Guest attacks Disney bus driver


Ok people, as a law enforcement officer in the state of Florida, If I saw the guy throw the baby, there is child neglect/abuse a Felony then when u put his hands on the driver and attempted to strangle him another Felony. I would be forced to take action even if on vacation. I hope that if asked someone to assist me in taking action i would have everyones help. I am glad no one was hurt and I would have been more than happy to give a full and complete statment to OCSO and to Disney and I would have made sure that the driver was not reprimanded, the driver was attempting to protect himself from this jerk.


Active Member
Kudos to the driver for keeping his cool and not sucker punching the idiot. It's probably pretty tough being a bus driver with all the high strung guests with an inflated sense of entitlement who just can't relax. Makes me wonder how many incidents there are that AREN'T caught on film.


I work for bus operations and the entire incident was caught on the security cameras.Every load zone has a high def camera that sees the bus and load zone. We can actually zoom in with the cameras and read the drivers name and his hometown on his name tag on their uniform. Also in the video one of the gentleman on the bus,{I wont identify him} was one of our plain clothes security officers and was in the load zone at the time and witnessed the attack. Security was called along with the OCSO,and yes it took them a few minutes to get to him. This was because the bus was in load zone C7 which is in the charter bus lot and away from the regular Resort load zones near the entrance to Hollywood Studios. If you watch the video closely you will see flashing red and blue lights illuminating the side off the bus.When the wife saw them pull up the wife took off,and tried to hide in the crowd,and left her child with the husband. Other guests identified her to security. They were then removed from the bus and load zone and taken backstage. The gentleman was then arrested and handcuffed for assault on the driver. He is also facing charges for Terrorist threat due to the assault happening on the bus, and public endangerment. They were also ejected from the resort they were staying at,and trespassed from Walt Disney World property.They will not be returning to the Happiest Place on Earth ever again. Also everyone will be happy to hear the driver was not reprimanded for the incident,and continued with his job that evening. I actually saw and talked to him last night and he is doing fine.
Also forgot to add copy of the security tape was provided to the OCSO,they are in turn forwarding it to the state attorney for possible further charges of Felony child neglect and endangerment.


Wow that person should be charged with attacking the driver, and he should have been removed off Disney property immediately. That kind of behavior should not be tolerated at all. What a jerk!

Pioneer Hall

Well-Known Member
Wait, you mean you guys don't go around with a bag full of babies to use for throwing or even juggling? Guess I need to change my plan of attack for touring the parks.


I work for bus operations and the entire incident was caught on the security cameras.Every load zone has a high def camera that sees the bus and load zone. We can actually zoom in with the cameras and read the drivers name and his hometown on his name tag on their uniform. Also in the video one of the gentleman on the bus,{I wont identify him} was one of our plain clothes security officers and was in the load zone at the time and witnessed the attack. Security was called along with the OCSO,and yes it took them a few minutes to get to him. This was because the bus was in load zone C7 which is in the charter bus lot and away from the regular Resort load zones near the entrance to Hollywood Studios. If you watch the video closely you will see flashing red and blue lights illuminating the side off the bus.When the wife saw them pull up the wife took off,and tried to hide in the crowd,and left her child with the husband. Other guests identified her to security. They were then removed from the bus and load zone and taken backstage. The gentleman was then arrested and handcuffed for assault on the driver. He is also facing charges for Terrorist threat due to the assault happening on the bus, and public endangerment. They were also ejected from the resort they were staying at,and trespassed from Walt Disney World property.They will not be returning to the Happiest Place on Earth ever again. Also everyone will be happy to hear the driver was not reprimanded for the incident,and continued with his job that evening. I actually saw and talked to him last night and he is doing fine.

Sorry I didnt read your post before I posted mine-so sorry! Glad to hear security took care of this incident!


