Harry Potter IS making a difference!!


Well-Known Member
You are so correct. I am not here to forecast the death of Disney; I love WDW. But for the last 10-15 years we have been living in an era of dying institutions. You could not have said it better when mentioning Vegas casinos, Gimbal's, etc. Even the most beloved and iconic institutions that adopt a bean-counting survival mentality are endangered. This applies to just about any segment of our world you can think of: entertainment; retail; sports. religion; publishing; etc.

A company/institution trades on its goodwill for too long and it endangers its future. Here's hoping this is not a path Disney chooses.

I see Disney's franchises as completely timeless. The Disney animated movies for the past 50 years are classics - like Wizard Of Oz, Casablanca, etc. - and Disney has dozens of them. I don't see any of Disney's classics as "dying institutions." WDW can milk them for another 50 years and they'll still bring in the people.

The problem with WDW is that they aren't progressing fast enough with new attractions - regardless of what the franchise is. I used to work at a theme park in the Midwest. No matter what, we got a new addition every year - a MAJOR new addition every five years. Disney isn't even close to keeping up with that timetable. They seem to have been operating with that schedule for the whole resort, rather than each park.

You just can't wait five+ years to add something new to underdeveloped parks like DHS or AK! Especially in the current competitive market Dis finds themselves in now.

Disney has known that people will come anyway. Why spend money when the people will still come? I just hope they realize that those days are quickly coming to an end. The FLE is a very good first step. Unfortunately, because they've waited so long between new attractions, EVERY one of the parks is in need of the same kind of expansion (and no, adding a new restaurant to EPCOT or changing the movie on Star Tours is not going to do it).


Well-Known Member
So I wandered into the Toy Soldier yesterday, or what's left of it--the Beatles have invaded, leaving the children's merch to just the cubby off to the right. Standard Pooh stuff, some Alice "pookieloos" (but not the Queen of Hearts, she's been exiled to Cast Connection), a couple Peter Rabbit books, and...

Harry Potter merch. :shrug: About 15% of the total kids stock. Not the original books, but knock-offs (something like "The World of Harry Potter") and licensed HP wands. Not the quality replicas sold at WWOHP, cheap ones in a tiny box like they sell up front at Barnes & Noble. Two thoughts ran through my head. First, WWOHP is clearly making its presence felt in Orlando. Second, how would Walt feel about basically swindeling kids? Flat-out ripping them off.


Well-Known Member
As soon as the Harry Potter craze is over again Universal will be back to it's old self. Which I am hoping for because I love when they do a two year park pass at a great price to get guests locally to visit.

I always thought Universal had very nice parks and enjoyed it many times when I also had annual passes for them. The problem they have is the employee's They are very rude, they don't care, and the parks end up really dirty before the end of the day.

The park's also do not feel safe to me. Just a different feel at Universal.

I actually would rather go to Bucsh Gardens then Universal. I jsut wish they were not so far away.


Well-Known Member
I always thought Universal had very nice parks and enjoyed it many times when I also had annual passes for them. The problem they have is the employee's They are very rude, they don't care, and the parks end up really dirty before the end of the day.

The park's also do not feel safe to me. Just a different feel at Universal.

My, my... We're painting with an AWFULLY broad brush, aren't we??


You forgot that they probably all go home from work and kick their dogs, too.


Well-Known Member
Here's what I feel about Twilight

Disney would be wise to avoid all fads. Instead of jumping on fads, they should get creative and make new things. Stop basing everything on something else. It's one thing if what we're basing things on are classics entrenched into American culture. I mean look even at BatB, the Little Mermaid, etc. Besides their DHS shows, they don't have their own attractions until now. They are classics that are ingrained into American and even World culture that everyone knows 20 years after the fact.

Disney, get creative, don't latch on to fads. You should be at the forefront of creativity in the entertainment industry and your parks are no different. That's why we have rides like pirates of the caribbean, haunted mansion, and big thunder mountain rr.


Well-Known Member
EXACTLY my point. And that used to happen with every new attraction Disney built or rehabbed. I think the last time for me was Everest when the Yeti was in "A" mode - and we all know that was a LONG time ago. Prior to that, I guess you have to go all the way back to Tower of Terror. (Maybe Mission Space but that's a whole different can of worms, so let's stay away from that.) Soarin' and TSM are cool and fun but not really "wow, that was amazing" in the same way as Spiderman or WWHP is.

While I praise Uni for pushing the envelope a bit, this is really less about what Uni is doing and more about what Disney is NOT doing.

Everest was the last attraction WDW has built that I got off and said WOW afterwards. But now look how WDW managment is neglecting fixing that Yeti...not the same experience.
Disney has so many attractions that USED to hold that WOW factor when they were new. There hasn't been any real innovaton in the parks down here in the past 5+ years. It's a real disappointment to us fans.

I too now visit Disneyland resort every year, and spend tons of money over there. I haven't been hitting up WDW or spending money there like i used to, because I'm not seeing the quality I expect for my money.

WDW isn't dying, but it isn't getting better either. It's stale. The bigwigs need to get down here and shake things up...and money needs to be spent on ATTRACTIONS since that is what draws people to the parks in the first place.


