Haunted Mansion Closing for Refurb Late Fall 2006?


Well-Known Member
I hope that if they do put a gift shop at the end that it is themed as the Museum of the Weird. It would be the best opportunity to bring in that old idea.


New Member
yensidtlaw1969 said:
Well, what bride would you like to see? Right now we've got a pretty stupid bride too, in my opinion, and atleast their's has hair that isn't quite so *Insert apprpriate adjective here -- I can't think of one to describe it, but you know what I mean*, ya know?

I remember the bride from Disney Land Paris.... that one was nicely done... They used an aniatronic puppet with some type of uv blacklight/neon effect inside of the complete wedding gown... (Head to toe) the heath would be visible on occation (showing up every 10 seconds or so) and the lighting would switch from normal (as if she was a real person) to the glowing ghost. That one was very neatly done!!!!!


New Member
This may have been discussed elsewhere, but the last time I went on HM (last June), the ride vehicles (or track, I'm not sure which) were very loud and the ride stopped 3 times while I was on it and several times while other members of our group were on it. Has anyone else noticed/experienced this?

After hearing about DL rehab, I started to hope for one for WDW also.

When the ride stops, it's usually to allow handicapped people to load. Does anyone know if it stops because someone's gotten out of their doom buggy?

I'd love to see a more open queue area! That place in a nightmare (no pun intended). To the person with the photo of the old queue area, would you like to share? :D

And the DL bride is supposed to be amazing IRL, I'd loooove to see something like her in WDW. I think that bride in WDW is just.... ugh.


Well-Known Member
TP2000 said:
Take a friendly tip from a Disneylander..... Actually go on the ride and then make up your mind. The "video" you experience by peering at a small box on your 17 inch computer screen is nothing like the fully immersive experience of actually being on the ride and seeing the entire Attic Scene. When you are on the ride you can't tell that it's a 2D bride, she looks 3D in appearance. It's a very impressive effect, and I would hope they replace more traditional AA's with this new technology, where appropriate. It's quite a leap for showmanship.

I've found that it's not good to form final opinions by looking at amateur video on YouTube of things that are happening in real life. Experience the real life version, maybe even two or three times, and then make up your mind.

YouTube shouldn't replace real life experiences. :D


It drives me nuts when people judge a change that was made thousands of miles away... THAT THEY HAVE NEVER SEEN FOR THEMSELVES! Ugh. :rolleyes:

Right now, the WDW bride is nothing more than a mannequin, for crying out loud! And a horrible one, at that. How could one NOT want what Disneyland has in its place??? Not only does it seem visually stunning, but it finally gives this classic attraction an actual cohesive STORY, which there has never been. Any story there's been in the past was created by cast members or fans. Not imagineers. Not till now.

These same people probably don't want to see the Speedway switch to an alternative fuel source from gasoline because they "like the smell and dizzy feeling they get while waiting in line". :rolleyes: :lol:


New Member
Hey guys,
I have heard from people who have seen WDI's plans... It is definitely a gift shop, that is in fact highly themed. I think most people are correct in assuming this addition will affect the queue. Remember the climatic scene in the HM movie where they are stuck in the crypt, with the bodies coming back to life? (Sorry, its been awhile since Ive seen it)...this will be the theme of the shop. For those worried about it affecting the grounds/building itself, I have heard it will be directly past the crypts that are already there on your left as you exit the ride...so I think it should be out of the way enough. Personally, Im kind of excited to see some HM merchandise back in the parks


Well-Known Member
From my understanding, the bride is like Buzz Lightyear at BLSRS, with an animontronic body and a projected face, and knife.

I hope we get everything DL has, it has truly done wonders, and hits a perfect balance with nostalga and "plussing" the attraction. That's as of my June 2005 Ride on DL's. I haven't seen the new bride in person.


New Member
iheartdisney91 said:
i like the wdw's bride its the original they better not change it to a stupid projection.
It is not pure stupid projection like Yeti is. There is actually an actual figure there but they are using some special effects to make it ghostly that is why it looks like a projection on the video. You have to really see it too believe its a lot better than MK's. Actually the whole HM ride at DL is way better. I felt the old bride is embrassingly dated that is why Disney changed it. Oh I mean Disneyland changed it.


