hall of presidents


New Member
My family and I were in Disney for a week in June and went into the Hall of Presidents and the American Experience. In both instances the attractions were 1/2 - 3/4 full AND there was applause from the audience both times. There was even applause when George Bush was introduced. These types of rides do serve important purposes. There needs to be rides/attractions that you can get on without a wait and just relax for a few minutes. The Hall of Presidents was constructed around the World's Fair Lincoln attraction and so that's why the Civil War is still a focus. If the song at the end of the American experience doens't choke you up a little bit then nothing will.
I think one of the problems is that people on vacation at an amusement park are adverse to a little education. Closing/altering either of these rides would be a travesty.


Well-Known Member
The Hall of Presidents was not completely based on lincoln. It is based on a similar concept of a patriotic/presidential show concept walt was thinking about for Disneyland called One Nation Under God.

The original version of Great Moments with Mr. Lincoln is a narrative of various speaches done by Lincoln. Hardly any of them have anything to do with the Civil War.

The Civil War played little to no roll in the original Hall of Presidents 1971-1993, the show was changed at the strong urge of one of Eisner's friends, who actually rewrote the script to their likeing, and thus the show centers heavily on the civil war.


New Member
When EPCOT first opened people said it was boring.
"It's even boring to fly over.", someone said.

Maybe that's the problem with the Hall of the Presidents.
They need to make it more entertaining.
Maybe they could have all the presidents get up and do the chicken dance as the conclusion.


WDW Monorail

Well-Known Member
When EPCOT first opened people said it was boring.
"It's even boring to fly over.", someone said.

Maybe that's the problem with the Hall of the Presidents.
They need to make it more entertaining.
Maybe they could have all the presidents get up and do the chicken dance as the conclusion.


How about having George W. slip a whoopi cushion on to Lincoln's seat.


Well-Known Member
Interesting, a shotglass on a stick...what will they think of next.....

Anywho. For all the comments about the current presidents inability to communicate, current popularity rating, scandals, yada, yada, yada....as long as I can remember, HoP has had the current sitting president make comments. They did it with Reagan, Bush, Clinton, and now with Bush2, and during all of those administrations, you would find times where there were less than optimum crowds in the theater.

On a general note, lets not be quick to condem an attraction to replacement, especially those that are classics. You never know, you could get a Pixar infused replacement, cause Liberty Square is one place they have not done that yet.....

Th current president NEVER spoke until the 1993 Eisner happy rehab. Even though new presidents were added, only Lincoln spoke.

As for Hall of Presidents: Under New Management they could use that name anytime a new president was added (that's one of the reasons I like the Hall of Presidents, because it's updated every 4-8 years it never falls apart like other MK attractions). Which BTW everyone, will be after November 2008. Hopefully some script changes will happen then too.


New Member
Well they could always add some PIXAR characters to it, I'm sure that would help make it more popular. :lookaroun :D


I see a lot of people wanting a more recent focus on the HoP, and I'm leaning the other way. I think a Hall of Presidents that focuses on the American Revolution, why we seceded from the empire, and the struggles we faced forging the great nation we have now. Remind Americans *why* we wrote the Declaration of Independence, and The Constitution.

Aside from my interest in that, I think the majority of Americans would respond well to a show about why some 13 colonies felt it necessary to create a nation they did.

Miss Bell

New Member
We have a deal with my daughter that we only have to go to HoP every time there is a new president added, which means that we have only been once in the last 7 years. I personally think it is a cool attraction, but I do prefer American Adventure. (It is funny that my daughter is loathe to go into HoP, but loves AA.)
Th current president NEVER spoke until the 1993 Eisner happy rehab. Even though new presidents were added, only Lincoln spoke.

As for Hall of Presidents: Under New Management they could use that name anytime a new president was added (that's one of the reasons I like the Hall of Presidents, because it's updated every 4-8 years it never falls apart like other MK attractions). Which BTW everyone, will be after November 2008. Hopefully some script changes will happen then too.

That is correct. The first current president to directly address the audience was Bill Clinton. It was the same year when the made the change to the narration which was done by Maya Angelou.
The original version of the hall presidents presented a much more positive, and universal look at liberty and justice, from our declaration of independence, to the constitution and beyond.

It was a close friend of Eisner who allowed the entire show to be rewritten and actually in some parts to be historically innaccurate, and the show focuses far too much on the civil war...interestingly since the big change to the show in 1993....african americans have narrated the show because of this....no offense to african americans, but seems to be a PR stunt to me since the show was rewritten.

