Well-Known Member
Actually the whole no job thing has my night life grounded for the time being.
As for the thrill ride, putting it in Frontierland would be a disaster, IMO. It's already one of the more crowded areas of the park with Splash and Thunder right there. Personally I'd love a Toontown or Tomorrowland E-ticket on either the 20K plot, or Indy Speedway.
Yes, the speedway. Hate it. Would love a Carsland version in DHS's "Pixarland". And I don't mean RSR. I know that will never happen. Just ride vehicles that are themed to the movie but in a Speedway type ride.
I'm punching out from this thread drift. We should be talking about the AWESOME HoP refurb and the triumphant return of Liberty Square! :sohappy::sohappy::sohappy::sohappy: