It can't be cursed, it's brand new!
What's mystifying is how cheaply they threw this thing together, and how blatantly they are breaking the rules of not just traditional Disney showmanship, but showmanship in general.
They store and launch the balloons from a hastily made dock right off the main walkway to Everest, with deflated balloons from the last show laid out to dry in the sun. The dock launch facility looks like they built this thing for about 800 bucks and three trips to Home Depot.
In all the videos and photos, you can always see a gaggle of people staring at the balloons' backside along that busy walkway, as the characters get yanked off the very visible
Launch Dock, Presented by Home Depot by the jetskis.
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Then they crash land the beloved Disney characters in the bleachers right next to this dock, where the rapid-response CM's catch them and stomp the life out of them while the audience looks on in either horror or hysterical laughter (
depending on how attached the audience is to beloved Disney characters).
But this lagoon and arena is only a few years old. It was built custom just for this purpose; theme park water shows. This is
not Disneyland creating
Fantasmic! out of thin air on the Rivers of America. This is a custom built 21st century theme park water show arena. And it has an entire backstage marina facility located behind the lagoon south of Everest.
Here's that aerial. The
blue square is the
Launch Dock, Presented by Home Depot, the
red square is the bleacher Deflation Zone, and the
green is where the audience who paid cash money to go to WDW for the 50th sit and watch it all. Meanwhile, there's the backstage marina and waterway area noted as
red question marks ??? where they are allegedly supposed to do, you know, backstage stuff like deflate beloved Disney characters.
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Who on earth approved the concept that all "backstage" stagecraft for this show should be done "onstage" right next to the bleachers full of customers??? I would love to have been a fly on the wall in that TDO conference room when that concept got the green light, wouldn't you?