Well-Known Member
Communicore & Innoventions was, ‘not’ the entirety of the park, nor Future World. Keep in mind also, that Horizons was about how our ‘envisioning’ of the future had changed over time aswell as depending on the ecosystem. Just as Spaceship Earth shows the evolution of communication through various cultures’ contributions & time, as did World of Motion through how transportation changed over time. It wasn’t a “this will be tomorrow” piece. It’s showing the topics and things that are helping ‘shape’ our future. That’s the core thing people seem to miss/misinterpret.I answered some of that in the post you quoted. You don't have to buy into contemporary audiences enjoying it because they stayed away in droves. When Epcot was built with the mission to introduce new technology to the masses that job was taken over by the internet and frankly there was nothing that Disney could offer that they couldn't get for free in their homes.
I don't remember Eisner being all that into IP's unless you count the items that Disney themselves were creating which is the kind of thing that Walt built DL on. WoM is gone because GM wanted it changed and they were paying the bills. Imagination changed because Kodak wanted it changed. Horizons had lost the interest of the majority and Disney, not wanting to have another CoP on their hands took the opportunity to change it when HP made them an offer they didn't want to refuse. I believe that SSE is still there because the imagineers have been unable to imagine what could fit in the building. Pirates is in a different park with a different identity and cannot really be used as a comparative item.
Future World was ‘not’ the same as Tomorrowland. Future World was really.. Real World Topics that continue/always help ‘Shape’ Our World’s Better Future. It’s not a showcase of predictions of what the future in & itself will/would be…
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