Well-Known Member
The problem they have is the employee's They are very rude, they don't care, and the parks end up really dirty before the end of the day.

Seriously? This again?:rolleyes:

In all my years going to both resorts, I've never seen any of this from Uni or WDW. And I know for a fact that both companies harp on the exact same things from their employees. Safety, friendliness, courtesy, and cleanliness.


Well-Known Member
Seriously? This again?:rolleyes:

In all my years going to both resorts, I've never seen any of this from Uni or WDW. And I know for a fact that both companies harp on the exact same things from their employees. Safety, friendliness, courtesy, and cleanliness.

just because you haven't seen it doesn't mean it isn't true or it doesn't happen... Just sayin'...

In my experiences i have experienced rude employees every time I've been to Uni...but then again i haven't been there but a handful of times compared to my WDW visits, and I've probably experience just as many rude CMs (maybe more) as I have at Uni.


Well-Known Member
just because you haven't seen it doesn't mean it isn't true or it doesn't happen... Just sayin'...

In my experiences i have experienced rude employees every time I've been to Uni...but then again i haven't been there but a handful of times compared to my WDW visits, and I've probably experience just as many rude CMs (maybe more) as I have at Uni.

Oh, obviously it happens. I'm not thick.:lol:

But as you said, there can be bad eggs in both baskets. But to paint the broad stroke that the vast majority of UNi cast members are devils who care nothing for the guest experience and all WDW cast members are angels descended from heaven to serve you is pretty ridiculous(and yes, I did exaggerate in this sentence:p).

Besides, don't a lot of people that work for Uni work for Disney or did work for Disney?:shrug:


Well-Known Member
At the IAAPA convention, they had theme park manufacturers, suppliers, designers, engineers and othe industry insiders from 90 different countries and you know what was the Number 1 attraction? Behind the scenes tour at WWOHP. It was so popular that it quickly sold out. And what did Disney counter with? A look at costuming at DHS.

Behind-the-Scenes Tours
See Orlando’s Most Successful Attractions In Action
At IAAPA’s exclusive Behind-the-Scenes Tours, you will get an insider’s view of how some of the most famous attractions function. Go behind the curtain at a Disney’s Hollywood Studios production. Take a tour of the Kennedy Space Center’s latest innovation, Exploration Space. Gain exclusive access to the industry’s amazing new attraction, The Wizarding World of Harry PotterTM. You’re a VIP when you’re with IAAPA!

6 p.m. – 11:30 p.m.
Tour Followed by the IAAPA Celebrates at The Wizarding World of Harry Potter™ Event
Take advantage of an exclusive opportunity to tour Universal Orlando’s latest captivating attraction, The Wizarding World of Harry Potter. Stroll the streets of Harry Potter’s magical world, and learn the ins and outs of developing and maintaining this one-of-a-kind immersive experience complete with themed shopping and dining. Then, party with colleagues Hogwarts-style at Thursday night’s event: IAAPA Celebrates at The Wizarding World of Harry Potter.

slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
Seriously? This again?:rolleyes:

In all my years going to both resorts, I've never seen any of this from Uni or WDW. And I know for a fact that both companies harp on the exact same things from their employees. Safety, friendliness, courtesy, and cleanliness.

I've also (in my admittedly limited time in Uni) never seen a Uni employee acting like a pantload. I will say, though, that they don't tend to be as shiny-happy-people-esque as Disney does. Less of the permanently plastered smile. Not so much "I'm not sure but I think a song is about to bust out somewhere." But I don't necessarily see that as a bad thing.


Active Member
The problem they have is the employee's They are very rude, they don't care, and the parks end up really dirty before the end of the day.

The park's also do not feel safe to me. Just a different feel at Universal.
Wow. So did one rude Team Member do something and it set you off about all of them? If that's the case, then one rude WDW Cast Member lends me to believe that all of them are downright nasty. I'd say almost all of the Universal Team Members past or present used to be WDW Cast Members, past or present, or the other way around.

So I went to IOA yesterday just to see how things were looking. I have an AP, the guy at the auto plaza was friendly. There was no one directing traffic in the garages, but they didn't need it, there were plenty of spots (this was also at 3pm).

Walked through Security, no bags on me, but I smiled at them and they smiled back, walked through Citywalk, it was clean, pretty normal.

Got to IOA gates, the right hand side was open with about 3 or 4 Turnstile Attendants, I walked up and a nice lady actually waved me over saying "I can take you here!" I put my finger on the scanner and she said "oh don't you know?? You have to use your nose now!!" I laughed cause it actually was kind of funny. I told her to have a good day, and she said thanks, you too.

I walked through Port of Entry, saw one napkin on the ground but was because some just dropped it. I turned right, through Suess to check out the decorations, which were awesome. The Team Member out front of If I Ran The Zoo had sidewalk chalk and were drawing Suess characters on the ground. Cat had some as well, right at the entrance.

Walked through Lost Continent, Waterfall effect on Mythos working, and the waterfalls outside Poseidon working as well. Didn't encounter many TM's just walked past the Poseidon Greeter, who was standing upright and not leaning or doing anything wrong. She was not smiling, but any guest who approached her, she interacted in a friendly manner, which is what is expected.

