Harry Potter....and it looks amazing


Premium Member
True, but it has already been confirmed that the budget for the ride has since been decreased significantly. Mermaid was touted at first to be a big "E-ticket" and now has been quietly downgraded. HP is going to bring in people from all over the world, TLM not so much...:shrug:

Confirmed by who? People involved in the project who actually know what is going on, or people posting on the Internet? Disney will put the money in to get it done right, and it's going to be a lot more money than Universal put into Potter.


Well-Known Member
Little Mermaid ought to have 1 big and 5 little scenes. Says Marni

Under the Sea, Ursula and Kiss the Girl will be big scenes. The others are transitionals only because the big scenes have their own songs and will need a buffer range. The length of the ride will be comparible to Buzz but will have omnimover technology like HM.


Well-Known Member
Confirmed by who? People involved in the project who actually know what is going on, or people posting on the Internet? Disney will put the money in to get it done right, and it's going to be a lot more money than Universal put into Potter.

As much as I respect you for maintaining such a great site here, I think you're being a little too negative on the Universal end. They clearly pumped in a ridiculous amount of money for the never-before-attempted tech that drives this attraction, not to mention the ridiculous scale of the entire addition (the castle itself, Hogsmeade, etc.). Does the area have flaws? Yes (mainly the lack of a Dragons upgrade, capacity across the board, and the visibility of the ride's showbuilding). Will the new ride, and the area as a whole, still be incredible? YES. We've gotten early impressions from those who HAVE been on the ride and they're calling it a Spider-Man/Soarin/Simpsons hybrid with "a lot of animatronics". Sounds amazing to me. And that vid of the queue shows nothing less than "AWESOME".

That said, I find Disney's additions nice but just a smidge underwhelming. I have no doubt that The Little Mermaid will be a great ride (I love omnimover dark ride and the source material) but I totally understand people's disappointment with Disney. Here we have Universal using this brand-new ride system while Disney seems to be adding "more of the same", if that makes sense. Honestly I feel like Universal would benefit from a slow-moving continuous dark ride in such a vein, but I digress... anyway, I think the park fans (including me) feel somewhat jipped due to the huge expanse of land going to one new ride and a handful of meet and greets. Unlike Universal, who had a preexisting area and a certain amount of new space to work with, Disney had a massive amount with the former 20K plot... I think we just expected more after all of the Villain mountain or new dark ride village pitches we've heard over the years. I'm sure the new theming at the Fantasyland Expanse will be very nice, but it would've benefited from at least one more ride... (for the record, I feel the same about Universal's expansion)

Either way - great time for theme park fans. Universal has a killer app here that will drive up attendance, spurring further investment & maintenance in their parks that will hopefully allow for more incredible creations like this to be added in the future. Meanwhile, WDW will both get a slew of new attendance due to the throngs entering Orlando while at the same time hopefully getting the message that a new attraction that pushes the limits like this WILL result in massive attendance increases.


New Member
Under the Sea, Ursula and Kiss the Girl will be big scenes. The others are transitionals only because the big scenes have their own songs and will need a buffer range. The length of the ride will be comparible to Buzz but will have omnimover technology like HM.

Isn't Buzz an omnimover too?


New Member
Umm... moving back to HP quickly, I think it looks amazing. The whole thing has a Disney comparable look and indepthness. I don't know how long it will last but for about the first three years, this is going to huge(popularity wise). And the ride just seems amazing.

As for my opinion on the FF, it's going to be huge and amazing. The detail will be huge and I don't see them making any budget cuts on it. I see everything except for maybe Tinkerbells area looking superb.


The thing is, I've seen both Universal and Disney slide in the past years. Universal is sliding way faster though and I just don't think Potter will deliver the saving grace they wanted it to be because they didn't put the resources into it they could have. At the very least, Disney gives AP holders a preview for the parade and new fireworks, Universal couldn't even give their own AP holders a preview of HP, but once again Universal manages to screw something up and it's very frustrating. I always tell people, when you feel things aren't going right at Disney (and yes it happens) just go to Universal because it can get much worse...


Well-Known Member
Over and over again I state how much Universal is different from Disney. Universal caters to young adults and teens by adding almost all thrill rides in their parks. Disney is a family oriented park and will always be. So those same guests that find Universal to be thrilling might not find the same type of thrills at Disney...and that's ok.

Can children ride nearly all of the rides with their parents and grown-ups at Universal? No. But they can at Disney for the most part because they are designed that way.

