

To walk through any part of Walt Disney World, and not think that it is unique requires such a skewed perspective that I am not sure I am ever going to be able to help you. You may have traveled there so often, that the unique became routine, but that really isn't Disney's fault. Keeping up the parks requires that Disney be ever, but never changing.. People clamor for new rides and attractions, but bemoan the fact that Mr. Toads and 20,000 Leagues are gone, people want brand new attractions, experiences, and unique photographic opportunities, then call for the destruction of the Hat and Wand...

A worker from Disney (a higher up, not an in park cast member) who posts occasionally on another board mentioned that Disneyland's guests are roughly 60% tourists and 40% local. She then states that Disney World is roughly 70 tourist and 30 local. Not much of a difference eh?

Incorrect information from dubious sources... There are a few hundred people in the country who are privy to that information, and thousands more who want to pretend.. You want real information? Go to City Hall in the Magic Kingdom and ask them how many 1st visit buttons they hand out a day...

If you want permanent changes, wouldn't that mean closing down more attractions for a substantial amount of time as well? Wouldn't that tick off the tourists as well? I smell a contradiction from you there.

Sounds like that whole never but ever changing thing again... No contradiction, just the way that Disney tries to keep things both classic and fresh. Seemingly a contradiction, but nonetheless correct.

If it is only rabid internet fans, please explain the extreme popularity that the Haunted Mansion has when the overlay opens. Is that all of the rabid internet fans? Don't think so.

Nope, but a majority of them are Disneyland Annual Passholders... A rather large group, some of whom are much more rabid than the craziest of Disney internet fans. Which only goes to show WHY they do the overlay.

-end of line-


Disney's Favorite Scumbag™
Premium Member
These threads are great... seeing different sides that will never agree on a single pointless topic :)

Thank you all for making me laugh


Well-Known Member
These threads are great... seeing different sides that will never agree on a single pointless topic :)

Thank you all for making me laugh

Really? Isn't EVERYTHING having to deal with Disney World, in the long run, from the grand perspective, "pointless?" In fact, I would go as far as to say the whole darn forum is pointless, but it does have a certain entertainment value. People have strong opinions formed from incomplete and incorrect information, and its enjoyable to see what their creative minds will come up with to fill in the blanks..
So, anything to add?


Disney's Favorite Scumbag™
Premium Member
Really? Isn't EVERYTHING having to deal with Disney World, in the long run, from the grand perspective, "pointless?" In fact, I would go as far as to say the whole darn forum is pointless, but it does have a certain entertainment value. People have strong opinions formed from incomplete and incorrect information, and its enjoyable to see what their creative minds will come up with to fill in the blanks..
So, anything to add?
Nothing to add other than bash those dreamers dreams!

And dreamers, keep dreaming cause the bashers need something to bash.

I see far too many Walts and not enough Roys :lookaroun

Speaking of Roys, I'm hungry


Well-Known Member
WDW has opened several new attractions while Disneyland has opened the aging, inefficient subs (inspiring huge lines, because it has sub-Peter Pan's Flight Ride capacity).

Oh, come on! You can't in all honesty be condeming the Submarine Voyage based on capacity? I mean, ineffcient subs? They look like they're running fine. And yea, it's not a people-eater but it also has three hour lines because it's a brand new E-ticket that looks great. (And I've never been on Disneyland's subs.) And as much as I like all the little shows we've gotten at MK, I'd trade them all for one last ride on 20K. Let alone a ride on a brand-new effect filled submarine ride. Nothing against your argument, but the Finding Nemo Submarine Voyage has everything BUT aging inefficient subs. I suggest you just say "one E-Ticket Vs. a bunch of small attractions " and not slam the subs like that.


Well-Known Member
Oh, come on! You can't in all honesty be condeming the Submarine Voyage based on capacity? I mean, ineffcient subs? They look like they're running fine. And yea, it's not a people-eater but it also has three hour lines because it's a brand new E-ticket that looks great. (And I've never been on Disneyland's subs.) And as much as I like all the little shows we've gotten at MK, I'd trade them all for one last ride on 20K. Let alone a ride on a brand-new effect filled submarine ride. Nothing against your argument, but the Finding Nemo Submarine Voyage has everything BUT aging inefficient subs. I suggest you just say "one E-Ticket Vs. a bunch of small attractions " and not slam the subs like that.

Wonderfully said, I agree!


Well-Known Member
As DL is also much smaller, I'm afraid manning a trip out there might result in megadisappointment both in comparison and on it's own merrit. So, while I eagerly look forward to each park experience I will have at each of the 4 parks I've yet to visit, it will be a costly endevour, and things like HMH, something cool and exclusive that WDW doesn't have, well, that'll make it worth it. It's something that I can't do at WDW and I say amen for parks having some ride exclusivity.

Disneyland is much smaller. And yet it has a heck of a lot more rides than Magic Kingdom. A LOT more. If your looking for "exclusivity" when it comes to rides that aren't at Magic Kingdom, at Disneyland you'll find:
Davy Crockett Explorer Canoes
Sailing Ship Columbia
Pirate's Lair on Tom Sawyer Island
Tarzan's Treehouse
Indiana Jones Adventure
Pinochio's Daring Journey
Mr. Toad's Wild Ride
Casey Jr. Circus Train
Storybook Land Canal Boats
Matterhorn Bobsleds
Alice In Wonderland
Roger Rabbit's Car Toon Spin
Finding Nemo Submarine Voyage

Plus superior versions of Pirate's Of The Caribbean, Enchanted Tiki Room, Autopia, Peter Pan's Flight and Innoventions.

The two attractions that Magic Kingdom has that Disneyland is lacking are: Hall of Presidents and Country Bear Jamboree. If those two attractions are extremely important to you, you may be disapointed with Disneyland.

The rest of the attractions are either very similar to WDW, but with better maintenance, or are not different enough to warrant much comment. The only attraction that is clearly better at WDW than Disneyland is Splash Mountain, which has better pacing and art direction at WDW. Unfortunately, they've let that advantage go to waste in recent years with really shoddy maintenance that has left that facility in bad shape at WDW. While the Disneyland original has inferior art direction, its maintenance is currently superior to the WDW version. There's a current thread on the unfortunate maintenance of WDW's Splash Mountain compared to Disneyland elsewhere on this forum.

If you are visiting Disneyland in November or December, you'll also enjoy It's A Small World Holiday. That was the first attraction they gave the holiday overlay treatment to in 1997, and it's still hugely popular. Catch it after sundown when they do the clock show on the entire 200 foot long facade with the digital projectors. It's always a crowd favorite. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EBIOzuOet88&mode=related&search=

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