Well-Known Member
I wish there was a way that Walt Disney World guests could go through a training session of sorts where they are introduced to common crowd issues, the procedures Disney puts in place to help control them and make sure people are safe, and how to be patient or completely avoid any issues to insure a great vacation.

So many folks think rules don't apply to them or they have a certain exception to would allow them to do what they want to do. This goes for the folks cutting in line at the bus stop. It goes for the people who stand where they aren't supposed during a parade. It goes for the people who take flash pictures in the attractions.

People are visiting the most popular vacation destination in the world with so many different people from different walks of life. Yet, I wish there is some way to make people understand that that a bus can only hold so many people and another one will be there soon. No worries. Or that you can't show up to the first showing of Fantasmic 10 mins before it starts and expect to get in let alone a seat. There may be a second show. No worries. Or that you just can't stop in the middle of a row in a theater that is expected to be full. Your experience will still be great. No worries.

Walking in a theme park all day with young children, playing loads of money on admission, food, and souvenirs will drain everyone's energy and patience, but in order for EVERYONE to have a good time with less stress, EVERYONE needs to cooperate, otherwise, situations like these occur and people's vacations are ruined.

I'm just glad the guy in the wrong got what he deserved. If he'd just follow instructions and just accepted that he'd have to for another bus, none of that would have ever happened.


I work for bus operations and the entire incident was caught on the security cameras.Every load zone has a high def camera that sees the bus and load zone. We can actually zoom in with the cameras and read the drivers name and his hometown on his name tag on their uniform. Also in the video one of the gentleman on the bus,{I wont identify him} was one of our plain clothes security officers and was in the load zone at the time and witnessed the attack. Security was called along with the OCSO,and yes it took them a few minutes to get to him. This was because the bus was in load zone C7 which is in the charter bus lot and away from the regular Resort load zones near the entrance to Hollywood Studios. If you watch the video closely you will see flashing red and blue lights illuminating the side off the bus.When the wife saw them pull up the wife took off,and tried to hide in the crowd,and left her child with the husband. Other guests identified her to security. They were then removed from the bus and load zone and taken backstage. The gentleman was then arrested and handcuffed for assault on the driver. He is also facing charges for Terrorist threat due to the assault happening on the bus, and public endangerment. They were also ejected from the resort they were staying at,and trespassed from Walt Disney World property.They will not be returning to the Happiest Place on Earth ever again. Also everyone will be happy to hear the driver was not reprimanded for the incident,and continued with his job that evening. I actually saw and talked to him last night and he is doing fine.

This is great to hear, I am so glad justice was served. I am glad the driver is doing well and still has a job and no write up. I hope to see this driver on my next 3 trips to WDW in the next 6 months, I will personally thank and congratulate him!


Well-Known Member
I work for bus operations and the entire incident was caught on the security cameras.Every load zone has a high def camera that sees the bus and load zone. We can actually zoom in with the cameras and read the drivers name and his hometown on his name tag on their uniform. Also in the video one of the gentleman on the bus,{I wont identify him} was one of our plain clothes security officers and was in the load zone at the time and witnessed the attack. Security was called along with the OCSO,and yes it took them a few minutes to get to him. This was because the bus was in load zone C7 which is in the charter bus lot and away from the regular Resort load zones near the entrance to Hollywood Studios. If you watch the video closely you will see flashing red and blue lights illuminating the side off the bus.When the wife saw them pull up the wife took off,and tried to hide in the crowd,and left her child with the husband. Other guests identified her to security. They were then removed from the bus and load zone and taken backstage. The gentleman was then arrested and handcuffed for assault on the driver. He is also facing charges for Terrorist threat due to the assault happening on the bus, and public endangerment. They were also ejected from the resort they were staying at,and trespassed from Walt Disney World property.They will not be returning to the Happiest Place on Earth ever again. Also everyone will be happy to hear the driver was not reprimanded for the incident,and continued with his job that evening. I actually saw and talked to him last night and he is doing fine.
Also forgot to add copy of the security tape was provided to the OCSO,they are in turn forwarding it to the state attorney for possible further charges of Felony child neglect and endangerment.