The abraham lincoln speech is a crock, and even worse is the current version of great moments with dear old abe in disneyland...the holophonics version which offers nothing from the original speech he read. Oh wait great moments has yet to reopen! :lookaroun

Attractions like the HoP and CoP are quickly becoming useless to today's young americans if they don't give a damn about any of their history or world history or culture. Sadly this is becoming a norm. Children now can go see stitch, monsters, and buzz, and then basically have a mental breakdown when their parents take them on the carousel of progress, causing the child's brain to fry from edutainment.

It's not the HoP or CoP fault. It's how the attractions have changed over time, as well as the attractions around them.

The current version of the CoP SUCKS!!!!!! I LOVE THE CoP. Don't get me wrong. But I much rather take today's children on say something like the 1964 or 1967 that had a dramatic opening and closeing theater(s), a full piece band orchestra and chorus singing "beautiful tomorrow", scenes that had a flow of optimism, and hope, and a father character who wasn't saying things such as "it will never work" or acting bumbly and quite dull.

Makes one hope that attractions like this can be refreshened, or saved somehow whether it be at a museum or private collection so that they do not become outcasts on a vacation resort full of character infested rides and projection screen themed attractions.

Walt Disney prided himself and his organization on creating UNIQUE and IMMERSIVE attractions or shows that gave audiences entertainment, and in some cases education. Sure the parks must change in some way to reflect the changing times, but surely particular immersive rides like the HoP and CoP can be saved and refreshed without adding a Disney character to them or selling churros and shot glasses at the exit with stitch on it?

Ok....I dunno if Stitch comes on shot glasses but that would be ironic. :p

Agreed. The current version of HOP makes me feel like it should be changed to "The History Of Slavery and How It Affected America." No offense to African Americans and slavery was a terrible thing but it's now the main theme of HOP. It was awful. Whites were awful for doing it. We get it.


Naturally Grumpy
Low numbers at HoP is nothing new.
Unless they come up with something really spectacular to replace it, it won't be closing.
It's cheap to run and eats people when needed (rain storm usually drives them in) two things that help keep it off the chopping block.

Great in the Rain, and the best AC in the MK!

I love to visit regularly, because where else can you see that many animatronics in one show anymore. Yea, I guess its boring like the original EPCOT presentations...not a thrill ride. But I will always enjoy it.


Premium Member
i dont think they will close it bc the country bear jamboree is like that too and possible they will start running it like they did for the carasel of progress

You are kidding right? I can't remember the last time I saw Country Bears and wasn't packed into my seat like a sardine.


Le Meh
Premium Member
Th current president NEVER spoke until the 1993 Eisner happy rehab. Even though new presidents were added, only Lincoln spoke.

As for Hall of Presidents: Under New Management they could use that name anytime a new president was added (that's one of the reasons I like the Hall of Presidents, because it's updated every 4-8 years it never falls apart like other MK attractions). Which BTW everyone, will be after November 2008. Hopefully some script changes will happen then too.

Guess I remember only back to 1993. Glad I didnt state that they allways spoke since the inception of the attraction.


There have been many excellent posts here about HoP. Although discussion is good, it is a little premature to start mourning its demise, as there will be an update next year. A new president would be time to open a new film: while the animatronic is the key expense, the film is easier to implement (although a move to digital projection would be a must!) So imagine the conversations that may be going on about this right now. What kind of new film do we want? One that highlights patriotism in all its forms from flag-waving to peaceful protest? Or one that highlights Americans helping each other through crises both home and abroad? But wait, maybe this film should highlight women's suffrage and equality of rights for all if the nominee and election should go a certain way? So decisions may just be waiting until November of next year when we discover who the new POTUS will be. Until then, carry on the discussion. Who knows if our water cooler comments make their way to the people who can change things? (Are you listening, Bob?)


New Member
Original Poster
Interesting, a shotglass on a stick...what will they think of next.....

Anywho. For all the comments about the current presidents inability to communicate, current popularity rating, scandals, yada, yada, yada....as long as I can remember, HoP has had the current sitting president make comments. They did it with Reagan, Bush, Clinton, and now with Bush2, and during all of those administrations, you would find times where there were less than optimum crowds in the theater.

On a general note, lets not be quick to condem an attraction to replacement, especially those that are classics. You never know, you could get a Pixar infused replacement, cause Liberty Square is one place they have not done that yet.....

OOOPS!!! my bad, i totally meant to say Stitch!!!
People didn't do it because the wait was too long! I have a feeling that when we get a new president in '08 the attraction will see more traffic. If it doesn't pick up then, then we might as well kiss it goodbye. Maybe we can save the Lincoln animatronic ad get a "Great Moments..." spin-off?!? Unlikey, I know. Just an idea.

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