Harry Potter Ride


Well-Known Member
dxer07002 said:
Now, if Disney does do a HP attraction, would it be based on the movies or books? Aren't the movies based on the books? I wonder how the legal writing would be on the contract and how much Disney would need to shell out in order to use HP in an attraction.... Since they do not own the movie rights, I suppose the attraction can be based on the movies or the character likeness from the movie.. But can they use the character likeness from the book? All the legal jargon that would need to be ironed out... I guess the same can be said for Star Wars and Indiana Jones... Guess we will have ot wait and see..

I am not a HP fan, but, if Disney built an attraction based on HP, I would still go on it.... I would have faith in Disney to create a terrific attraction...
In the case of Star Wars/Indy George Lucas owned the rights not the studios. Thus there was no issue at all. In the case of potter. If in fact Disney does own the theme park rights they could only base their attraction on the books. They could not use anything taken directly taken from the films. Obviously much of this would cross over. However simply put their Harry Potter character could not look like the boy in the film and would have to be based on the books artwork or an original interpretation.


New Member
which is older this site or this rumor

Sergeant Tibbs said:
You guys do realize that this thread is a year old right...i hope so

NO HP will not becomeing to Disney. end.

UNLESS aol/timewarner buy disney of via-vers

right now they are on oposit end of the corprate univers...

now dont flame me of tell me it could happen. OR start a rumor that TW is buying Disney of any other mix...

I worked at one time for AOL/TW and i pray that never happens

Sergeant Tibbs

New Member
which is older this site or this rumor ... woo that face is harsh


New Member
is this a contest for the longest running thred?

is this a contest for the longest running thred?

BM and harry potter have been running way too long...

BM is up to page 9 and HP only on page 6 but HP been running over a year now..

come on HP fans you are falling behind. the award going to be givin away soon.


New Member
hi! i'm new

hey everyone....i've been a lurker on here for some time now, i thought it was time i posted something....:wave:

ok, this whole harry potter ride confuses me. does disney own the rights to a ride?? if they do, i think its a stupid move to do nothing with it.:hammer: and, to be honest, i almost wish that universal studios had the rights to it, b/c if they did, they definitely would have done something with it by now.


Tara Mae

New Member
Let's have two of them going at once! ;)

Harry Potter, Harry Potter, die, die, die! Harry Potter, Harry Potter, fly, fly, fly. Away into the blue yonder, away where we don't have to ponder, what would Disney, what would Disney, what would Disney do with you?



Well-Known Member
Tara Mae said:

But why can't a Harry Potter ride be made?





*pulls out shotgun*

no, no, joseph, calm down....

*puts shotgun in drawer and closes it*

Seriously guys....


*does Ellen from Ellen's Energy Adventure*



New Member
It can happen, but most likely not. It will take a lot off money and legal contracts and licening. So it could, happen. But no one nose for sure if it wil.
This whole HP thing

i don't think it will ever happen, I believe disney got the rights to the movie so they could show it on ABC for the Wonderful World Of Disney a month or so ago.


New Member
why is everyone so annoyed with the harry potter threads? since there arent really any new rides on the horizon, these rumors are almost all there is to talk about :rolleyes: .....

but then again, since this has been discussed so much there really isnt anything left that hasnt been said...:brick:



Well-Known Member
LizziePooh said:
why is everyone so annoyed with the harry potter threads? since there arent really any new rides on the horizon, these rumors are almost all there is to talk about :rolleyes: .....

but then again, since this has been discussed so much there really isnt anything left that hasnt been said...:brick:


I think you answered your own question with that last sentence :lol:


Well-Known Member
It seems to me that since the new HP book has come out, everyone who wasn't involved in many MANY previous discussions of HP in WDW thinks that they are being original in brining it up. :brick:

Just give it up already...there will not be anything Harry Potter related in WDW! :brick:

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