Walked into WWOHP, no train conductor, but they come and go. Dragon's was a 5, girl out front was saying "anyone who's riding can have no bags, all bags must go in a locker" to a group of about 15. She did have to raise her voice, but she was not yelling at all. The Team Member in the tent scanning Express cards said "welcome brave champions!" to us as we walked by. The castle was very clean, no trash on the ground. The loaders were friendly, saying "good luck champions" while checking harnesses, the controls bid us farewell, and the unloaders all said welcome back champions.

Went to Forbidden Journey, walked through singles, all the Team Members I encountered were friendly. The ones on the belt all happened to be girls and did a dance saying "all the slytherin girls!!" Also, there was a single rider who took a middle seat who needed a end seat, so she couldn't get the harness down on him, so she unlocked the harnesses and very politely said "hey guys can you two switch seats so the harness can go down all the way?" referring to me and him. So he had the end seat, and she apologized and said "thanks muggles".

The unloader welcomes us back, saying for us to exit to the right, down the stairs.

Upon leaving the park, still very clean, and the lady at the exit turnstiles told us thank you and for us to have a good evening.

Great, friendly, themed hospitality. I should have left a comment at Guest Services on how impressed I was with it. If you think Universal is all rude, go again, they've changed it up a lot.


Well-Known Member
Here's what I feel about Twilight

Disney would be wise to avoid all fads. Instead of jumping on fads, they should get creative and make new things. Stop basing everything on something else. It's one thing if what we're basing things on are classics entrenched into American culture. I mean look even at BatB, the Little Mermaid, etc. Besides their DHS shows, they don't have their own attractions until now. They are classics that are ingrained into American and even World culture that everyone knows 20 years after the fact.

Disney, get creative, don't latch on to fads. You should be at the forefront of creativity in the entertainment industry and your parks are no different. That's why we have rides like pirates of the caribbean, haunted mansion, and big thunder mountain rr.

Disney does "fads" as well. Or at least strays from the idea of "timeless". See Tiki Room UNM (90's songs that are past their due date), Energy (90's Stars and references past their due date), the new film in Canada (while nice, will age), etc...

If you're saying they need to stay away from this, then I agree. If you're saying Disney doesn't currently do this, I wouldn't.


Well-Known Member
Who cares! I just spent last week at WDW. It was wall to wall people. Nothing is going to change!

i'll look on the positive side of this....
if potter world really does draw down attendance at WDW, then I am really looking forward to my upcoming trips during the so called "off seasons."
Less congestion at WDW = more will be done by my family.. and less worring that I will trip over someone else's kid.


Well-Known Member
i'll look on the positive side of this....
if potter world really does draw down attendance at WDW, then I am really looking forward to my upcoming trips during the so called "off seasons."
Less congestion at WDW = more will be done by my family.. and less worring that I will trip over someone else's kid.

WDW would be a fantastic place if we could just get rid of all of these people! :animwink:

Magenta Panther

Well-Known Member
Here's what I feel about Twilight

Disney would be wise to avoid all fads. Instead of jumping on fads, they should get creative and make new things. Stop basing everything on something else. It's one thing if what we're basing things on are classics entrenched into American culture. I mean look even at BatB, the Little Mermaid, etc. Besides their DHS shows, they don't have their own attractions until now. They are classics that are ingrained into American and even World culture that everyone knows 20 years after the fact.

Disney, get creative, don't latch on to fads. You should be at the forefront of creativity in the entertainment industry and your parks are no different. That's why we have rides like pirates of the caribbean, haunted mansion, and big thunder mountain rr.

I couldn't agree more! :sohappy:


Love that!

Even better...You Tube...search for Buffy and Edward.
She'll put a stop to his sparkly nonsense once and for all.:cool:


As soon as the Harry Potter craze is over again Universal will be back to it's old self. Which I am hoping for because I love when they do a two year park pass at a great price to get guests locally to visit.

I always thought Universal had very nice parks and enjoyed it many times when I also had annual passes for them. The problem they have is the employee's They are very rude, they don't care, and the parks end up really dirty before the end of the day.

The park's also do not feel safe to me. Just a different feel at Universal.

I actually would rather go to Bucsh Gardens then Universal. I jsut wish they were not so far away.

Don't hold your breath on that happening anytime soon.

Oh please, you have to be joking right? Really? :brick:

THe buzz about the HP series may never die, but the buzz about the ride will. And I do feel safe at Uni but it really feels different to me. I'll go to WDW 10 times before I go to Uni. And that's from someone who loved the place back in 90's. I loved BTTF and Hanna Barbara ride and the stunt show they did at night. It just feels so different now. Yeah some things are fun at IOA. But I still like the old Universal better. But about being safe at Uni......


i'll look on the positive side of this....
if potter world really does draw down attendance at WDW, then I am really looking forward to my upcoming trips during the so called "off seasons."
Less congestion at WDW = more will be done by my family.. and less worring that I will trip over someone else's kid.

I'm with ya.

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