AWESOME! AWESOME! AWESOME! :sohappy::sohappy::sohappy:

So glad to hear Disney took care of this in the proper way and that driver is fine and can continue working!


New Member
Wow....I am very happy to hear that the bus driver didn't get into any trouble over this! The poor guy deals with loads and loads of cranky and, at times, hostile (as evidenced here) tourists on a daily basis- I have to give him major kudos for not just losing it on this idiot. I am also very happy that the moron went to jail (honestly, I would be shocked if he didn't). I am not really all that shocked by his behavior (I'm a Public Defender, so I see ridiculous things like this on a daily basis)--however, I can't help but be horrified that this happened on a Disney bus. I go to Disney to escape life and stupid things like this, and to forget my troubles and stresses...I go there to forget about my job--not pick up more clients! :lol:


Well-Known Member
I work for bus operations and the entire incident was caught on the security cameras.Every load zone has a high def camera that sees the bus and load zone. We can actually zoom in with the cameras and read the drivers name and his hometown on his name tag on their uniform. Also in the video one of the gentleman on the bus,{I wont identify him} was one of our plain clothes security officers and was in the load zone at the time and witnessed the attack. Security was called along with the OCSO,and yes it took them a few minutes to get to him. This was because the bus was in load zone C7 which is in the charter bus lot and away from the regular Resort load zones near the entrance to Hollywood Studios. If you watch the video closely you will see flashing red and blue lights illuminating the side off the bus.When the wife saw them pull up the wife took off,and tried to hide in the crowd,and left her child with the husband. Other guests identified her to security. They were then removed from the bus and load zone and taken backstage. The gentleman was then arrested and handcuffed for assault on the driver. He is also facing charges for Terrorist threat due to the assault happening on the bus, and public endangerment. They were also ejected from the resort they were staying at,and trespassed from Walt Disney World property.They will not be returning to the Happiest Place on Earth ever again. Also everyone will be happy to hear the driver was not reprimanded for the incident,and continued with his job that evening. I actually saw and talked to him last night and he is doing fine.
Also forgot to add copy of the security tape was provided to the OCSO,they are in turn forwarding it to the state attorney for possible further charges of Felony child neglect and endangerment.

I hope this report was correct. If so, it makes me very happy.


Well-Known Member
I hope this report was correct. If so, it makes me very happy.

Agreed! This guy should be charged with assault at the least. Hopefully, his WDW vacation was terminated. This kind of behavior is just not acceptable no matter what nationality you are.

If I were there, or close by, I think I would have had a hard time not intervening. This guy was over the top!


Well-Known Member
Good to know there are security cameras there to protect the drivers (and the general public). I never actually gave that any thought. I guess they are probably all over the parks (along with plain clothed security).


Active Member
They'll sue Disney.
Driver will be fired.

I know this isn't the point, but guaranteed this started because there was standing room only on the buses. Disney needs more buses at certain times to handle it's guests.

If there is room to stand on the bus then Disney can handle the guests. Its the guests decision to board a bus if there is standing room only.. If they choose not to stand they can wait for another bus


New Member
Oh yeah, there are cameras that we don't see all over the place! And plain clothes security are everywhere too...sometimes they rat themselves out though when you see the earpiece--or see them walking into a backstage area. :lookaroun


Well-Known Member
Thank you so much, GoofnTink, for the update! I'm so glad this was handled well. The fellow you see interviening in the video...think he had a white striped shirt...I sorta wondered was this guy plain-clothes or part of the nut-job's entourage...seemed more like part of the entourage....which then led me to wonder if there was a plain-clothes nearby.

Good info! Thanks bunches!

And pass my thanks on to all the bus drivers. We make it a habit to make eye-contact and say "Good night" or "Thank you" or something. I can't imagine all the disgruntled guests the poor CMs have to encounter any given day.

