Why? Serious question.
A bit off topic. So I was on the building committee for my church, a two year project for a new 20,000 seat building. Yes, we presented the plans at the beginning of the project and tried really hard to keep our congregation involved but over the two year project so much crap occurred. Zoning issues, town hall, noisy seniors, township officials changes, endangered bird nesting etc etc just trying to keep up to date was extensive. After about a year we decided not to give out specifics, now I will say, with a church many of the folks we're volunteering so it is different that a major corporation but I will say it's sometimes impossible to please everyone and there is a lot of sense in not publishing your every change.
Lol I do know this is apples to oranges but having to broadcast every change that comes down the pipeline especially on a long term project, whew can get out of hand.
So for example with the Tron Rollercoaster I'm sure there have been a ton of changes since the original conception announcement, what purpose works announcing every change serve?