Well-Known Member
abian said:
It is not pure stupid projection like Yeti is. There is actually an actual figure there but they are using some special effects to make it ghostly that is why it looks like a projection on the video. You have to really see it too believe its a lot better than MK's. Actually the whole HM ride at DL is way better. I felt the old bride is embrassingly dated that is why Disney changed it. Oh I mean Disneyland changed it.
Um...both Harold and Everest's Yeti are 100% animontronic. Everest's is one of the most complex in Disney History. Don't know where you got that from.


Well-Known Member
The old bride was basically a manequin that rocked back and forth, with a beating heart light effect in her rib cage. Her face was nearly blank, and her flowing dress had more movement than any other part of her. It wasn't really an "animatronic", just sort of a manequin that moved a bit.

The new bride is a physical figure dressed in a real bridal gown that flutters in the wind. The physical figure then has 3D projections displayed on her to give her a ghostly, fully animated appearance. It's about a lightyear more advanced than what had been there previously, and it really makes you go "WOW! How did they do that?!?" as your doombuggy glides by. :eek:


New Member
Chape19714 said:
Um...both Harold and Everest's Yeti are 100% animontronic. Everest's is one of the most complex in Disney History. Don't know where you got that from.
I am talking about the projection part before the drop.


Well-Known Member
DisneyDreamin said:
This may have been discussed elsewhere, but the last time I went on HM (last June), the ride vehicles (or track, I'm not sure which) were very loud and the ride stopped 3 times while I was on it and several times while other members of our group were on it. Has anyone else noticed/experienced this also?

We noticed the loud squeeks and scraping noises on the WDW Haunted Mansion omnimover system the last time I rode it a couple years ago. It was very annoying. It sounded like the thing hadn't had a lube job in years.

That's what kills me the most when East Coasters scream bloody murder at the thought of bringing Haunted Mansion Holiday to WDW. :hammer: Installing HMH every September would allow them to give that old ride proper, yearly maintenance. If all you've been on in the last five years is the WDW version of Haunted Mansion, you probably have no idea how poorly maintained it is compared to the Disneyland and Tokyo Disneyland versions. In both Anaheim and Tokyo, the doombuggies just silently glide along through the ride, and that constant scraping/squeeking noise you hear in WDW's Haunted Mansion is not evident.

You are supposed to hear the music and all of the audio effects in the Haunted Mansion. You are not supposed to hear the groaning sounds of a 35 year old Omnimover that desperately needs some TLC. :cool:

Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
leftymoreno said:
Hey guys,
I have heard from people who have seen WDI's plans... It is definitely a gift shop, that is in fact highly themed. .... Personally, Im kind of excited to see some HM merchandise back in the parks

Ditto. I'm not sure what the big deal is about another gift shop. Are there alreayd a ton? Yes. Are there any with HM merch? Not except a tiny little cart. I can't wait to see some more quality HM merch. And hey, I cou;d always use another place to shop at WDW. I love my souvenirs! ;)

As for the queue, it has needed a change for quite a while. It's even crowded over there on a slow day. There just isn't enough room for guests coming in and out.


Well-Known Member
abian said:
It is not pure stupid projection like Yeti is. There is actually an actual figure there but they are using some special effects to make it ghostly that is why it looks like a projection on the video. You have to really see it too believe its a lot better than MK's. Actually the whole HM ride at DL is way better. I felt the old bride is embrassingly dated that is why Disney changed it. Oh I mean Disneyland changed it.

well yes but i still like the wdw bride thamks for the info!:wave:


New Member
I thought the original bride with no face, the glowing eyes, and the beating heart was really creepy. I liked that one best. The newer one is ok but I'm always open to a change. I'd be really interested to see DL's type of bride added into WDW's HM.


Well-Known Member
I've seen the other videos, and the flattening out effect doesn't seem to be happen in the others. The bride also seems to have a bluer tone in those, than the original video, which was more white.

No matter, the bride we have now is a dark and forlorn figure (albeit less so with the blue makeup) and is creepy, eerie, while remaining mysterious. What once was considered by many to be a tragic and sympathetic figure is now a crazed axe murderer. Also, she looks too real. The thing about Haunted Mansion, as well as Pirates of the Caribbean, is that they are realistic enough to be human, but cartoony enough to be Disney. This new bride doesn't fit in with this. I don't know. It just doesn't sit right with me.

Funny, I've never noticed any squeaking sound on the HM. I guess I'm just too immersed into the experience the second I pass through the gates to those fittingly eerie and delapidated mansion grounds to notice or care.

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