Mad Stitch

Well-Known Member
I work for bus operations and the entire incident was caught on the security cameras.Every load zone has a high def camera that sees the bus and load zone. We can actually zoom in with the cameras and read the drivers name and his hometown on his name tag on their uniform. Also in the video one of the gentleman on the bus,{I wont identify him} was one of our plain clothes security officers and was in the load zone at the time and witnessed the attack. Security was called along with the OCSO,and yes it took them a few minutes to get to him. This was because the bus was in load zone C7 which is in the charter bus lot and away from the regular Resort load zones near the entrance to Hollywood Studios. If you watch the video closely you will see flashing red and blue lights illuminating the side off the bus.When the wife saw them pull up the wife took off,and tried to hide in the crowd,and left her child with the husband. Other guests identified her to security. They were then removed from the bus and load zone and taken backstage. The gentleman was then arrested and handcuffed for assault on the driver. He is also facing charges for Terrorist threat due to the assault happening on the bus, and public endangerment. They were also ejected from the resort they were staying at,and trespassed from Walt Disney World property.They will not be returning to the Happiest Place on Earth ever again. Also everyone will be happy to hear the driver was not reprimanded for the incident,and continued with his job that evening. I actually saw and talked to him last night and he is doing fine.
Also forgot to add copy of the security tape was provided to the OCSO,they are in turn forwarding it to the state attorney for possible further charges of Felony child neglect and endangerment.

Charging him with assault, public endangerment, and ejecting him from the resort I can understand. A terrorist threat though? That's a bit ridiculous.


I wish there was a way that Walt Disney World guests could go through a training session of sorts where they are introduced to common crowd issues, the procedures Disney puts in place to help control them and make sure people are safe, and how to be patient or completely avoid any issues to insure a great vacation.

So many folks think rules don't apply to them or they have a certain exception to would allow them to do what they want to do. This goes for the folks cutting in line at the bus stop. It goes for the people who stand where they aren't supposed during a parade. It goes for the people who take flash pictures in the attractions.

People are visiting the most popular vacation destination in the world with so many different people from different walks of life. Yet, I wish there is some way to make people understand that that a bus can only hold so many people and another one will be there soon. No worries. Or that you can't show up to the first showing of Fantasmic 10 mins before it starts and expect to get in let alone a seat. There may be a second show. No worries. Or that you just can't stop in the middle of a row in a theater that is expected to be full. Your experience will still be great. No worries.

Walking in a theme park all day with young children, playing loads of money on admission, food, and souvenirs will drain everyone's energy and patience, but in order for EVERYONE to have a good time with less stress, EVERYONE needs to cooperate, otherwise, situations like these occur and people's vacations are ruined.

You hit it right on the head. It amazes us in buses how guests can stand in line for a ride or attraction for an hour or more sometimes in the park but yet when it comes to waiting in line for a bus they go absolutely bonkers when they have to wait in line 20 minutes or less for one. Buses run about every 20 minutes during the day. At park exit a.k.a when the park closes we will have additional buses lined up in a queue area{ at DHS you will see them lined up in 2 rows on the other side of the fence behind load zones 1-3 along with 2 coordinators in a van doing what we call visual dispatch.} Audience control bus cast members located in the load zones along with the coordinators will ask for and then dispatch another bus into a load zone as buses are loaded Signal 72 [which stands for full bus of 72 people] and pull out. And yet that is still not fast enough for some guests. I will even give you one better. At MK we will actually double load some of the load zones at exit. One prime example is for Pop Century which is in load zone 18,and is one of our most popular and most booked resorts,it is not uncommon to constantly have 400-500 guests waiting for a bus at exit. We will double load meaning pulling in two buses side by side, and load guests. During peak park attendance times we will also use load zone 17 which is a vacant load zone, and double load it also for guests to POP. And guest will STILL complain that it is taking to long and we need more buses.

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