So to compare 2 completely different attractions (Potter and Mermaid) isn't fair is it?


Well-Known Member
You'd have to not be a fan of theme parks in general to not have any interest in seeing this. I'm not even a Potter fan* myself, in any shape or form, yet your statement has me perplexed. This is easily the most exciting thing in themed environments in a decade.

* I was in fact anti-Potter, if you will, for a long time.

Ok and what does my choice in not going have to do with you? It would take more than a pretty cool que and one amazingly themed ride/land for me to go back to universal. And not being a potter fan even helps that. Besides, my ticket to WDW is good until January, so that's where ill be spending my time.

Knock yourself out at potterland, hopefully it'll be less lines for me at wdw.


Park History nut
Premium Member
Little Mermaid ought to have 1 big and 5 little scenes. Says Marni
I don`t recall saying that. My infamous memory can`t be that bad??

Universal couldn't even give their own AP holders a preview of HP
Be fair. The actual ride is a technical unknown and has been a bit of a nightmare. They have an opening date set in stone (remember the chaos of trying to complete WDWs first 3 parks with a set date?) and basically the ride isn`t ready yet for APs or anyone else not involved to experience.

At the end of the day, you can`t compare Potterland to FLE or Forbidden Journey to Mermaid. Aside from they are new rides and lands the target dermographic, aim and execution are both so different. Am I dissappointed that IOA will have only one new rideable attraction? A little. Am I dissappointed that a major MK expansion, one so sorely needed and with an amazing ammount of time and money being spent on expanding park infrastructure will only yield little more than M&G and a D Ticket? I am. A lot. The last time so much dirt was moved and concrete was poured we got Star Jets, the WEDway, the COP and a whole new state of the art worlds first mountain. FLE will be very welcome. It`s a shame it isn`t more. It`s a little lacklustre.



New Member
Wow! I usually just read through the post, but I had to jump in on this one. Why so many anti-Universal post? Can't people play on both sides of the fence? I love both and spend my vacations between them. They're different! Why would we want them to be the same? It's all about choices. You want more family oriented you go to Disney, not to mention the nostalgia. You want more of a thrill ride experience you go to Universal. You can deny how awesome WWOHP really is that's just the Disney fan inside of you in denial. I've never experienced a filthy bathroom or area in Universal, but I have in Disney. Should I stop going? I don't think so! Who doesn't have a bad day? Send them my way, I want to know their secret.


Active Member
Wow! I usually just read through the post, but I had to jump in on this one. Why so many anti-Universal post? Can't people play on both sides of the fence? I love both and spend my vacations between them. They're different! Why would we want them to be the same? It's all about choices. You want more family oriented you go to Disney, not to mention the nostalgia. You want more of a thrill ride experience you go to Universal. You can deny how awesome WWOHP really is that's just the Disney fan inside of you in denial. I've never experienced a filthy bathroom or area in Universal, but I have in Disney. Should I stop going? I don't think so! Who doesn't have a bad day? Send them my way, I want to know their secret.
I'm not quite sure I understand what the part I bolded has to do with the topic at hand.:shrug:

erasure fan1

Well-Known Member
Not exactly. They took PART of a land and rethemed it, but most everything in it is new.
I was mainly talking about the rides and 2 of the 3 are repackaged. Lets be fair, they did a great job with the theme but they are opening with only 1 new ride.

And I do love the pro-Disney/anti-Universal posts. Suddenly Universal is the most filthy place in Orlando. :ROFLOL: I hear they even have strip clubs inside! You don't want to go there! Get over it. Universal has hit a homerun with this one. Maybe TDO will stop scaling back on plans for attractions. Maybe.
I agree, I have nothing against Universal. I prefer Disney, and I do hope that Disney sees Harry Potter as a threat and they come up with something better than the fantasy land expansion. Competition is always good, especially for us, the fans.
New topic, what do you think the whole ride experience will be like, awesome, better then Spidey, failed? I'm going for awesome.
I know one of the TM's who got the chance to ride FJ and they said it was better then spidey. He told me that it is very immersive, and you feel as if youre really in the scenes. The animatronics and effects are very life like.


Active Member
I'm just curious, how can the TLM and the Harry Potter ride be compared to each other? :shrug:

I think it is a natural comparison since both are part of massive expansions that are being built and opened a couple of years away from each other. Still, I don't think they should be compared.

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