Disney Irish
Premium Member
Yes, you're in a cabin/elevator which moves in sync with the video. They're essentially simulators. Star Tours has much more freedom of motion but Tower/M:BO has the height advantage of course.
Well then anything with a screen is basically a simulator, right. That means Shanghai Pirates is a simulator. Holiday Mansion is a simulator because of the screen used to display Jack. And even Alice is now a simulator because it has screens to show the animations.

But in all seriousness, actually no a ride simulator is just that a simulator. It simulates physical motion using a hydraulics platform in sync with video on the screen in front of you. ToT/GotG is not a simulator whereas Star Tours is.
A drop tower is just that a drop tower with physical up and down motion.
The only similarities between the two is the screens if so installed in a drop tower like ToT/GotG. But that is where the similarities end. They are two different experiences and meant to be. You can't get the same free fall feeling from a simulator because the hydraulics limit the motion.