hall of presidents


Well-Known Member
I personally always cringe at the modern-ish American accents put into the founding fathers' mouths during the opening montage. I MUCH prefer the American Adventure as far as patriotic attractions go - it's message is all the more powerful and inspiring because it is delivered with a strong sense of humility.

Most Guests don't know that the current President speaks in the HoP, so that's not a legitimate reason for its unpopularity.

Perhaps the biggest three reasons are these:

1) Guests don't know the difference between the HoP and the American Adv.

2) The public doesn't care about American history anymore.

3) The show focuses too much on the Civil War, and our history spans much more than that.

Unfortunately, the most likely reason is #2. That's sad, because the less that Americans actually know about their history, the more that they'll "learn" from skewed TV specials that don't tell the whole truth.*

*My parents know someone whose brother edits the History Channel specials. He said that the screenwriters often present only the facts that support their personal polical view, and he often has to research topics to correct the screenwriters' omissions. His words, not mine.


Well-Known Member
HOP is different from other classic attractions in that it deals with history and you can only depict a certain amount of it in 20 minutes. Sadly, I just think the film portion is outdated and doesn't speak to today's generation.

I agree. The current HoP focuses too much on the Civil War era; and today's generation considers that to be a resolved issue. (Before anyone gets angry at me, I'm not saying that everything is resolved, but most Americans consider it to be.) Remember, we're talking about three generations of families whose parents grew up with multicultural Sesame Street; the implications of the Civil War don't mean as much to these kids.

If I were in WDI, I would shift the HoP focus to WWII and 9/11, since both receive plenty of coverage in movies and TV specials. Better yet, just make the entire thing focus on the Revolutionary War, especially since it is in Liberty Square.


New Member
To me, i have only done HoP once in my many years i have gone to disney. Its a great ride if your really into History and everything, but to me its a ride (like CoP) that i can cool off in on a hot, humid day, and maybe even fall a sleep for a quick nap.

Maybe i will have to visit this ride on my next trip, its been a while.


New Member
I always thought the Hall of Presidents was a celebration of the United States Constitution and the Presidency. :sohappy: I never looked at it as a complete history of the United States; therefore, other than adding new Presidents, an update should only be technical. I think the fact that so many people minimize the importance of the events that established this great nation or are bored with discussing the sacrifices made by millions to secure it and the men we elected to lead it, reflects a serious deficiency in the appreciation and comprehension of the complexity and difficulties upon which we, the people, continue to freely govern ourselves some 220 years after the Constitution was signed. I think it's an amazing document and Walt must have thought so too or he wouldn't have dedicated an entire pavilion to honor it. :wave:

The day may come when the Constitution will not be relevant to our way of life and when that day comes, the Hall of American Presidents may be a place of which is never spoken. :cry:

1787, the year that the Constitution of the United State was ratified, can be seen on the front of the Hall of Presidents building in gold numbers, just below the steeple. :wave:


New Member
Original Poster
The CM's that said it seemed pretty serious. But i have to agree with most of you, as long as its hot and rainy its probably going to stay opened. I am personally not a fan of HoP, but when I heard them say this i got really upset, because it's a classic and one of Walt's (used to be at least) ideas. Im sure that as soon as we get a new president it will be updated.. and attendance will rise hopefully.
My mother and I agreeed, if it was mainly the AA's, and not the cartoon begining it would be a little more interesting.

also.. love the carosel of progress, but i feel it needs a little update, because that was not crowded at all either. And i can litereally recite that attraction.


Active Member
Lets look at the positives here: if they close the HoP, they'll have to change the Enchanted Tiki Room UNM re: Iago's comment about said closed attraction.

One can only hope. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
The original version of the hall presidents presented a much more positive, and universal look at liberty and justice, from our declaration of independence, to the constitution and beyond.

It was a close friend of Eisner who allowed the entire show to be rewritten and actually in some parts to be historically innaccurate, and the show focuses far too much on the civil war...interestingly since the big change to the show in 1993....african americans have narrated the show because of this....no offense to african americans, but seems to be a PR stunt to me since the show was rewritten.

The abraham lincoln speech is a crock, and even worse is the current version of great moments with dear old abe in disneyland...the holophonics version which offers nothing from the original speech he read. Oh wait great moments has yet to reopen! :lookaroun

Attractions like the HoP and CoP are quickly becoming useless to today's young americans if they don't give a damn about any of their history or world history or culture. Sadly this is becoming a norm. Children now can go see stitch, monsters, and buzz, and then basically have a mental breakdown when their parents take them on the carousel of progress, causing the child's brain to fry from edutainment.

It's not the HoP or CoP fault. It's how the attractions have changed over time, as well as the attractions around them.

The current version of the CoP SUCKS!!!!!! I LOVE THE CoP. Don't get me wrong. But I much rather take today's children on say something like the 1964 or 1967 that had a dramatic opening and closeing theater(s), a full piece band orchestra and chorus singing "beautiful tomorrow", scenes that had a flow of optimism, and hope, and a father character who wasn't saying things such as "it will never work" or acting bumbly and quite dull.

