Haunted Mansion details begin to emerge

head mouse

Well, he has to gain back positive rep to get back ( in other words, apolagize and admit he was wrong and that the negative rep givers were right. ).

But yes, I am happy to have these forums. I can see the logic in why Steve got rid of the reputation system.

All the more reason the rep system does not work. It's a popularity contest. Thats why on my site you can give and receive POS rep but not NEG. Negitivity is handled by the staff not the members.


Well-Known Member
I know!! I saw that and started laughing!

Now he changed his avatar so that he is wearing an imagineering shirt...
Like the WDI stuff WDW Cast Members were able to buy for a little while on the Cast website? I have a WDI hoodie from that...

And welcome TBAAFAN! I saw your post over on Micechat and was thought "One of us! One of us!"


Well-Known Member
Is this the same Bill from Mice Chat that stole my stuff in 2005? See post number eight on this thread http://www.micechat.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1084

Once a thief, always a thief.
Man, you really gave him what-for with that great letter! NICE!

I was also quite bemused with the "They don't have the 3-d sound in the strech room info". Didn't ReDisniey E-Dew or Lee post that information some time ago?


Well-Known Member
What's 3-d sound?

That would be a good idea to get this thread back on topic now!

3-d Sound is an audio set up that can place a sound almost anywhere around you. This includes in front, to the sides, behind, and even above or below the listener.

Basically it is a super duper turbo charged surround sound system.


Well-Known Member
Anywho...Merf, I'd love to see that picture...is there anyway that I could get a glimpse of it without you posting it here?

(I can PM you my email addy if that works).

Thanks :wave:


Account Suspended
Okie dokie - let's see them say they posted this first...

Audio: Being replaced from the phone-line/wire-like system to a better overall system in the Doombuggies. More of a direct connection at the middle of the base in buggies. It should keep the audio from cutting out as often and gettin distorted. Fabrication/build and such is being done in Tampa so folks working on the audio are traveling back and forth lots.


Active Member
This "Bill" guy really is a tool. There are a few other choice words I could use, but they are not appropriate for these forums.

He really should get a life. Does he really expect people with ANY kind of intelligence to believe that a 21-year-old tour guide is going to even have ACCESS to Imagineers, much less top-secret confidential information they are coming up with? No, I'm not talking about information he's hearing from someone - he's acting like he is directly involved in the project. "We" this and "we" that - get a life, kid.

If he's been banned from MC before, why was he allowed back? His other account has been suspended from there, as you can see from GymLeaderPhil's linked post. Ridiculous.

This guy is just spewing, spewing, spewing. He probably feels inadequate with his own self and his job and feels like he needs to make up for that by impressing people.

What a jerk...


Account Suspended
Oh, and cuz he made me mad.. my trump card to Bill:

Bill started the Harry Potter @ WDW rumors. He's the one to blame for all those threads.

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