Hatbox Ghost is Disney World?


One Little Spark...
The Hanunted Mansion's differences are minor. Elements were duplicated during production of Disneyland's, including the big broken effect. Even the elevators were going to be duplicated because that is how it was done.
A whole new scene, a different queue / secondary queue and post queue, different ride buildings and facades, different ending (after the last MK refurb), different area themes.

Yeah, it was cookie cutter. You are right. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Similar is not the same. Excepting The Haunted Mansion and the Enchanted Tiki Room, most attractions were made different for the Magic Kingdom. Even the lands handle their subject matter in rather different manners.
I'm with you on that 100%. The one question is how much of that was deliberately making different v. Iterative improvement on design? That's the one thing I never want to lose. I've been to all the domestic parks, and I've seen how they updated the their design processes throughout history. They make tweaks in their execution in each update and new park. They have the benefit of hindsight.

One of the coolest things for me was walking around Disneyland and seeing how they imagineered in the 1960s, and then going to DCA and seeing how they Imagineered in 2012. I think much of Magic Kingdom's differences can be attributed to the next generation of teams working at it, led by guys who had 20 years of experience.

I think in many respects Magic Kingdom is Disneyland refined. (Better? I don't think so) So accepting those differences in attraction design is important. We don't want another awkward TSMM situation again. That was terrible until I went to DCA and it all made sense. They should assess how appropriate each attraction is in each location. That's a given. Still I think it shouldn't be an insurmountable barrier to this cross pollination between Theme Parks around the globe.


Well-Known Member
Gotta say that based soley on the vids, WDI did a fantastic job with the HBG. Hopefully it will stay a Disneyland exclusive as WDW has some fairly unique things that need to stay exclusive there. Based on the reactions I heard in some of the videos, I can only imagine that the nerdgasm level will be even more annoying from the WDW blogger/podcast/disnerd crew that lives in the Disney World parks. No, not poking fun at anyone here...just the usual suspects.


Well-Known Member
The Hatbox Ghost was never unique by design. Might as well start saying Captain EO was never intended for Disneyland since it opened at EPCOT Center first.
Man I wish it would have stayed unique to EPCOT and never came out here. Can you tell I've never been a fan?


Well-Known Member
I don’t buy the can only afford to go to one resort argument for the most part. For some people I’m sure it is a big difference, but for most it is not that big of a price difference. If airfare to DLR is more expensive for example and you normally stay onsite at WDW, you stay off site at DLR and save a ton on hotels. It evens out. With LA and Orlando both being competitive airfare markets, you can usually get a good deal if you are patient.
I agree but to do both is where it adds up. For me, I don't want to go to DL just to experience some of the rides that are not at WDW. If I have to choose one I'm choosing WDW. I don't understand why some of the rides at DL can't be built at WDW if uniqueness is the only argument.
This is just my opinion, I don't see why it's so important to some to keep some rides only at DL. DL already has the superior Space Mountain, Pirates, and Splash Mountain.
I just don't see the point of it but if you do that's fine.


Well-Known Member
The average guest doesn't realize that though. They think they are virtually identical except that DLR has a smaller castle is something you hear a lot. It took Carsland for a lot of WDW only guests to even entertain the thought of trying DLR.

I believe technology should be shared, but used in different ways. Test Track and RSR is a great example of that. I like that both resorts have Space Mountains, but are very different. We now have several Disney resorts around the world. If we want clones or near clones I think the best business decision would be for sharing among the group of resorts. DLR and Hong Kong get the same parade. WDW got Avatar and they pushed it on Tokyo but they didn't want it, so maybe put it in Shanghai.
So correct me if I'm misunderstanding you, but aren't you saying that some of DL rides should be introduced into WDW? I agree about the sharing of technology such as Dinosaur and Indiana Jones but I think Indiana Jones is the superior ride and I would like to see it replace the IJ show in HS.

Travel Junkie

Well-Known Member
Who cares if WDW guests want to stay on their coast, and DLR guests want to stay on theirs? With all the cost of travel talk I'm kind've getting a "deal with it vibe" from you. I'm not suggesting that they should abandon their unique histories and characterstics, but come on we're talking about two sister parks.
A lot of people barely know the difference. Why is that? Because they both offer incredible vacation experiences with great service.
Also they have an incredibly guest friendly design with similiar layout.

Indiana Jones v. Dinosaur Interesting.

There’s no deal with it vibe at all. I’m was merely pointing out that for most people the DLR is so much more expensive than WDW is not necessarily the case. I wish we had more of TDR’s stuff, but that just makes me want to visit Tokyo instead of staying stateside. It doesn’t detract from my experience at the stateside parks, it enhances it.

If someone only wants to go to one of the resorts, than more power to them. IMO Disney would make more money long term if they made an effort to create more unique experiences to their park and highlight them to their guests. That's all. If they want to clone everything at both resorts, then sure Disney go ahead. They will get less money from me though as I don't need to visit both.

Most of those people that say that DLR and WDW are virtually the same are those who haven’t been to both. My point is more people would be willing to try the other coast if they knew there were a lot of differences, because in reality there are. It is a perception problem that gets exacerbated every time something is cloned at both resorts.


Well-Known Member
This goes both ways...see what I did there?
True that they exist but on a much smaller level...and those were the annoying folks that were screaming like little girls with excitement when they saw the hatbox ghost for the first time. The "elation" would be far more vocal from the WDW crew.


Well-Known Member
Exactly. If one can drop thousands of dollars for their family to spend two WEEKS at WDW, coming up with the cash to spend a few days at the DLR shouldn't be that big of a problem.
It's not but why should we have to because some people want their park to stay "unique?"


Well-Known Member
True that they exist but on a much smaller level...and those were the annoying folks that were screaming like little girls with excitement when they saw the hatbox ghost for the first time. The "elation" would be far more vocal from the WDW crew.
They're all the same crew. A lifestyler is a lifestyler is a lifestyler. None is superior to the other.


Well-Known Member
They're all the same crew. A lifestyler is a lifestyler is a lifestyler. None is superior to the other.
Didn't say they were different...personality-wise they are all probably very similar. Just stating that the WDW folks tend to be a bit more vocal on the interweb purely because there appears to be far more of them. And superior is not a word I'd use with regards to lifestylers...more like which one is less inferior : )

But enough about lifestylers...we've already beat that dead horse and I don't think any of us wants this topic to devolve into a debate about that group again.
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