Makes one hope that attractions like this can be refreshened, or saved somehow whether it be at a museum or private collection so that they do not become outcasts on a vacation resort full of character infested rides and projection screen themed attractions.

Walt Disney prided himself and his organization on creating UNIQUE and IMMERSIVE attractions or shows that gave audiences entertainment, and in some cases education. Sure the parks must change in some way to reflect the changing times, but surely particular immersive rides like the HoP and CoP can be saved and refreshed without adding a Disney character to them or selling churros and shot glasses at the exit with stitch on it?

Ok....I dunno if Stitch comes on shot glasses but that would be ironic. :p


Well-Known Member
Hall of Presidents:

For a healthy dose of patriotism and American spirit, be sure to visit the Hall of Presidents, an attraction exclusive to Walt Disney World’s Magic Kingdom. The classic 24-minute show begins with a widescreen film called We the People. Starting with the Declaration of Independence, it uses montages of paintings to illustrate the creation and perseverance of the Constitution during times of prosperity and crisis.
We the People is followed by the highlight of the show, the introduction of the 43 American Presidents. Each is represented by a full-sized, Audio-Animatronic doppelganger who acknowledges his presence with a slow nod as his name is read.
The Hall of Presidents recently underwent some changes as George W. Bush was added to the lineup, whose amazingly lifelike animatronic delivers a short speech recorded by the President himself. President Lincoln has retained his traditional leading role and continues to be featured with his own speech reflecting on the challenges to the constitution through time, and how they were overcome.
Some guests dislike this attraction, considering it boring and out of place in the otherwise carefree Magic Kingdom. Others love it for its excellent animatronics and the patriotic message it conveys. Small children usually do not understand what is being talked about, and tend to get bored very quickly.
Since the Hall of Presidents virtually never fills to capacity, it is sufficient to arrive 5 minutes prior to showtime (every hour and half hour), although you may want to spend a few extra minutes to examine the official Presidential portraits featured in the rotunda.
Following the 2008 Presidential Elections, a rehab will be required to add the 44th President’s animatronic to the show.

American Adventure:

The American Adventure’s feature attraction by the same name is a very popular and patriotic show about the history of the United States, from the arrival of the pilgrims to late 20th century. Narrated by stunningly lifelike Audio-Animatronics of Samuel Clemens and Benjamin Franklin, the show uses wide-screen film montages, many animatronics, and stirring music to recreate some of the most defining moments in American history, such as the Declaration of Independence, the Independence War, the Great Depression, as well as the displacement of the Native Americans, the debate about slavery, and the birth of the National Park system. While this is by no means intended to be an unbiased and complete history lesson, the production is excellent and thought-provoking.
Unfortunately, some of the displayed events are only hinted at or vaguely described without actually being explained in context, assuming a degree of background knowledge of the US that many foreign and some domestic visitors do not have, occasionally leaving them a bit in the dark. Nevertheless, audience reactions to the American Adventure are generally very favorable, making this a must-see for every Epcot visitor. Although this is easily the most popular attraction in the World Showcase, it is rare that you will have to wait in line for the more than one show, since the theater’s capacity is very large.

Thank you for clearning that up.


New Member
Original Poster

Walt Disney prided himself and his organization on creating UNIQUE and IMMERSIVE attractions or shows that gave audiences entertainment, and in some cases education. Sure the parks must change in some way to reflect the changing times, but surely particular immersive rides like the HoP and CoP can be saved and refreshed without adding a Disney character to them or selling churros and shot glasses at the exit with stitch on it?

Ok....I dunno if Stitch comes on shot glasses but that would be ironic. :p

NOT EVEN JOKING, saw a stick shot glass on friday.


Le Meh
Premium Member

NOT EVEN JOKING, saw a stick shot glass on friday.

Interesting, a shotglass on a stick...what will they think of next.....

Anywho. For all the comments about the current presidents inability to communicate, current popularity rating, scandals, yada, yada, yada....as long as I can remember, HoP has had the current sitting president make comments. They did it with Reagan, Bush, Clinton, and now with Bush2, and during all of those administrations, you would find times where there were less than optimum crowds in the theater.

On a general note, lets not be quick to condem an attraction to replacement, especially those that are classics. You never know, you could get a Pixar infused replacement, cause Liberty Square is one place they have not done that yet.....


Well-Known Member
When i went to the Hall of Presidents on Thursday, my family was oned of 3 families there. The CM's working there said that the show is getting less and less people, and if it stays as un popular as it is, it's going to be closed. I don't know if they were just saying that or if they really meant it, but I figured i should post, to see what you guys think or if you know any info.

Cast members are not told what WDW or Disney's senior management is planning or are going to do with an attraction. They do what we all do, guess and talk about what they think. By the time they do know some real info, we already know about it here.


Active Member
Question to the orginal poster: What time of day did you enter ? I believe most tourist do not go to Hall of President first several showing in morning and enter in from late afternoon to early evening after they exhausted all their other option.


New Member
I like to see HoP get a new opening movie as well. Something talking about the founding of our nation and perhaps the ideals that it was based upon. Then have a quick wrap up of high points of our history (all positive stuff like the moon landing and things like that).

After that bring out the AAs.

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