Haunted mansion has reopened!

The Mom

Premium Member
Here's when we jump in the Way-Back Machine, and history gets revised.

]Sorry, too little, too late...I saw your signature before I banned you. Not for WHAT you said, but because you continued the argument after I politely asked (and asked, and asked, and asked you again) to please stop but you continued.

The Mom

Premium Member
It appears the long arm of the law has smote the wicked.

On an OT note, what's the straw to break that gets you banned 'round here?

See the previous post. ;)

It's over, nothing to see here, let's all get back on topic, please.

BTW, do you really think I can't see your IP, dizryan?


Well-Known Member
I enjoyed mansion today...

oh, and the husbands heads were off today in the attic.. now if they can get them to appear then disappear it would be nicer... though off does help enhance the act of foreshadowing...


New Member
Does anyone know why the changing portrait in the foyer was flipped? Someone on the ITM board pointed out that he used to hold his lapel with his left hand, now he's holding it with his right.


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
Does anyone know why the changing portrait in the foyer was flipped? Someone on the ITM board pointed out that he used to hold his lapel with his left hand, now he's holding it with his right.

I seem to remember hearing a while back that during a past renovation the slides had been inadvertently reversed and they had been left that way.

(I may have dreamed this...anybody else?)

Perhaps now they have been restored to their original orientation.:shrug:


Well-Known Member
my postings were deleted twice in this thread (and I thought I was going nuts) ..
and I wasn't even flaming :mad:
this sneaky mod delete button needs to be replaced .. I think it is a bit too loose :brick:

but back to DL err WDW haunted mansion
any new hidden mickey spotted ?

Don't worry. Looks like one or two of my comments were deleted as well. And I wasn't arguing with anyone! I think it was deleted to stop the arguments with Ricky and the whole flash thing.


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
It appears the long arm of the law has smote the wicked.

On an OT note, what's the straw to break that gets you banned 'round here?
from http://forums.wdwmagic.com/showthread.php?t=51376
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Well-Known Member
I was in the 2nd group in the door (20th person or so) at the reopenning of the HM on 9/15 at 9AM!

Me - waiting at the rope drop closest to the mansion.

CM's rolling up the rope a minute before we were unleashed.

CM's leading us into the queue of the mansion.

Fresh roses on Master Gracy's and Madam Leota's graves.


New stair scene and wallpaper with larger eyes. (These were taken with flash but we were the last ones to ride at the MNSSHP last Friday night.) These are very difficult to photograph as it it very dimly lit for a reason.


More photos in a trip report coming soon! :wave:


New Member
Ok, just a little paranoid 'round these parts. Reading through this thread, I wonder if you need a podcast in order to post here. Sorry I bothered to join. Did't realize newbies get interrogated here. My bad.

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