hall of presidents

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
Long live the USA... hang the Que... well no, not really... WDW needs the Brits' money flow.:animwink: (BTW - anyone ever wonder if the Brits get offended in Liberty Square? I spoke with a fine chap in the line for Soarin' this last June and he seemed to not want to discuss the good ol' revolutionary era. Perhaps this is why the focus of the HOP is more on the Civil War?? Hmmm. I wonder if that plays a role at all...)

Perhaps he didnt want to engage for two reasons
1. Most Brits dont have a clue about British history, thanks to lefty hand wringers all history involving Britain is bad Mkkayy.... the only history in schools is all about the plough and such non colonial empire building dont mention the French subjects, its even worse in Scotland.
2. If Brits dont have a clue about their own history theyve no chance knowing about anyone elses far less a tea spoiling former colony. Besides the Colonials only won thanks to all the Scots on the revolutionary side.:drevil:

On serious note Brits are generally very cynical and find it hard to identify with the patriotism shown in the US, we must be the only country where we find it hard to fly the national flag incase it offends someone, and given the Celtic nations empowerment, the large asian community what is a British identity anyway?

Steps off soap box.


Perhaps he didnt want to engage for two reasons
1. Most Brits dont have a clue about British history, thanks to lefty hand wringers all history involving Britain is bad Mkkayy.... the only history in schools is all about the plough and such non colonial empire building dont mention the French subjects, its even worse in Scotland.
2. If Brits dont have a clue about their own history theyve no chance knowing about anyone elses far less a tea spoiling former colony. Besides the Colonials only won thanks to all the Scots on the revolutionary side.:drevil:

On serious note Brits are generally very cynical and find it hard to identify with the patriotism shown in the US, we must be the only country where we find it hard to fly the national flag incase it offends someone, and given the Celtic nations empowerment, the large asian community what is a British identity anyway?

Steps off soap box.

I have no idea how the British feel about HoP, but I agree it's a culture thing. Patriotism has been akin to a national religion in the US ever since the Civil War. (as argued in an excellent relatively new book on the subject: "Upon the Altar of the Nation" by Yale historian Harry Stout).

Keeping on the subject of Disney, the above is just one more reason that I think focus on the Civil War is appropriate for HoP. It's the central event in our coming together as a nation (by savagely slaughtering each other). As Shelby Foote said, before the Civil War people said "the United States are", now we say "the United States is". It made us one nation in spirit (although by force), as opposed to a collection of people loyal more to their state than their country (whether Pennsylvania or Virginia). Another reason is that the Civil War clearly is the central event in what has been IMO the pivotal issue of the American experience from ~1600 to today: race relations.

Why should race relations be an important part of a presidential show? Their speeches spoke to this more eloquently than any other issue (again IMO). They lead this nation, and this nation still needs to be led when it comes to harmony between its people. Words in this setting can make people think. I certainly know that I'm deeply moved by the clip from MLK's speech in AA.

I know people will have different priorities in what they want to see in a show about America, but this is at least what I want to see.


Active Member
I doubt it will go away any time soon. As others have said, it eats people like you can't believe, and is cheap to run.

I personally can't sit through it, probably just because I find it to be too long (mainly the introductions of the presidents at the end). I can say that (if they can understand it), foreigners (especially from Asia) love our film/animatronic based attractions. I hosted a Japanese student this past year, and (with the translating headphones), he loved the Hall of Presidents (considering it one of the highlights of his day at the Magic Kingdom). Just goes to show that some people still enjoy history. I love the American Adventure (partially because I love the score- it gets me every time), but the Hall of Presidents, for me, is worse than sitting through the smell of Stitch's chili dog for a day.


Well-Known Member
When EPCOT first opened people said it was boring.
"It's even boring to fly over.", someone said.

Maybe that's the problem with the Hall of the Presidents.
They need to make it more entertaining.
Maybe they could have all the presidents get up and do the chicken dance as the conclusion.


I agree with everything IROC said a few posts back. Not everything has to be a thrill a minute -- sometimes it is even better to have something to sink your teeth into. I am still amazed at the presentation of the Hall of Presidents -- and I am discouraged sometimes that we don't teach our children to appreciate and visit wonderful, slow, contemplative attractions from time to time. Those who do visit generally benefit -- and remember the attraction. But they just don't have to go looking for a thrill a minute -- instead a slow burn, and something to appreciate. Not to mention a place to relax!



What about the fact that the hall of presidents is really where Disney got its big breakthrough in AA. Lincoln standing on the stage at the worlds fair was a moment that will not be forgotten and I think in a way keeping this attraction open will be a tribute to its past. :kiss:


Well-Known Member
HoP is located in a way where you can pass right by it and not know if you are unfamiliar with the park. I would add some more signage and really promote it...it really isn't even figured prominently anywhere in the Liberty Square area.


Naturally Grumpy
When my kids are with me we do not miss HOP...

On my anniversary trip last year, we skipped it only because we were only there for one day...

My kids, 7 and 5, son and daughter respectively, absolutely love the HOP.

I actually get teary eyed... but hey, I love my country... and I love my country's history... I know the story line is a bit glamorized to be certain, but hey it's better than no HOP.

I will never miss HOP on any given year that I go... maybe on a trip, but if we go on multiple trips per year only.

Ironically, I've been to Epcot 3 times in the past 2 years... and have still never gone to AA - something about Mark Twain and Benjamin just don't seem to lure me in...

But I will try it out on the next trip... which may be this Christmas (trying to decide between a family DLR trip or a WDW trip for the holidays).

And FWIW, while I thought DLR's Innoventions/CoP total merge/rewrite was cool - they better not ever remove the COP from WDW's MK... Only upgrade the final scene a half decade and it's just great...

BTW- the kids love the COP too...

If park management knows what's best, they will only seek to upgrade, while keeping the general integrity and purpose of, the HOP.

Long live the USA... hang the Que... well no, not really... WDW needs the Brits' money flow.:animwink: (BTW - anyone ever wonder if the Brits get offended in Liberty Square? I spoke with a fine chap in the line for Soarin' this last June and he seemed to not want to discuss the good ol' revolutionary era. Perhaps this is why the focus of the HOP is more on the Civil War?? Hmmm. I wonder if that plays a role at all...)

Anyway, I'm glad I've seen the HOP since '76.:sohappy: Ironic anniversary year, eh?

I don't see HOP going anywhere. It's one thing doing away with a scary alien or Cranium Command...just think of the PR if Disney "cancels" the presidents. It's my experience that HOP volume fluctuates a lot. The theater was about 1/3 full when I was there on Tuesday...COP had three other people in my auditorium.

About AA, the recent change to the movie at the end make a much more powerful impact. Marty Sklar discussed the selection at some length in his talk on Monday. Benjamin Franklin was a clear choice for the first US Century as a true rennisance man and witness to all aspects of the birth of the country. There was considerable debate for the next Century. They were going to go with Will Rogers, but when they proposed that to (I think) a group of High Schoolers, they didn't know who he was. There was a plan to have a third "host" representing the 20th century, but they could not agree on a single figure....perhaps in 20 or 30 years that choice might become clearer. Many of the "choices" for host ended up as participants.

As for the "Brits" being offended.....:lol: I think they're glad to be rid of us....and they're glad to have the US to visit where they get so much value for their pounds!
Ironically, I've been to Epcot 3 times in the past 2 years... and have still never gone to AA - something about Mark Twain and Benjamin just don't seem to lure me in...

But I will try it out on the next trip... which may be this Christmas (trying to decide between a family DLR trip or a WDW trip for the holidays).

Please trust me, if you are a fan of HOP you will ABSOLUTELY LOVE The American Adventure. AA is everything HOP is and more. I love HOP too and never miss it but I gotta tell you, if I had to pick one over the other - AA has it all. It's a mix of film, music, art, animation, and the most advanced audio animatronics you'll see. I guarantee once you go you'll kick yourself for not having seen it earlier.
The Hall of Presidents is a Disney Classic...it can't be replaced! I really enjoy the show no matter how many times I have seen it...pretty soon they will be replacing George W. Bush with the new president animatronic and I am curious to hear what the message will be.


Well-Known Member
Please trust me, if you are a fan of HOP you will ABSOLUTELY LOVE The American Adventure. AA is everything HOP is and more. I love HOP too and never miss it but I gotta tell you, if I had to pick one over the other - AA has it all. It's a mix of film, music, art, animation, and the most advanced audio animatronics you'll see. I guarantee once you go you'll kick yourself for not having seen it earlier.

I completely agree.


New Member
I would hate to see it go!

The HoP should aim to accomplish two things...

leave you feeling proud of our great country and a feeling of re-newed patriotism

This attraction has tons of potential.


Well-Known Member


"Alright you Presidents...If you wanna keep your jobs you gotta get hip!"


I think a new version would be nice. Maybe a bit less film and more stage might work.

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